Yoli® CocoaTrim – Supressor de Apetite com Sabor de Chocolate
Descubra o poder do Yoli® CocoaTrim, um suplemento em pó sabor chocolate que não apenas satisfaz seu paladar, mas também controla seus desejos alimentares. Este produto inovador foi desenvolvido para ajudar você a parar com os desejos e a controlar o apetite, permitindo que você abrace uma vida mais saudável e cheia de vitalidade. Com uma mistura exclusiva de ingredientes naturais, CocoaTrim é a solução ideal para quem busca um caminho realista para um corpo mais esbelto e saudável.
Enriquecido com a nossa mistura patenteada Thermoburn, que combina folhas de chá verde, erva-mate, gengibre e outros ingredientes naturais, CocoaTrim se alinha perfeitamente aos seus objetivos de gerenciamento de peso. Ele não apenas ajuda a combater os desejos, mas também eleva seu metabolismo, proporcionando controle sobre a fome de forma natural, sem os efeitos colaterais indesejados como tremores, quedas bruscas de energia ou sabores desagradáveis.
Além de ser uma maneira deliciosa de reduzir os desejos e gerenciar o apetite, CocoaTrim também melhora a função cognitiva, promovendo bem-estar e produtividade no dia a dia. Durante os treinos, ele aumenta a resistência e reduz a fadiga, tornando-se um aliado indispensável para quem busca um estilo de vida ativo. E o melhor de tudo: é um suplemento livre de glúten, soja e laticínios, ideal para quem está fazendo mudanças no estilo de vida, incluindo escolhas alimentares saudáveis e atividades físicas.
– Controle eficaz do apetite e redução de desejos alimentares.
– Aumento do metabolismo, promovendo a queima de calorias.
– Melhora da função cognitiva, contribuindo para maior produtividade.
– Aumento da resistência e redução da fadiga durante os treinos.
– Fórmula livre de glúten, soja e laticínios, adequada para diversas dietas.
Para obter os melhores resultados com Yoli® CocoaTrim, recomenda-se misturar uma colher do pó em 240 ml de água ou sua bebida favorita. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Consuma uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente antes das refeições, para maximizar o controle do apetite e os benefícios energéticos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
Star Moon –
As a chocolate lover, I was excited about this product which seemed to hit two important needs: meet my (too frequent) chocolate cravings, and stop me from binigng on unhealthy food.
Unfortunately, this drink did not do much for me. It was a watery cocoa drink that left a strong stevia afterstaste that lingered in my mouth for too long, while not tasting like the chocolate that I was hoping it would do. Even after committing to it for a week, I couldn’t feel any appetite suppressant effects after drinking it.
Star Moon –
I’m always trying appetite suppressing drink mixes. I usually buy Skinnyfit Fit IV to curb my hunger and binge eating. I crave sugar and that mix usually does the trick to keep me from going to the pantry for snacks. I thought this Yoli Cocoa Trim looked like the best of both worlds; keep me from going to my pantry and satisfying my chocolate craving?! Sounded amazing! Unfortunately, it just wasn’t a taste I could tolerate on a regular basis. The powder mixed well, and I liked it while very hot, but there was a definite taste of fake sugar… I checked the box to confirm it was Stevia:( My body doesn’t love Stevia, and it just doesn’t do me any favors later, if you know what I mean. If you are used to Stevia and don’t get ill effects, then this may work for you.
E Yager –
I was excited to try the Yoli® CocoaTrim Food Craving Suppressant since I’m a chocolate lover with a tendency to snack in the late evening hours. I thought this supplement would be helpful in the evening to satisfy my sweet-tooth and hopefully save me from myself, lol! I love how convenient the little tubular packets are – no measuring necessary – and that each is only 20 calories. I have to add that the packaging is impressive and the quote on the inside flap made me feel a little special 🤭.
That said, even I, a notorious chocolate connoisseur, couldn’t truly enjoy a cup of this food craving suppressant because it was overly sweet instead of rich like expected after reading the product description. I could get past that if it actually did halt my snacking but sadly it did not. Maybe it works for some people, but this does nothing for me and I’m not willing to pursue it further at $47 for 30 packets per box. I believe there are other products available that are not as cost prohibitive, are better tasting and more effective. Just my 2¢.
Euthymic –
Interesting in a semi good but kind of strange way. Reviews on this seem pretty polarizing but I thought it has kind of a “chocolate infused tea” quality which while unique, is something to sip on instead of grabbing a high calorie treat. It mixes well and I was able to enjoy it simply using hot water from the faucet which makes it easy to travel with since it doesn’t require any special utensils. I’m not sure I got a noticeable energy boost but ultimately I did think the flavor was pleasant and sipping on a warm liquid prevented me from grabbing other snacks.
Seems to work as intended however I have issue with the taste, just isnt for me, tasted slightly chemically, while retaining that rich chocolate taste. So its a love hate thing. Again it works, and I want to continue to use it, but yeah that taste can be a lot to take in due to the amount of liquid you need to ingest
Jake –
This reminded me a lot of an instant coffee mixed with hot chocolate. The amount that I got made a good 8 oz cup, and it mixed pretty well. I’d have to say that I prefer it with a bit of milk instead of water. The caffeine in it kept me going and gave me a good little energy boost. The taste was pretty good. It has a bit of an artificial sweetener taste but it wasn’t off-putting. It’s got a rich chocolate taste. Id buy it again!
Amazon Customer –
Don’t know if it helped me lose weight, but it definitely helped wake me up. The taste is pretty much hot cocoa with a kick of caffiene. Mixes great in smoothies or just water or milk.
Morgan –
Not sure these actually did anything. They also had an off flavor that I just didn’t like.