Descrição do Produto: Yerba Prima Psyllium Husks Powder 12 oz
O Yerba Prima Psyllium Husks Powder é um suplemento de fibra natural que se destaca por suas propriedades benéficas para a saúde intestinal e a promoção da regularidade. Com um rótulo novo e embalagem que pode variar, este produto é uma escolha ideal para quem busca um estilo de vida saudável e equilibrado. O pó de psyllium é um suplemento de fibra 100% natural, que não contém ingredientes artificiais, açúcares adicionados, ligantes ou enchimentos, garantindo que você receba apenas o que há de melhor em termos de nutrição.
- POWDER DE PSYLLIUM: Suplemento de fibra totalmente natural que promove a regularidade e apoia a saúde do coração. É mais eficaz quando utilizado diariamente e pode ser consumido pelo tempo que desejar.
- PARA REGULARIDADE: As cascas de psyllium promovem uma eliminação fácil e saudável, ajudando a eliminar resíduos do cólon de forma mais rápida. Para manter a regularidade e acelerar a remoção de resíduos, recomenda-se tomar de 1 a 3 porções por dia, seja com ou entre as refeições.
- PSYLLIUM PURO: Apenas um ingrediente, porque você merece fibra de alta qualidade.
- A MELHOR ESCOLHA: Não-OGM, sem sabores ou cores artificiais. Sem açúcar adicionado. Sem ligantes. Sem enchimentos. Feito com ingredientes de qualidade para melhores resultados.
- CONFIÁVEL HÁ 40 ANOS: Fabricado com orgulho nos EUA. A Yerba Prima oferece suplementos nutricionais premium desde 1980.
1. Promove a Saúde Intestinal: O psyllium ajuda a manter o cólon limpo e saudável, facilitando a eliminação de resíduos.
2. Apoio à Saúde Cardiovascular: A fibra solúvel do psyllium pode ajudar a reduzir os níveis de colesterol, contribuindo para a saúde do coração.
3. Fácil de Incorporar na Dieta: Pode ser adicionado a smoothies, iogurtes ou mesmo água, tornando o consumo prático e versátil.
4. Sem Ingredientes Artificiais: A pureza do produto garante que você está consumindo apenas fibra de alta qualidade, sem aditivos prejudiciais.
5. Uso Sustentável: Pode ser utilizado diariamente, promovendo benefícios contínuos para a saúde ao longo do tempo.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Yerba Prima Psyllium Husks Powder, recomenda-se iniciar com uma porção de 1 colher de sopa (aproximadamente 5g) misturada em um copo de água ou suco. É importante consumir a mistura imediatamente, pois o psyllium absorve líquido rapidamente. Para manter a regularidade e a saúde intestinal, você pode aumentar a dosagem para até 3 colheres de sopa por dia, dividindo as porções entre as refeições. Lembre-se de aumentar a ingestão de água ao longo do dia para ajudar na eficácia do psyllium e evitar desconfortos digestivos.
Universe –
I have used several brands of Psyllium Husks Powder for a year now, and this is the best so far.
TEXTURE: It is extremely fine which makes it really easy to mix with water regardless of its temperature (although lukewarm is better). I don’t feel it on my teeth like the others.
EASE of use: I first wasn’t sure about the packaging since other psyllium husk powders were always in a foil pouch. However, the dark bottle keeps it protected from the sunlight. It’s much more convenient to scoop a necessary doze with a spoon out without having to dig your entire arm into the bag. 🙂 I can easily mix it with just a spoon but to expedite the process, I use a small whisk. It takes 10-20 seconds (depending on the amount I put in) to completely dissolve.
BENEFITS: I had to take 4 tsps of other psyllium husks powder. I only need 1.5 tsp with this one. It adds the much needed fiber to my diet and helps with IBS.
TIPS: Make sure you drink plenty of water, especially after and don’t take it if you are already constipated. Wait til your digestive system normalizes and then resume taking it. But as always, consult your doctor. My GI doctor approved this particular product.
jeffdoubleu –
Can’t get this size at Vitamin Shoppe any more, and this price is much better.
