Z Natural Foods Organic Whey Protein Concentrate – Pó de Proteína de Soro de Leite Rico em Nutrientes
Descubra a excelência do Z Natural Foods Organic Whey Protein Concentrate, um pó de proteína de soro de leite concentrado, cuidadosamente elaborado a partir de leite de vacas alimentadas com capim nos Estados Unidos. Este produto é a escolha ideal para quem busca uma fonte de proteína pura e nutritiva, livre de aditivos, organismos geneticamente modificados (OGMs) e hormônios. O resultado é um perfil de proteína limpo e superior, que atende aos mais altos padrões de saúde e ética.
O nosso Whey Protein é processado a frio, preservando sua integridade nutricional. Ao contrário de muitas proteínas de soro de leite que passam por um processo de pasteurização dupla, o nosso é pasteurizado apenas uma vez, garantindo um perfil de proteína não desnaturado. Isso significa que você obtém um produto com alto valor biológico, repleto de aminoácidos essenciais e suporte imunológico natural, sem aditivos ou enchimentos indesejados.
Com 28g de proteína e aminoácidos essenciais por porção, o Z Natural Foods Organic Whey Protein Concentrate é perfeito para quem deseja fortalecer o corpo e otimizar a recuperação muscular. Os aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada presentes em sua fórmula são fundamentais para a reparação celular e a saúde geral, proporcionando uma nutrição de alta qualidade em cada dose.
Este pó de proteína é versátil e pode ser facilmente integrado em diversas receitas, bebidas ou refeições, aumentando o valor nutricional sem esforço. Seja em smoothies pós-treino ou em refeições substanciais, ele se adapta a diferentes preferências alimentares e estilos de vida, apoiando seus objetivos de saúde de maneira eficaz.
- Qualidade superior proveniente de vacas alimentadas com capim, garantindo um produto ético e saudável.
- Processo de pasteurização único que preserva o perfil de proteína, oferecendo uma nutrição mais eficaz.
- Enriquecido com aminoácidos essenciais que promovem a recuperação muscular e a função imunológica.
- Versatilidade que permite a inclusão em diversas receitas e bebidas, facilitando o aumento da ingestão proteica.
- 28g de proteína por porção, ideal para atender às necessidades diárias de proteína e apoiar o desempenho físico.
Para uma experiência ideal, misture uma colher de sopa (aproximadamente 30g) do Z Natural Foods Organic Whey Protein Concentrate em 250ml de água, leite ou sua bebida favorita. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Recomenda-se consumir uma porção diariamente, preferencialmente após o treino ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde, para maximizar os benefícios nutricionais e apoiar seus objetivos de fitness.
carrie –
JUST THE FACTS: I ordered the one-pound bag of concentrate as per what was listed on the backside of the bag as per the seller’s advertisement photo – “Raised and Processed in USA” & “Packaged with Care in Florida”. Guess what! The bag I rec’d does not list either of the two statements. I don’t want whey that is grown or processed outside the USA. Is “Z Natural Foods” now getting their whey from Australia, Ireland, China, England or Mars? Why did “Z” remove the two-lines from my bag yet keep them pictured in their ad? The “no refund policy” for this product is ridiculous for this case/instance. The package is unopened. False advertising? Mislabeling food products sold to citizens? Does “Z” truly sell whey that is CORRECTLY advertised? “Z” (in West Palm Beach) should have their advertisement department check out this situation. Waste of $30 and the time to write this review. Buyer Beware!
SF Teacher –
Exactly what I wanted. No added or additional ingredients whatsoever. Just pure whey protein powder.
Synergist –
I bought this to ramp up my glutathione production. I use it in a smoothie mixed with almond milk, raw cacao powder, collagen peptides, turmeric powder, stevia and a little extra vanilla extract for more flavor (sometimes add heavy cream when I’m Keto). I find this product mixes well. It is the concentrate and not isolate (isolate does not usually mix as well anyway). I’ve been at it for a month and I can say that my energy has been greatly improved. The taste is nil which is good. The smoothie tastes just like a good old fashioned milk shake and my husband stopped rooting around after dinner for a snack and has this instead. He looks at me with suspicion anytime he is asked to try one of my concoctions and this one passed the ewww test. He loves it. It is a bit pricey, but comparable with others on the market. Don’t be fooled on price, read the ingredients to make sure you are not paying for other fillers. Better off getting the raw ingredient and add your own flavoring. Have another on order as I write this. Very happy with this product.
AC –
Love this product.
Synergist –
I think I finally found a protein drink that I can drink with my favorite lemonade because I don’t like to put milk or yogurt. I just wanna drink it straight up with my lemonade and this is the best one because it has absolutely no taste and does not interfere with my favorite drink.
J. Sauers –
Tastes good, smooth, requires alot of mixing though and probably a natural emulsifier, to prevent clumping, but 7 tablespoons = 28 grams? Verify.
Tim Marburger –
I bought this specifically for a carrot keto cake for Easter. I’m the only one in my family who does low carb/keto and my son wanted carrot cake, so I decided to try this one so I could have some too. Traditionally, my aunt makes fresh coconut cake that everyone loves, so I was worried about making something new, but also thought it was the right time to try since there would be lots of people. Turned out everyone liked it (sorry no picture as the cake was gone too soon), and my son is already planning for the next cake for his birthday.
I read some reviews that said about bad smells, but I didn’t notice anything when I opened the bag, and my family thought the cake smelled good while baking, so no complaints here.
Kathi Marie –
I just noticed that I have ordered this product 10 times! It’s the perfect addition to my morning drink to amp up the protein. It is unflavored so it also works well to make fruit smoothies. Mixes perfectly in the blender, a little less perfectly if you just use a shaker. Great quality, price is in range with other similar proteins. Only downside is it doesn’t come with a scoop, but I still had my scoop from the last protein powder I used so I just hang on to it. I’d recommend this to anyone who wants a quality protein powder.