Zeal Naturals Biotin com Óleo de Coco para Cabelo 10000mcg (180 Softgels) é um suplemento de biotina que oferece uma solução eficaz para promover o crescimento saudável do cabelo, fortalecer as unhas e melhorar a saúde da pele. Cada cápsula contém 10.000 mcg de biotina pura D-Biotina e óleo de coco virgem, tornando-se uma das opções mais potentes e puras disponíveis no mercado.
A biotina é conhecida por melhorar a infraestrutura de queratina do corpo, fortalecendo os folículos capilares e promovendo o crescimento de cabelos saudáveis e espessos. Com a adição do óleo de coco, essas cápsulas se tornam ainda mais eficazes para acelerar o crescimento do cabelo. Além disso, a biotina também pode ajudar a fortalecer as cutículas das unhas, prevenindo a quebra e promovendo unhas mais espessas.
Outro benefício do Zeal Naturals Biotin é a melhoria da saúde da pele. Ao tomar 10.000 mcg de biotina diariamente, você estará nutrindo sua pele de dentro para fora e prevenindo deficiências de vitamina B no sistema nervoso da pele.
Este suplemento de biotina para o crescimento do cabelo também é conhecido como vitaminas para cabelo, pele e unhas, estimulador de crescimento da barba, vitaminas para o crescimento do cabelo, produtos para espessamento do cabelo para mulheres, biotina 5000 mcg, suplemento para o crescimento do cabelo, gomas de cabelo, vitaminas para cabelo fino, vitaminas para cabelo e unhas para mulheres e gomas de biotina para o crescimento do cabelo.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Crescimento saudável do cabelo: As cápsulas de Zeal Naturals Biotin com Óleo de Coco são formuladas com uma dose potente de 10.000 mcg de biotina, que fortalece os folículos capilares e promove o crescimento saudável do cabelo.
- Fortalecimento das unhas: A biotina presente neste suplemento ajuda a fortalecer as cutículas das unhas, prevenindo a quebra e promovendo unhas mais espessas e saudáveis.
- Melhoria da saúde da pele: Ao nutrir sua pele de dentro para fora, a biotina ajuda a melhorar a saúde da pele, prevenindo deficiências de vitamina B no sistema nervoso da pele.
- Fórmula pura e potente: As cápsulas de Zeal Naturals Biotin são feitas com biotina pura D-Biotina e óleo de coco virgem, garantindo a máxima potência e eficácia.
- Versatilidade: Além de promover o crescimento do cabelo, este suplemento também é benéfico para a saúde das unhas e da pele, tornando-o uma escolha versátil para cuidar da sua aparência.
- Crescimento acelerado e saudável do cabelo, resultando em fios mais fortes e volumosos.
- Unhas mais resistentes e menos propensas a quebras, promovendo uma aparência saudável.
- Pele mais hidratada e com aparência rejuvenescida, combatendo sinais de envelhecimento.
- Fórmula concentrada que maximiza a absorção e eficácia dos nutrientes essenciais.
- Produto adequado para homens e mulheres, facilitando a inclusão na rotina de cuidados pessoais.
Recomenda-se tomar 1 cápsula de Zeal Naturals Biotin com Óleo de Coco por dia, de preferência com uma refeição para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Mantenha o produto fora do alcance de crianças e armazene em local fresco e seco.
Ella Lou –
I’m seeing slow but positive changes in stronger nails and thicker hair. Still waiting for big, luscious eyelashes! 🤔🤗
Phillip S. Fewell –
You’ve probably started taking this because you have thinning hair. That’s why I started taking it. Well, this isn’t the only thing I’ve added to my regime (red light therapy, rogaine, scalp massager, Bosley shampoo, Essential Oils, etc.). I can’t say that I have resolved my issues – hair that is gone will not grow back. But I can speak to the ease of swallowing, good product quality, proper dosing. I’m taking this to stop further hair loss, possibly help the follicle miniaturization, density. Idk if I will have success. But, taking this pill everyday isn’t upsetting my stomach or hurting anything. I’ll continue to take it because I am not going to sit by and go bald. Bonus, something has made my eyelashes thicker – no clue what did that.