Worthwhile –
I’ve been taking psyllium husk powder for years as it helps me keep my cholesterol in check. I was worried about consumer testing results in the past few years that have shown high levels of lead in certain psyllium husk powders, including Metamucil. Yerba Prima showed the lowest lead levels so I’ll gladly pay extra for better quality given I take it daily. Mixes well with almost anything – I mix it in my oatmeal in the mornings, but also put it in pancakes, muffins, etc.
Mark Marino –
I’ve been using Yerba Prima Psyllium Whole Husks for years, and have really enjoyed how it works in my nether regions, so I decided to give the powder a run. The reason I wanted to try the powder has more to do with dosing than anything else. Basically, one tablespoon of the whole husks is equivalent to one teaspoon of the powder. As you might imagine, the whole husks are the more “chunky” version of the two, so if you’re looking to blend the psyllium is something like yogurt, or some other food where you’d prefer a smoother consistency, the powder get you there.
I kind of like the consistency of the whole husks– it feels more substantial and like it’s moving through my system more, if you know what I’m sayin’. That said, I often blend the two (whole husks + powder) in a glass of water, 2-3 times per day. Psyllium has been around for 5,000 years or longer, so the health benefits are well established. The Yerba Prima product is first rate, and I’ll continue to be moved by this for many years to come.
If you know what I’m sayin’!
corlisbatalo –
Works well to “get things moving”.
Mark Marino –
This product is very helpful in maintaining regularity. I love it and have used it many years as a daily supplement
Amazon Customer –
Where do I begin? Really. This product has literally (not figuratively) changed my life. I had for many years (ago) had the unhealthy diet of a young person, HS cafeteria food, college dorm food and then young adult figuring it all out. And I had the digestive issues that comes with it all. I became interested in fiber supplements as I started to normalize my diet and realized that it was a necessary complement to our eating habits. Short of becoming a hunter gatherer it is near impossible to eat the prerequisite amount of the correct kind of fiber, or at least it is difficult. With Yerba Prima Psyllium Husk you still have to eat healthy but you don’t have to worry about getting the fiber, because you can easily and regularly add it to your diet with this product.
I have become something of a proselytizer of Yerba Prima Psyllium Husk, I have gotten my friends on it, my family, even people at work. If someone complains of a digestive ailment, my first Rx to them is psyllium. I have also had other brands and none work as well as this one. I have even had their other products, such as the husks that are not ground to a powder, and again not close to this one. I go so far as to pack a small bottle of this with me when I travel so that even for one day I am not without my precious Prima. Though to be sure, it does not create a dependency or tolerance, it is just that I like how I feel with it and my regularity is that much more comfortable.
Many people ask me how I take it, because it is kind of an acquired routine. What I tell people is try it for one week, it can be disconcerting at first to drink, but it is almost tasteless and if you use this method you will not feel the texture. What I do is take a plastic disposable Solo cup (those plastic party cups), fill it with cool but not cold water, then take a teaspoon or tablespoon (I do the latter) of Psyllium husk powder, drop it in, stir it rapidly and while it is still swirling from your stirring, drink the entire cup down without stopping. Do not stop mid-way or if you do you might not be able to finish (which is ok, try again the next day). I use disposable cups because the powder will cling to your glass over time no matter how much you clean it and then it becomes like concrete and is tough to remove. I use the same cup for a few weeks, so it is not too wasteful but I have found it is preferable to using a glass (which could also break from the rapid stirring required to get the powder into solution). Also, use whatever temperature water you can drink quickly, I err on warmer water otherwise the coldness is tough to drink rapidly. Either way, find a method, it is worth it.
Try it for one week, it will change your life. Seriously.
mr0017 –
I’m not sure how people tolerate this. I forced myself to take it just to see if it worked for me. It didn’t. I hesitate to say how I know it works for what I use it for but my recommendation is Topcare orange fiber. I’ve tried capsules and powders, even Metamucil but Topcare powder has been the best for me. I just do 30 grams once daily. Works great.