Descrição do Produto: Liquid Zinc Assay, 8 fl oz (47 Porções)
O Liquid Zinc Assay é um suplemento inovador que oferece uma forma altamente absorvível de zinco, ideal para a análise rápida do status de zinco no organismo. Com 8 fl oz e 47 porções, este produto é uma solução prática e eficaz para aqueles que buscam otimizar sua saúde e bem-estar. O zinco é um mineral essencial que desempenha um papel crucial em diversas funções biológicas, incluindo a função imunológica, a síntese de proteínas e a cicatrização de feridas. A forma líquida do zinco permite uma absorção superior, garantindo que o corpo utilize este nutriente de maneira eficiente.
Acreditamos no “Efeito de Qualidade Premier”, onde nutrientes de alta qualidade, cultivados de forma excepcional e livres de substâncias indesejadas, quando combinados, proporcionam um efeito muito maior do que a soma de seus benefícios individuais. Nossos produtos são resultado de uma busca incessante pelos melhores fitonutrientes do mundo, com propriedades energéticas superiores. Além disso, garantimos que nossos produtos não contenham aditivos artificiais, como corantes, conservantes ou agentes questionáveis como estearato de magnésio e talco, que são frequentemente utilizados como enchimentos e podem ser prejudiciais à saúde.
A PRL exige que todos os ingredientes, tanto crus quanto acabados, passem por rigorosos testes laboratoriais. Esses testes incluem análises bioenergéticas, espectroscopia de cristal de alta performance (HPCS), cromatografia líquida de alta performance (HPLC), absorção atômica (AA), análises microbiológicas e testes de DNA, assegurando a pureza e eficácia do produto.
– Alta Absorção: A forma líquida do zinco garante uma absorção rápida e eficaz, ideal para quem precisa de resultados imediatos.
– Análise Rápida do Status de Zinco: Permite que os profissionais de saúde avaliem rapidamente os níveis de zinco no organismo, facilitando intervenções precisas.
– Sem Aditivos Nocivos: Produto livre de corantes, conservantes e enchimentos prejudiciais, promovendo uma saúde mais segura.
– Qualidade Premier: Nutrientes de alta qualidade que potencializam os benefícios individuais, promovendo um efeito sinérgico.
– Testes Rigorosos: Garantia de pureza e eficácia através de testes laboratoriais abrangentes, assegurando a confiança no produto.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 colher de sopa (15 ml) do Liquid Zinc Assay diariamente, preferencialmente em jejum ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. O produto pode ser consumido puro ou diluído em água ou suco. É importante agitar bem antes de usar para garantir a homogeneidade da solução. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
Happy Immortality:) –
This zinc assay test is many times very reliable i believe, because when i did the test, i did not feel an unpleasant taste at all, meaning using the 4 scoring system, i was midly deficient, since the taste was not like water itself but it had a little sweet taste. When you are zinc saturated, the taste is very unpleasant, when zinc sufficient or very slightly deficient the taste is unpleasant, when zinc mild deficient the taste is neutral almost or some taste that is not tasteless but not unpleasant or sweet, when very zinc deficient the taste is tasteless water. The blood test came closer to the lower limit of the blood reference range, which in many science papers means slight deficiency quite often with dramatic results happening by bumping zinc in serum a bit for some people. This to me means that this test is quite good. If you google it, many papers show the serum zinc correlates well with this taste test. In pregnancy, the taste changes when mom gets low on zinc and that’s when you need to bump zinc up to ensure the best brain development. People low on zinc can even die in their 20s, zinc is very important to 3000 transcription factors and 300 enzymes, DNA repair, and synthesis, etc.
