Descrição do Produto: Zenwise Health NO Bloat Probiotics
Descubra o poder dos probióticos com Zenwise Health NO Bloat Probiotics, uma fórmula inovadora projetada para promover a saúde digestiva em homens e mulheres. Com uma combinação única de enzimas digestivas, probióticos clinicamente comprovados e botânicos orgânicos, este suplemento é a solução ideal para quem busca alívio rápido de indigestão, inchaço e gases.
- Banish Indigestion: Alívio rápido com enzimas digestivas, probióticos clinicamente comprovados e botânicos orgânicos que oferecem suporte para inchaço e gases.
- Gut Love Starts with Enzymes: A mistura de múltiplas enzimas ajuda a quebrar alimentos e álcool de difícil digestão, aliviando a retenção de água, inchaço, gases e problemas digestivos.
- Clinically Proven Probiotic: Garantido para sobreviver à passagem pelo intestino delgado, onde ajuda a manter o equilíbrio digestivo.
- Organic Digestive Botanical Blend: Inclui ervas e vegetais como Cúrcuma, Gengibre, Extrato de Dente-de-leão, Pó de Semente de Funcho e Extrato de Canela para um trato gastrointestinal feliz e saudável.
- 60 Count: Sugerimos tomar 2 cápsulas após cada refeição ou bebida para alívio de inchaço e gases.
1. Alívio Rápido: Proporciona alívio imediato de indigestão, inchaço e gases, permitindo que você se sinta confortável após as refeições.
2. Saúde Digestiva: Promove um equilíbrio saudável da flora intestinal, essencial para uma digestão eficiente e bem-estar geral.
3. Mistura de Enzimas: A combinação de enzimas digestivas ajuda a processar alimentos difíceis, reduzindo a sensação de peso e desconforto.
4. Ingredientes Naturais: Com uma fórmula à base de plantas, é uma opção vegana que respeita o seu estilo de vida e saúde.
5. Fácil de Usar: Com apenas duas cápsulas após as refeições, é uma solução prática para o dia a dia.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas de Zenwise Health NO Bloat Probiotics após cada refeição ou bebida. Este regime ajuda a maximizar a eficácia das enzimas digestivas e probióticos, promovendo um alívio eficaz de inchaço e gases. Mantenha o produto em um local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
karla hose –
This product is strong. Not for the weak. I believe I got a colonic in a capsule form. I would suggest taking one capsule to start and work your way up to two a day.
Logan Phillips –
Bought this hoping it would help me. I have IBS and PCOS so I love my life with stomach issues and constant bloating. After taking this, my bloating actually got WORSE and it’s so bad that my stomach is rock hard and hurts to touch because it’s so swollen. This may be more of a product for people with no existing stomach issues and more for people bloated after meals because this has only made my stomach issues so much worse. I’ve even been cramping bad every time I take it and with all of my stomach digestive issues I usually don’t cramp too much, but with this UGH the cramps are horrible and long lasting. I gave it a chance for a few weeks and it was just the worst. THERE’S A REASON THIS SUPPLEMENT IS SO CHEAP!!! So if you’re someone who suffers with ANY digestive issues or PCOS or anything like that… DO NOT TAKE THIS!!! 😪
Kim C. –
It seems to work, I like to take it before I go out with friends.
Muhammad T –
I’ve been using this and it’s had a very noticeable positive change in my digestion. I feel less gassy and less bloated. With a 48 count I would say it’s definitely worth the price, especially as it is helping me. The capsule is easy to take and doesn’t leave a bad aftertaste which is great.
The mixture of the ingredients i feel are really helping me and allowing me to eat whatever I want without having to worry.
Health is wealth!
H. Laudeman –
They were easy enough to take, no aftertaste. But….after one day of taking these, I am glad there was a toilet close by! I’ll update my review in a week or so to see if my system had adjusted appropriately, but as of right now, these are acting giving my gut a thorough clean out..
Amelia –
This product is awesome! I’m so tired of being bloated all the time and this has been so helpful with my stomach gas. The bottle is small so it’s easy to carry in any bag, and convenient for on-the-go!
AmazonCustomer –
Let me preface this by saying, everyone’s body is different. Some supplements work better for some than others. In my case, ever since I was young I’ve had mild gas issues. This prevented me from doing a lot of things like hanging with friends, going to the library and even academic testing. Gas issues and quiet places do not mix. I’ve always had to watch what I eat and time what I eat so I don’t embarrass myself with “bubble guts” and bloating. I just recently decided to finally tackle this issue. I tried Beano several times, but that just did not work for me. Then I pulled the plug on these Zenwise “No Bloat” capsules and wow. All these gas issues I’ve had are just gone! I take two before every meal where I don’t want gas activity like if I’m going to hang or study with friends. I can literally eat a full meal, and sit in a quiet place with other people and feel at ease, without worrying about slipping a fart or excusing myself every 30 minutes to go to the bathroom. I get the occasional burp here or there (which is fine) but no “bubble guts” or flatulence at all. This is seriously a game changer and life changing for me. So if you have similar issues to myself, I suggest at least give these a try. Again, everyone’s body is different but at least give these a chance. The change for me was significant, so I think they will work for you.
I hope they never change the formula or stop producing these because I’m going to need these for the rest of my life!
Edit: 6 months later, I’m happy to say that these are still going strong! I took these to France on my trip over the summer and used these occasionally. They definitely saved me because one night we ate nothing but cheeses. I literally had no gas was able to enjoy my night with them! One piece of advice I would give is that if you take these and still feel like you have gas, you most likely just need to poop. Once you do, you should not feel a thing for a good while. At least that’s just my experience!
G Burns –
This digestive enzyme works as intended – I used it for several days right after a meal and the meal did not cause bloating. However, for me, the probiotic in it did not bode well for me, I have a super sensitive system and after a few days I had mild side effects. I have always had an issue with pro and prebiotics, I thought I would try it anyway – its not the product which works really, really good, its me, lol I do highly recommend it because it works so good.
FitGirl –
I have tried a few products to help with digestive issues. This one really works. No issues at all. I take one pill in the morning and one in the evening before eating my meals.
Eve –
Tried probiotic drinks, plus chemist version of probiotic tablets. Neither worked, but Zen did. I think maybe different products work for different people so don’t give up try them all till you find the one that works for you!