- UMA VEZ POR SEMANA – Desfrute da máxima conveniência de uma cápsula de vitamina D3 de 50.000 UI uma vez por semana (1250 mcg). Nossas cápsulas de vitamina D3 de 50.000 UI são pequenas e fáceis de engolir, fornecendo uma dose completa de suplementação de vitamina D para ajudar a manter a saúde dos ossos, dentes, músculos e sistema imunológico.
- SUPORTE PARA OSSOS E DENTES – A vitamina D é essencial para a saúde dos ossos e dentes em homens, mulheres e crianças de todas as idades. Nossas cápsulas de alta potência fornecem a dose diária necessária sem o risco de exposição aos raios ultravioleta do sol.
- SUPORTE IMUNOLÓGICO – Os meses frios de inverno são quando muitos americanos correm o risco de deficiência de vitamina D. A vitamina D desempenha um papel importante no suporte a um sistema imunológico normal. Dê ao seu corpo um impulso imunológico durante todo o ano com a vitamina D.
- SUPLEMENTO KOSHER – Este suplemento alimentar de vitamina D3 é certificado como Kosher e adequado para vegetarianos. Cada porção é livre de laticínios, glúten e soja, sendo adequado para adultos com restrições e sensibilidades alimentares.
- FABRICADO NOS EUA – A Zahler utiliza instalações certificadas GMP de última geração para garantir a potência e a pureza de todos os nossos suplementos alimentares. Este produto é não transgênico e certificado como Kosher, com ingredientes puros e não adulterados obtidos da natureza.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Suplemento de vitamina D3 altamente potente e conveniente
- Apoia a saúde dos ossos e dentes
- Fortalece o sistema imunológico durante todo o ano
- Suplemento alimentar certificado como Kosher e adequado para vegetarianos
- Fabricado nos EUA em instalações certificadas GMP
– Sugestão de Uso:
Tome uma cápsula de vitamina D3 de 50.000 UI uma vez por semana, de preferência com uma refeição. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação.
Tome uma cápsula de vitamina D3 de 50.000 UI uma vez por semana, de preferência com uma refeição. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação.
SGrey –
I was pretty excited when I ordered the vitamin D3, I’ve been taking a vitamin D3 pill for sometime and thought I would try a different brand. Sometimes, you notice little things about the different brands of vitamins, I don’t know why that is. Anyway, the vitamin doesn’t have a taste, which is a relief because I always have a hard time taking pills that have a taste or even a slight taste to it.
This vitamin was very easy to swallow, with a full glass of water to help your body digest it. I did notice a couple of small things while I started taking this pill. I have noticed that my energy is slowly coming back, I’m sure after taking it for a month straight that I will notice more energy. I don’t feel sluggish as much, but it could also be due to changing my eating habits and incorporating the vitamin D3.
I’m sure after taking this vitamin for two months, you will notice a small difference with your health. I haven’t been taking this pill for a full month yet but I am curious to see what changes I will feel.
I am in the colder belt & sun exposure is minimal, so I take the Vit D round the year. Had been taking a 5000 IU tablet weekly during summers & twice a week in fall, winters & spring. Once the bottle finished, I reviewed the dosage & found this option of 50K… now I take it monthly round the year. Capsule size is quite small, & is easily swallowed. My annual check shows the Vit D levels to be normal now.
lici gon –
I am a true believer more so about the healing properties of Vitamin D! My vitamin D level is extremely low and i was experiencing pain through out my entire body daily. My brusies would not heal quickly and not to mention hairloss thininig and stunt growth. Only after 5 days taking this My nails started to grow out. non brittle and stronger. my hair! started to filling in thicker. My skin did not look gray and dry patches went away. I am 50 this year, i knew i was deficient and was put on 10kius daily 60k iusa week. tht was two yrs ago and i stopped after a month. If you are lacking vitamin d take the higher dosage and see and feel the difference! 5000ius a day is fine once you get tested again nad levels are back ot norm. mines are below 21,75 yeah im really low. i always complained about tiredness aches and pains dry skin scalp. try taking vit d and see how you feel after 2wks.or a month the nstop and after a week see and feel the difference with out it! happy i found this strength level will get tested once im done and can visit a doctor.
Jamazon –
I have been struggling with low vitamin D levels for close to three years. I live in an area where our winters are long and gloomy. I always run borderline low or really low. I’ve consistently taken first 2000 IU daily and then a 5000 IU daily from Jarrow. Over a year and neither of these did much of anything. I believe my last check 2 months ago my D was 24. I was so excited to discover that 50,000 could be purchased OTC. The only thing that has ever worked was prescription D3, 50,000 IU, but my new doctor has been annoyingly reluctant to prescribe them, worried about toxicity. Well, I did my own research and found peer-reviewed published scientific studies that determined 50,000 even twice a week for one month was safe and effective. This statement is NOT medical advice, so please do your own research and discuss with your own doctor before supplementing. Anyway, I took the Zahler weekly for one month, had my levels tested prior to starting (27) and a couple of days ago, and learned my D is now 97!!! Unbelievable!!! It’s never been that high. Now that I’m close to the upper end of the range (100), I’m going to stop taking the Zahler for now and take a little break from D altogether, before switching to a lower strength daily to maintain. I highly recommend this product to anyone who struggles with low vitamin D levels and will always keep this in my arsenal. IT WORKS!!!
Ali –
I like how it helped me feel better
Harper –
I waited to write this review since I was taking this supplement since March and would have blood work done in June at my annual physical. Every year for as far back as I can remember my vitamin D levels have always been deficient. Every year the doctor writes a prescription for vitamin D for a short period of time and the cycle starts all over again. This year, for the first time in years my vitamin D level was within normal limits! This supplement really works and I won’t stop taking it once a week. I can’t be out in the sun long enough to get the natural vitamin D benefits and this tiny capsule does the trick. This is a great supplement and is highly recommended! I do even notice it since it’s so small and easy to swallow.
Aika –
I’ve been a user of other brands such as biotech and nivigen for years because they are dry (non fat based) cholecalciferol d3.
Gastric bypass RNY distal RNY and DS and even SADI should be taking one or two a day from the go but sadly this information isn’t terribly well known.
My specialty is professionally GI malabsorption and I have it myself after some unfortunate medical malpractice issues and can attest to Zahler d3 being quality.
While my d level hasn’t improved as dramatically due to my conditions, I’ve managed to stay off another feeding tube and keep osteoporosis at bay so it’s doing its job. Make sure to take with the right calcium to unlock the Mechanism of action. My d level went from an 11 to 22 in 3 months with 8 daily pills or 400,000 IU daily which is significant improvement for short bowel syndrome.
Nivigen is the brand used at the big red pharmacies at $1.50 a pill, these are better for a tenth of the price. Not sure what’s going on with the price- currently at $40 double its usual but again still worth it.
Old Swede –
Lab work confirmed that this D3 supplement worked just as well as the prescription D2 I was on at 1/10 the cost