Zeebo Relief – Pílulas Placebo Honestamente Projetadas para Criar Sua Própria Experiência Segura
As pílulas Zeebo Relief são uma inovação no mundo do bem-estar, oferecendo uma abordagem única e consciente para a saúde mental e emocional. Com 45 cápsulas em um elegante design azul e branco, cada uma ostentando o logo Zeebo, essas pílulas são mais do que um simples suplemento; elas são uma ferramenta para a autoexploração e o empoderamento pessoal. Ao optar por Zeebo Relief, você se torna o ingrediente ativo de sua própria experiência de placebo, permitindo que sua mente e corpo se conectem de maneira mais profunda e significativa.
- Desenvolva sua própria experiência de placebo segura ao tomar as pílulas Zeebo, sabendo que você é o agente principal nesse processo.
As cápsulas são projetadas para serem facilmente ingeridas, com um tamanho 1 que facilita a administração. A proposta é simples: ao utilizar as pílulas Zeebo, você ativa sua capacidade interna de cura e bem-estar, promovendo um estado mental positivo e uma sensação de controle sobre sua saúde. A experiência de placebo é uma prática reconhecida que pode levar a melhorias significativas na percepção de dor, estresse e ansiedade, tudo isso enquanto você se torna mais consciente de suas próprias capacidades.
1. Empoderamento Pessoal: Você se torna o agente ativo em sua jornada de bem-estar.
2. Experiência Consciente: A prática do placebo consciente pode melhorar a percepção de dor e desconforto.
3. Facilidade de Uso: Cápsulas de tamanho 1 que são fáceis de engolir.
4. Design Atraente: Apresentação elegante que se destaca em qualquer prateleira.
5. Apoio à Saúde Mental: Promove um estado mental positivo e reduz a ansiedade.
Para obter os melhores resultados com as pílulas Zeebo Relief, recomenda-se tomar uma cápsula diariamente, preferencialmente em um horário fixo, para estabelecer uma rotina. É importante que você esteja em um ambiente tranquilo e confortável, permitindo que sua mente se concentre na experiência. Ao ingerir a cápsula, visualize suas intenções e o que deseja alcançar com essa prática. A conexão entre mente e corpo é fundamental; portanto, mantenha uma atitude positiva e aberta durante todo o processo.
May, Paul – J. –
Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Placebo . Es leistet wirklich alles was es soll . Ich empfehle es sehr .
John –
How do you review a product where the description on the page is a satire? The pills do every thing promised, which is nothing. I purchased them in the forlorn hope that they would fool my demented wife that they helped to relieve her chronic pain. I didn’t expect much going in and I wasn’t disappointed.
S. Shaffer –
Takes a while to totally reduce Leg and Foot Swelling. BUT WONDErFUL HELP!
John Patton –
This is repost of 2 before/after posts from the Zeebo kindle book. (1) Before. I’m intrigued by the concept of the Open Placebo. I’ve ordered my pills and I’ve designed my personal experiment. I’m tracking a persistent pain in my right knee. I’ll update the review after my experiment. Having said that, I think big part of ridding ourselves of ailments is taking control over them. I’m guessing that Zeebo’s have a place in the taking control toolbox.This is an update to my comment in February. (2) After. First night I used Zeebo it worked great. Second night, no effect. BUT, I think Zeebo is valuable. It allows a user to begin the process of taking dominion over the malady or condition. I consider it a success since within about two months my pain was gone. So the Zeebo began the process of my taking dominion over the pain which is now gone. I consider that a success. Yes, kind of weird, but in a somewhat mysterious way, empowering.
Xingyuan Zhao –
I think placebo only works for disorders caused by psychological stress and impulse, such as headache (I have migraine) and behavioral disorder. However, the effect of placebo pills depends on your previous experience on pills. If you had some severe symptom and a pill cured you in the past, the action of ingesting a pill will have effect on your brain, even though you already know it is a placebo. However, if you never take a pill before, or the medicine didn’t help your symptom at all, this placebo will have absolutely no effect. Furthermore, conscious thoughts can influence immune system. Therefore, placebo is the only plausible solution for autoimmune diseases (like the psoriasis on my elbow) that can only be cured by personal medicine (genetic medicine, customized for individual), which is very expensive and experimental.
I do have to admit that this product is worth the money because the effectiveness of placebo depends on the procedures of pill ingestion. Simply grab a candy and put it in your mouth won’t have any effect on your body. However, a candy prescribed by a doctor will influence your mind and body, and this is scientifically proved by studies conducted on both human and dogs. Therefore, a pill from a fancy company and a fancy bottle will have the similar effect as if it came from a doctor. I think it would be most effective if you ask your doctor to buy this product and prescribed it to you later.
Also, I think the review for this product is polarized because this placebo will only work if you believe it will work. Therefore, if you give it a one star and think it have no effect on you, this product won’t help you at all. On the other hand, if you give it a five start and believe it very strongly, it will work and show you how magnificent your brain is. But let me remind you, placebo won’t have effect on symptoms that require a proper surgery and medicine, such as viral and bacterial infection and aging-associated diseases.
Ligia Maximilian –
This is wonderful. My mom actually said it makes her sleepy. I told her it’s an herbal sleep aid. She ask for it after her meletonin kicks out, waits for this stuff to work, and falls back to sleep. It really keeps her from overdoing her sleep aid. Just make sure not to tell the person that’s taking it that’s its a placebo!
Totally doesn’t work.
Francis E Howard –
My mother is in the end stages of dementia and I had to take her pills away due to her over dosing on her medication. That caused world war 3. So I had to give her a “pill box” back with pills. These pills along with multi colored tic tacs trick her enough into thinking she has her pills. End result no more arguments she has her pills and I have my sanity. It’s a win!
Amazon Kunde –
Ungefüllte blau-weiße Kapseln. Lassen sich gut schlucken. Keine Probleme.
I feel like the user are really good placebo pills it does what it’s supposed to do.