Descrição do Produto: Zeolite 240 Cápsulas | Detox | Clinoptilolite 95% | 3X Activated | Natural Mineral Dust Menor que 2 µm | Heiltropfen®
O Zeolite Heiltropfen® é um suplemento natural em cápsulas, formulado com clinoptilolite de alta pureza (95%) e ativado três vezes, garantindo uma eficácia superior na desintoxicação do organismo. Cada cápsula contém uma forma de poeira mineral natural com partículas menores que 2 micrômetros, permitindo uma absorção otimizada e uma ação mais eficaz no corpo. Este mineral é conhecido por suas propriedades de troca iônica, que ajudam a eliminar toxinas, metais pesados e impurezas, promovendo um ambiente interno mais saudável. Ideal para quem busca uma solução natural para desintoxicação, o Zeolite é uma escolha prática e segura para melhorar a saúde geral e o bem-estar.
1. Desintoxicação Eficaz: Remove toxinas e metais pesados do organismo, promovendo uma limpeza interna profunda.
2. Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: Fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
3. Melhora da Digestão: Contribui para um sistema digestivo saudável, aliviando desconfortos e promovendo a absorção de nutrientes.
4. Aumento de Energia: Ao eliminar impurezas, proporciona uma sensação de leveza e mais disposição no dia a dia.
5. Uso Prático: Disponível em cápsulas, facilita a inclusão na rotina diária, sem necessidade de preparos complexos.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas de Zeolite Heiltropfen® ao dia, preferencialmente antes das refeições, acompanhadas de um copo de água. Para melhores resultados, é aconselhável manter uma hidratação adequada ao longo do dia e evitar o consumo excessivo de alimentos processados. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou sob tratamento médico.
Majo Luna –
Lo mejor de lo mejor cómprenla y desintoxiquen su cuerpo de metales pesados
Misty –
Works great helped a lot
Shonna Clark –
I had never heard of zeolite before but saw someone advertising it, not this brand, but a liquid brand. So I started looking stuff up, watching Youtube videos, etc. to figure out if this was worth the money and actually worked. Zeolites are supposed to help you detox and protect you from the negative side effects of detoxing as those harmful substances can be released back into your blood and harm you worse. I had been feeling really lazy lately and not wanting to workout. I feel like a fog was over me and I do not do drugs or drink liquor so I was worried about that. I got the product in on Friday 03/18 and took my first dose. Some videos I watched said that more is better so I decided to double up and take 4 in the morning and 4 at night. Today is Tuesday 03/22 and I already feel amazing! The fog has lifted and I woke up this morning ready to hit the pavement running. I will be reordering this brand and I plan to do a detox every few months. I’ll take the entire bottle which will last me one month and then I will order more in a month or two but will feel it out and see how I feel after not taking for awhile. This doesn’t seem to interact or cause problems with any of the supplements I already take but I did quit taking everything so I can truly know the way I feel with just this product.
Raven –
Bought this on a friends recommendation, one of the best detox products I’ve bought.
Placeholder –
Good product
Shelly Jones –
Giving it a try. I like how it’s a natural product.
S. Peterson –
I was in a wreck in August of 2020 and had a lot of titanium installed in me. When I started to feel a little better from all the broken parts I told every doctor that I seen something isn’t right. I finally talked my Primary Care doctor to send me for an allergy test. Sure enough allergic to titanium. Doctors either don’t want to believe that titanium can hurt a person or they are afraid of being sued for putting all they did into me. going on the 2 year mark since the wreck and I was getting so bad that I could no longer eat. I had to drink alcohol to not feel completely horrible. I told my doctor that it was building up in my system. He still doesn’t believe me! Took 4 caps yesterday when they arrived and started to get a little hungry. Today is day 2 and I feel better than I have in 2 years. Amazing! And yes doctors can be idiots.
Carlos –
Buen precio era lo que buscaba para eliminar metales pesados