Inexpert advice –
I have a zinc deficiency confirmed by a blood test and this zinc had no taste. However, after two weeks of supplementing with 30mg zinc, it still tastes like water but with a slightly metallic aftertaste. I hope my family members will try it! I have a thyroid disorder that doesn’t respond to meds and a zinc deficiency may be the reason.
raduncan26 –
I have been taking this for about five days now, I know that’s not very long but I’ve already seen an improvement. I’ve Had very dry brittle hair, nails, and super dry skin, eyes, and bad acne for a while now and I’m 27 so it seemed abnormal. I’ve tried a lot of different natural remedies and also been to The dermatologist and to no avail I still had the symptoms. I always chalked the super dry skin up to living in a dry climate, then I did some research on zinc deficiency and it explained a lot of my symptoms the ones above and others. Within just five days my eyes are super white, my skin is so much less dry.. I would say 70 percent better, I haven’t had any new acne (yet) and the ones I have seen to be healing quicker. My nails and cuticles seem stronger and less dry as well. When I put this zinc in my mouth the first time it did taste like water, showing that I was in need of it. After a few days of taking it, it started to have a taste as my levels go up. I take just a tiny bit a day, and it has worked wonders. Will continue to take it. Will continue to order. Give it a whirl and do some research on zinc deficiency you would be surprised at the symptoms and how many people are deficient.
Update: I ordered a bottle from a new seller and the bottle literally had a hole in it…..and I lost most of the product. I’m so mad. Beware of who you buy it from. The product still works but I’m upset how much I lost…
SV –
I’m rating the actual product rather than the seller. The seller did a great job getting it to me no complaints. Now, this was a good test in the sense I was able to determine where I stood on the deficiency/adequacy scale. Now it’s claims as a supplement I am really skeptical. My test result put me somewhere around maybe moderately deficient n have been supplementing with the regular 1 tsp. So far it tastes the same since when I first tried it n I am yet to taste the instant bitter taste (indicating no deficiency). I’ll keep at it till the bottle is empty but I’m almost half way through it (doesn’t last long at all) already n yet to see results. I will update with my results once I’m done with the bottle.
UPDATE/EDIT: Within just a week of my review I think I might have finally reached adequate zinc levels (took me a while so if it tastes like water when you try it buy another bottle. chances are you need 2 to get your levels to adequate). I tasted the bitter taste and felt sick like wanted to throw up and couldn’t taste anything sweet for another 20 minutes or so. Pheew what a relief! But now I am almost done with the bottle. Checking at prices I got it a little under $17 and now the price is around $27 wow what a jump. I might have to look at other websites to get this again.
Madame de Cacahuète –
Zinc is shown to make Botox last longer, since each unit of Botox utilizes a molecule of zinc. And due to absorption/digestive issues, I tend to be deficient in everything. When I learned about taste testing, I immediately ordered this product.
MAKE SURE YOU DON’T TAKE THIS ON AN EMPTY STOMACH! Unless you want to be seriously nauseated, which I learned the hard way. This applies to any zinc supplement. I would also recommend keeping something on hand to take the taste out of your mouth if you aren’t deficient. A grape usually works for me, or sometimes an orange slice.
My first dose unsurprisingly tasted like water. But within a few hours I FELT the zinc working—-like an aphrodisiac! Now that’s a great bonus!
I used this as my supplement and tested again within two weeks and began to get the nasty taste. It works, and works fast!
My botox now lasts 4 months as opposed to only lasting 2 months before. You can’t lose with this product—it makes you look and feel great.
Bleem411 –
Well, I tried this a while back and it immediately tasted terrible so I put it in my don’t need this now supplement bin and moved on. Today I came across a video by Dr. Northrup talking about how the Medical Medium said that taking Vit C with Zinc keeps you from getting colds. I’ve read two of his books and somehow missed that. Anyway, I’ve been sick for a week and I had a horrible migraine so what did I have to loose? I took a teaspoon of the Zinc Assay with 5-1200mg Liposomal Vit C and within 5 minutesI felt the grip on my skull let go and within an hour my headache was completely gone. Mind you, I taste the awfulness but for some reason I needed that. Not so sure about the test but so thankful for the product. These may be my staple/go tos for colds and my gastritis. I just can’t believe how fast that migraine just vanished. I’ve suffered from them for 20 years.