Descrição do Produto: Zinc 50mg – Suporte Imunológico
O Zinc 50mg é um suplemento nutricional essencial que desempenha um papel crucial em diversas funções do organismo. Este mineral é amplamente reconhecido por seu papel no suporte ao sistema imunológico, promovendo uma resposta imunológica saudável e eficaz. A presença do zinco no corpo é fundamental para a produção e ativação de células imunológicas, ajudando a proteger o organismo contra infecções e doenças.
Além de seu papel no fortalecimento do sistema imunológico, o zinco também possui propriedades antioxidantes. Ele atua neutralizando radicais livres, que são moléculas instáveis que podem causar estresse oxidativo e danos celulares. Ao reduzir o estresse oxidativo, o zinco contribui para a manutenção da saúde celular e do bem-estar geral.
A fórmula do Zinc 50mg é livre de glúten, tornando-o uma escolha ideal para aqueles que possuem intolerância ao glúten. Além disso, as cápsulas são feitas com ingredientes não geneticamente modificados (non-GMO), garantindo que você esteja consumindo um produto de alta qualidade e pureza.
- Suporte Imunológico: O zinco ajuda a apoiar a função imunológica e promove um sistema imunológico saudável.
- Proteção Antioxidante: O zinco possui propriedades antioxidantes que ajudam a neutralizar radicais livres e reduzir o estresse oxidativo.
- Suplemento Nutricional: O zinco é um mineral essencial que desempenha um papel vital em muitas funções corporais.
- Fórmula Sem Glúten: As cápsulas de zinco são livres de glúten e formuladas para aqueles com intolerância ao glúten.
- Ingredientes Não-OGM: As cápsulas de zinco contêm ingredientes não-OGM e são isentas de organismos geneticamente modificados.
1. Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: O zinco é fundamental para a produção de células imunológicas, ajudando a prevenir resfriados e infecções.
2. Ação Antioxidante: Protege as células do corpo contra danos causados por radicais livres, promovendo uma saúde celular ideal.
3. Melhora na Saúde da Pele: O zinco é conhecido por suas propriedades que ajudam na cicatrização de feridas e na manutenção de uma pele saudável.
4. Apoio à Saúde Mental: Estudos sugerem que o zinco pode ter um papel na regulação do humor e na redução da ansiedade.
5. Fácil Integração na Dieta: A fórmula livre de glúten e não-OGM torna o Zinc 50mg uma opção acessível e segura para todos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula de Zinc 50mg diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso não apenas facilita a absorção do mineral, mas também minimiza qualquer desconforto gastrointestinal que possa ocorrer ao tomar suplementos em jejum. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Ken –
I’d have to say that Zinc is the most underrated and overall most important supplement that a majority of people aren’t getting enough from in their daily lives. I mean honestly there are so many symptoms that are traced back to deficient amounts of zinc such as hair loss, loss of appetite, eye problems, infections just to state a few. Even not enough zinc can lead to extended cold symptoms.
I’ve been taking zinc for the last 15 years ..there are instances where you actually can’t get enough vitamins and minerals from the foods that you eat and need to boost your intake of certain essential vitamins and minerals and this is one of them. I’ve used these and they’re excellent.
Optimus Prime –
I got this zinc to use for when I start to feel like I am coming down with a cold or flu, to ward it off. I was actually able to test this 2 days ago. I woke up at 4am with a sore throat, which for me, is often the start of a cold. So, I took 1 zinc pill with water and went back to bed. When I got up for work in the morning, I took another pill with water. By the afternoon, I did not notice any sore throat any more. I am still feeling fine today, with no sore throat or sniffles. So, I believe this zinc does help.
These are very easy to take, just wash them down with water. In the past, I have had chewable zinc, but those always tasted bad and dried out my mouth after chewing them. With these, I notice no taste, and no dryness of my mouth, either. It is made in the USA. These seem to do the trick (at least for me) to ward off colds, so I am going to keep them around.
Ida Mae Klinger –
Great price
AM –
Easy to swallow and flavor is fine.
Optimus Prime –
We’ve taken zinc in a number of strengths and formats over the years. This is definitely not a bad option. The size of the pills is manageable, there’s no after-flavor that I’ve dealt with (and I can be pretty sensitive).
We’ve each dealt with some onset of sickness throughout the last month – it seems everyone around us is sick at any given point right now, and we’ve all managed to have only the slightest symptoms. I’m going to credit these because my husband is prone to sinus infections and my son typically turns bronchial, that hasn’t happened and we all recovered far faster than those around us.
To be honest, I usually prefer something that has zinc in combination with elderberry, or vitamin c. I guess I’ll have to get over that because we seem to be doing well with this alone.
Gonzo –
Good price, first of all. The size is easily manageable and only one pill is required for the daily dose. Made in the USA which I am usually concerned about with supplements. Just one complaint and that is that the cap was extremely difficult to get off first time around. And I’m a relatively young guy with limber hands who my mother would also call as a child to help her get the childproof caps off stuff. It’s the basic old press down and twist, but for some reason it took me forever to get it off. Just the first time. Once I took off the inside seal foil, it’s been fine. Maybe this one was just a fluke. Anyway, not a big deal. Would recommend.
Sam –
My dermatologist strongly recommended that I take zinc daily for my immune system. I’d had skin cancer and boosting my immunity is quite important to head off possible recurrence. As we get older, our immune system doesn’t protect us as well so even without the skin cancer, I would be taking them.
It is a white capsule that’s easily swallowed. You only need to take one a day so this bottle will last me for over three months.
This provides 65% of the daily requirement and I also get some zinc in my multivitamin.
Crystal R –
This is the most child-proof pill container I’ve opened in a while, requiring significant effort to push and turn the lid.
Each tablet is 5x the amount of Zinc as in my regular Calcium/Zinc/Magnesium pills. This allowed me to use up an old bottle of straight Calcium (and a bottle of Magnesium), substituting in these pills for their heavier dose of Zinc. Zinc formulations are generally good for a restful night’s sleep, so more Zinc will hopefully equate to more sleep.
The pills are slender and slippery, and go down quite easy.
As with most supplements, it’s a long game as far as whether or not they’re effective, and difficult to isolate the effect of one supplement from another. I have no reason at this point to question these pills.