SUPORTE SUA MENTE, CORPO E ESPÍRITO: O Zeolite Cleanse da HolyLand, da Healthy by Nature, tem um efeito de limpeza suave e sua capacidade de aumentar a absorção de nutrientes auxilia na experiência de maior clareza mental, energia e uma sensação aprimorada de bem-estar.*
ZEOLITE CLINOPTILOLITA SUPER CARREGADA: O Zeolite da HolyLand é pré-carregado com minerais traços iônicos, como cálcio, potássio e magnésio, que aumentam sua capacidade de atrair e remover toxinas, além de fornecer ao corpo os nutrientes necessários.
DETOX NATURAL DE CORPO INTEIRO: Inclui tamanhos de partículas micronizadas pequenas e médias, permitindo que ele trabalhe suavemente e efetivamente tanto no nível celular, nos órgãos como o fígado, quanto no cólon para limpar e livrar o corpo de toxinas acumuladas sem privar o corpo de nutrientes essenciais.*
PURO, DE UMA FONTE SAGRADA: Contém zeolite clinoptilolita de qualidade alimentar pura e premium, extraída de forma responsável de um solo sagrado no Oriente Médio, acreditado ter sido o Jardim do Éden, e purificado e testado por terceiros nos EUA.*
UMA ALTERNATIVA SUAVE: A estrutura molecular única da zeolite permite que ela limpe suavemente o corpo sem os efeitos colaterais frequentemente experimentados com limpezas mais rigorosas.*
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Aumenta a clareza mental e a energia
- Promove uma sensação de bem-estar aprimorada
- Limpa suavemente o corpo de toxinas acumuladas
- Fornece nutrientes essenciais ao corpo
- Extraído de uma fonte sagrada e testado por terceiros
– Sugestão de Uso:
Recomenda-se tomar 1 colher de chá (3g) de Zeolite Cleanse da HolyLand diariamente. Misture com água ou suco e beba imediatamente. Para melhores resultados, consuma com o estômago vazio ou entre as refeições. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de usar, especialmente se estiver grávida, amamentando ou tiver alguma condição médica.
smileslopez –
Taste/texture is fine. Mixes ok in water. It may do what it says but no matter how much water I drink, it is severely constipating, and I am not someone who suffers from constipation.
Brent Young –
Great product
Shari M. –
i mix a water bottle in a big cup with a scoop and i honestly love it tastes well like dirt but as a kid i used to eat dirt so it kinda bring me back 10/10 for the taste im not sure if i feel a difference tho but im sure its working!
Djamila –
This is the BEST detox product I’ve ever used & I’ve used several. It’s only been two weeks & I’m feeling a positive change with more energy & mental clarity. I LOVE this product!!
I’m on the 90 plan to detox from heavy metals (lead, uranium) that has penetrated into the deep tissue. If unresolved then it’s only a matter of; when will I be diagnosed with cancer? Many are exposed to heavy metals and it’s never properly diagnosed. This is a very cost effective method as a preventative measure and worth the investment in my health and wellbeing.
Deisy –
Energia, devidamente selada e muito eficaz
Mature Beauty –
This product works fast. I like that it is tasteless; although you must shake it up well or it sits to the bottom of your drink. I definitely recommend this product.
Shari M. –
painstakingly the few zeolite places here in usa n slovak are selling to these rebranders n maybe do a little altering but i think it is like 1 american coglomerite mining corp and like 1 slovak and both just skew the descriptions of the nanometers micrometers SIZERS that the zeolites are to fulfill some ficticious bubble that then they can say they cross the blood brain barrier with then some HUGE ATTACHED HEAVY METAL let’s say and then the NANO SIZED ZEOLITE will be able to GRAPPLE and DRAG THE NOW MICROMETER SIZED GIGANTIC HEAVY METAL out and across the blood brain barrier so just YOU know this they say FLUFF but all EDTA all ZEOLITE all Chlorella all MAG MALATE all vit C is great do all of em
Djamila –
Some of my acquaintances recommended this detox product to me, so I decided to give it a try.
This powder is consumed in the form of a drink: it has a light texture and mixes very easily. It has no taste or smell, and the consistency of the smoothie hardly changes. Overall, it’s easy and pleasant to drink. Of course, I wish it came in tablet form, as that would be simpler than mixing the powder each time, but apparently, the manufacturer has its reasons for not changing the form factor.
In terms of feelings: after regular consumption, I notice a sense of overall cleanliness, lightness in my body, and a boost in energy. I’m not 100% sure how it works, but it seems to me that this product is effective.
I won’t say whether it should be taken every day, but at least it’s worth trying.