Descrição do Produto: Zhi Bai Di Huang Pian – YinVive Cool – 200 mg 200 Tablets
O Zhi Bai Di Huang Pian, também conhecido como YinVive Cool, é uma fórmula herbal chinesa renomada, amplamente utilizada na Medicina Tradicional Chinesa (MTC) para purgar o Fogo do corpo enquanto nutre o Yin. Esta combinação única de ervas é especialmente formulada para tratar a hiperatividade do fogo causada pela deficiência de Yin, que se manifesta em sintomas como ondas de calor, suores noturnos, boca seca, dor de garganta, emissão seminal e urina escassa e escura.
Com uma concentração verdadeira de 5:1, o YinVive Cool representa uma das formas mais potentes de Zhi Bai Di Huang Pian disponíveis no mercado. Cada comprimido equivale a 1 grama de erva bruta, garantindo que você receba a eficácia máxima em cada dose. A fórmula é ideal para aqueles que buscam um equilíbrio interno, promovendo a saúde e o bem-estar geral ao restaurar a harmonia entre o Yin e o Yang no corpo.
– Equilíbrio do Yin e Yang: Ajuda a restaurar o equilíbrio interno, essencial para a saúde geral.
– Alívio de Sintomas de Calor: Eficaz no tratamento de ondas de calor e suores noturnos, proporcionando conforto.
– Hidratação da Mucosa: Combate a boca seca e a dor de garganta, promovendo a hidratação das mucosas.
– Saúde Urinária: Melhora a saúde urinária, aliviando a urina escassa e escura.
– Fórmula Potente: Com uma concentração de 5:1, oferece uma dosagem eficaz em cada comprimido, maximizando os benefícios.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 comprimidos de Zhi Bai Di Huang Pian – YinVive Cool, duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente antes das refeições. É importante acompanhar a ingestão com um copo de água para facilitar a absorção dos princípios ativos. Para melhores resultados, consulte um profissional de saúde qualificado para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais.
Wesley E. Jones –
These work very well for lessening the amount and severity of hot flashes. I take 5 tablets twice a day. As the first dose wears off, I start to get too warm and know its time to take more. Less expensive that the one I previous used.
Allen –
Katayoun A. Marciano –
I love this product! I had terrible hot flashes, and couldn’t tolerate Hormone replacement. When I found this, it was a miracle! Worked great! The best part was it was so easy to order from Amazon!
Kelly Ray –
I was introduced to this product about 12 years ago when I was first diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Going through treatment sparked other types of hormone imbalances and this herb was suggested to my by my acupuncturist for HOT FLASHES. I have to tell you it worked! I did take it for a few years on a regular bases due to getting my body back on track after treatment. However, now that I’m older my body can’t figure out what to do hormonaly – I’m to young for menopause but my body has had experience of both pre-menopausal symptoms due to the several chemo treatments and 2 breast cancer diagnoses I have had over the course of 12 years. So I attempted to try other medications but ALL I was getting was the side effects of migraines and “hotter” flashes during the night – which wasn’t helping for sleep or energy the next day. Upon clearing out my vitamin cabinet I came across an old bottle of this herb and decided to give it another try (for I had forgotten about it). And sure enough I’m back to sleeping through the night – hot flashes have decreased to nothing and I now know that this is going to be my life long herb! I would highly recommend this herb to try for at least 1-2 months – by taking 6 tablets 2x/day and see if you notice any results. IF not then contact your local acupuncturist and inquire – it’s worth a try.
J. Christensen –
I have been taking this supplement for two days and it already works! I was thinking it would take some time. I have been having bad hot flashes for the last three months. Where I wake up multiple times a night. Last night slept All the way through
Yuka –
I was having hot flashes issue because of menopause.
After 1 week since I started taking this (5 tablets x 2-3 times per day)
I realized number of hot flashes are way less than before.
I would like to continue this!
curious –
It is as described.
Sarah –
I am still inflamed. I still feels pain when I pee.