Zzzen: Relaxamento e Sono Refrescante
Em um mundo onde o estresse e a ansiedade se tornaram companheiros constantes, encontrar um refúgio para a mente e o corpo é essencial. O Zzzen surge como uma solução inovadora, um suplemento natural que combina uma fórmula de liberação projetada de melatonina com uma mistura botânica poderosa, proporcionando um sono reparador e aliviando o estresse. Este produto é ideal para adultos que buscam não apenas adormecer rapidamente, mas também manter um sono profundo e contínuo, evitando a sonolência matinal.
O Zzzen contém melatonina, um hormônio que regula o ciclo do sono, permitindo que você adormeça com facilidade e permaneça em um estado de descanso profundo durante a noite. A fórmula é enriquecida com Sensoril Ashwagandha, um adaptógeno patenteado que ajuda o corpo a se adaptar ao estresse, reduzindo a fadiga e melhorando a qualidade do sono. A presença do GABA, um aminoácido que atua como neurotransmissor, regula a produção do hormônio do estresse, promovendo uma sensação de calma e facilitando um sono mais tranquilo.
Além disso, a L-theanine, encontrada no chá verde, induz uma atividade de ondas alfa no cérebro, criando um estado relaxado e alerta, ideal para preparar o corpo para um sono reparador. O magnésio, um mineral essencial, complementa a fórmula ao acalmar tanto o corpo quanto a mente, apoiando um humor saudável e aliviando a tensão. O Zzzen é vegano, não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (non-GMO) e é livre de alérgenos comuns, garantindo um produto seguro e ético.
DB –
I took 2 about an hour before I went to bed. It did help me relax and fall asleep but, I did wake a few times throughout the evening.
Easy to swallow. Didn’t have that drowsy feeling the next day.
No Way José –
It does what it says. My husband and I both noticed the effectiveness the first time we took it.
Wilderness Family –
This product did help me to stay asleep, but not as long as I was hoping. The taste is a cross between cinnamon and tree bark to me. I had no upset stomach, irritability or drowsiness the next day. Serving size is 2 capsules.
YogaKat 🧘♀️🙏 💕 –
I am reviewing two natural sleep aids. Both are quite different, yet both are very effective and reasonably priced. One thing I have found with sleep aids, it is really important to switch them up from week to week (or even from day to day). I use natural sleep aids every night and I usually like them with a low dose of melatonin.
The two brands I really like are this Natural Pulse ZZZen and the other one is PharmaNutrics SerotomixPlus. I will describe each one below and the reason why I like them.
This product, Natural Pulse ZZZen
It has some of key ingredients that I have found beneficial, plus it has a small 2.5 mg dose of melatonin. It also has magnesium and quite a good dose. I usually take a powder magnesium (Calm) every night, but sometimes I just want something easier, so it is nice this has 250mg of magnesium. The other ingredients that are must-haves for me are: L-Theanine and GABA _ both of which are included in this product. I also like the addition of Ashwagandha, Chamomile, Hops, and Lavender.
This product smells amazing too! I knew as soon as I opened the bottle that I made the right decision because it smells so good
This is a 3-day supply, but like I said I alternate this with other natural sleep aids. There are 60 capsules in the bottle and you need to take 2 before bedtime. What I like about that, is you can take a 1/2 dose of 1 capsule or take 3 capsules if you’re not getting the effects you want. What I am trying to say, is you can dial in the dose for your particular body type. If you need less, cut the dose in half, if you need more, add a one or even double the dose! Well, anyway, this is an excellent price for $20!
Alternating product, PharmaNutrics SerotomixPlus
This has been my go-to for several months, but I do have to add melatonin since it doesn’t have it. This has very unique, effective ingredients that balance out well with Natural Plus ZZZen. You could even take both at the same time to get really good results.
Vitamin D, Thiamin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Inositol, N-acetyl L-tyrosine, Green Tea Extract, GABA, Saffron extract, L-Phenylalanine.
Smells fresh!
Price: Even thought this is twice the price of the ZZZen, you get twice as much, so the pricing is almost identical. The price on this is $43, but you get 60 doses. So, don’t worry about the price. I had a bit of sticker shock with this brand, but when you think about it logically and look at the numbers, it is just as good of pricing, the bottle just lasts longer with twice the amount of the ZZZen brand.
Both these products are great! If you can’t afford both, try this Natural Pulse Zzzen and see if it works for your body type. The way I have found what I like is try a lot of different brands with different ingredients. Our bodies can react differently and what might work for one person, might not work for someone else, so don’t be afraid to experiment.
One other thing is this product is made in the USA which is really important to me. Definitely a 5-star product!
Mamiña –
This supplement is amazing! I am finally sleeping better and I am more relaxed and less stressed. I recommend this product
YogaKat 🧘♀️🙏 💕 –
I like natural ingredients to help me get a good night’s sleep, and appreciate this blend. It includes magnesium, L-theanine, chamomile, hops, lavender, ashwagandha, GABA and just a little melatonin.
You get 60 Zzzen caps for just under $18, or 30-cents each.
🥰 well I was surprised how good 👍 it worked ❣️ this one is going on my reorder list 😊✔️