Carrie Erin de Ridder –
I’ve been taking supplements for 20 years and these are great for your hair. I like to switch up brands pretty regularly and this brand is in my rotation and it does a great job
Peter G. –
Right to the point, in my opinion what you get for what you pay is a really good deal . I’m 53 years old. My hair has been thinning since the age of 34. I was using another brand which worked excellently but was also much more expensive . So doing a little ingredient comparison I discovered that I was paying more for exactly the same ingredients in exactly the same percentages. So based upon reviews alone ( see , people actually do read them ) with the added bonus of organic cocoanut oil for free tempting me to try I made the leap of faith.
I have not been disappointed with the results. It works as well if not perhaps just a little bit better. Since I have using biotin – based supplements as part of my daily morning regimen my results have been honestly amazing. After only four weeks of using the supplements as directed the results are indeed noticeable. Whereas I would have many strands of hair in my comb / brush after a shower , they have almost stopped falling out completely . I have begun to notice hair where I didn’t have hair. Will you have the same or similar results ? I DON’T KNOW. What I can confirm is that I have no stake in writing a positive review for a product I am not 100% down with. I am 100% down. I also would never recommend something to someone online if I wouldn’t recommend that product to people who actually do know me and trust me because I will give you my honest , un-biased review or opinion if asked . In my opinion : cost, value , formula and noticeable results make this a product that I will buy again. *****
ANNY26 –
Easy to take, no side effects so far, definitely less fallout when brushing / washing! Fingers crossed for increased growth
Charleine –
My Story:
I have been taking these Zeal Biotin Soft Gels for a couple months now. I love the fact that they are made with NON-GMO virgin coconut oil rather than soy and 3rd party lab tested. Back in November of 2020 I had a very sever case of covid 19 and ended up with covid pneumonia. I was extremely sick and I am still suffering with some lingering side effects. Covid is a horrible disease and one of the awful side effects I personally suffered was hair loss and nail damage. My hair came out in wads! My recovery has been a slow and arduous journey to say the least. I still have days when it’s all I can do to get out of bed and do my daily chores.
Anyway I was devastated when I realized my hair was so thin, I literally had bald spots. Not only that covid completely changed the texture of my hair to a fragile, wispy mess.
I would look in the mirror and just cry…
I can’t begin to tell you how sad and self conscious I was! My nails were also in horrible shape, they were paper thin. Ugh, it makes me cringe to think about it.
I bought this Zeal mega dose 10,000 MCG biotin once I started regaining my health and strength to see if it would help in any shape form or fashion. Thankfully to God within a few weeks the texture of my hair started to strengthen! It began to look thicker and feel more like it should. Fast forward to now…
People who saw me a couple months back are telling me how much thicker and better my hair looks. My hair is growing back and regaining its luster and my nails are too. I will certainly continue to take biotin! It has made a huge difference in the health of my hair and nails and how I look and feel.
Zeal biotin has definitely been a God send for me.
Thank you so much for a great product!!!
Jenny –
Product arrived in timely manner and was as displayed
🐟 Reel Lady 🐟 –
I like the dosing on these and they are very easy to swallow.
Animated Puppets –
The Good: They work. Though not a miracle pill they do boost hair/nail growth. My hair is no longer thinning and I have new growth (fine). Prior I had streaks of ‘skin’ on top of my head which I wasn’t aware of until I saw a unflattering picture from above. I have been taking biotin in one form or another for a few years and the skin streaks are gone.
The Bad: *READ THIS* Take only 1 a day unless you want some very unpleasant psychedelic nightmares, not the fun kind either. Too much biotin can cause nightmares. Once I stopped taking 2 a day the nightmares went away.
Overall: Treat it as a supplement. Something you take each day to protect what you have and to hopefully provide new growth. My hair is still thin compared to my youth, but I do have new hair growing and the existing hair is stronger. What works for some may not work for all, but I have been taking it for 6 years now and it works for me.
Isabel Suero –
Uso biotina regularmente y pude notar que esta es de muy buena calidad