- O Sabonete Preto Marroquino Zawina é feito a partir de pasta de azeitona, óleo de argan e rosa. Com uma consistência gelatinosa e cor âmbar translúcida quando aplicado na pele, o sabonete preto deixa a pele refrescada e natural.
- Além de promover uma pele suave, o nosso sabonete preto marroquino também proporciona hidratação de longa duração e limpeza profunda da pele.
- O uso regular do sabonete preto ajuda a uniformizar o tom da pele, melhorar a aparência de peles opacas, manter a pele saudável e desfrutar de um banho confortável como nunca antes.
- Para utilizar o sabonete, aplique-o na pele úmida e aquecida, sente-se e relaxe por 3-5 minutos, enxágue o sabonete da pele e, em seguida, faça uma esfoliação suave em movimentos circulares e de vai e vem.
- O sabonete preto pode ser utilizado para limpar toda a pele, podendo ser usado com argan no rosto, mãos, pescoço e axilas.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Promove uma pele suave e hidratada
- Limpeza profunda e duradoura
- Uniformiza o tom da pele e melhora a aparência de peles opacas
- Produto versátil, pode ser utilizado em diversas partes do corpo
- Proporciona um banho confortável e revigorante
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique o sabonete preto marroquino Zawina na pele úmida e aquecida. Deixe agir por 3-5 minutos e enxágue bem. Em seguida, faça uma esfoliação suave em movimentos circulares e de vai e vem. Utilize o sabonete em todo o corpo, incluindo rosto, mãos, pescoço e axilas. Repita o processo regularmente para manter a pele saudável e revitalizada.
Vine-O Van –
I was super excited to try this out. But once I opened the package, I was a bit disappointed. The photos provided in the product description make this appear a lot thicker than the actual product. The actual product is the consistency of honey and does not have any exfoliating granules or particles.
In spite of the initial hiccup, I figured I’d try this anyway. And I’m glad I did! As a soap, this works very, very well! Has a gentle smell which does not linger, does not try your skin out, and it washes out real well. You may want to think about adding this to a squeeze jar instead of the open mouth container provided.
For the price, this is excellent value. You get two medium-sized jars which should last one person at least a couple of months. You only need a little product to get a whole body wash and it lathers beautifully.
I will confess that I was disappointed this was not an actual scrub, but overall, for a soap, this does really well! The product description claims this can help with “strawberry skin” and ingrown hairs–honestly I do not see how that can be possible as this gives zero exfoliating action. I had to take a star off for that.
But all told, I’d recommend this. You just need to know what you’re getting: this is not a scrub but a luxurious soap! 🙂
Nicole –
A little goes a long way, foams nicely, however made my skin dry and flaky post shower.
Irina Helm –
My skin feels soft and nice. I love the gentle smell
Josephine –
I don’t notice much of a difference. It’s not bad, just not that great.
A BookReader –
They send two medium-sized jars of Moroccan Black Soap. It is very different from other soaps I have tried, and in a very good way. The soap smells wonderful, creates a fine, thin but effective lather that cleans well and also softens the skin, smoothing out any rough spots. The softening effect is immediate and very noticeable. This contains Argan oil, Rose flower oil, and olive oil, as well as hyaluronic acid to help with moisturizing and hydrating the skin. This is like a combination soap and face cream. I am now a big fan of black soap and will be buying this again.