Descrição do Produto: Yerba Prima Psyllium Husk, 12 Ounce
Descubra o poder da fibra pura com o Yerba Prima Psyllium Husk, um suplemento de fibra em forma de casca inteira que promove a regularidade intestinal de maneira eficaz e saudável. Com 12 onças de pura casca de psyllium, este produto é a escolha ideal para quem busca uma solução natural e livre de açúcares ou adoçantes artificiais. A casca de psyllium é conhecida por sua capacidade de absorver água rapidamente, tornando-se um excelente agente de volume que ajuda a varrer os resíduos pelo cólon, promovendo uma digestão saudável e regular.
- 1 BOTTLE: Whole husked psyllium promove regularidade sem o açúcar adicionado ou adoçantes artificiais. Sugerimos misturar com seu suco favorito e beber imediatamente. Em seguida, beba um grande copo de água. Ele absorve água rapidamente, tornando-se um ótimo agente de volume para ajudar na eliminação de resíduos.
- SUPPORT YOUR OVERALL HEALTH: Para ajudar a manter a saúde normal, consuma 2 porções de fibra por dia, com ou sem refeições.
- PURE PSYLLIUM: Apenas um ingrediente, porque você merece fibra de alta qualidade sem aditivos.
- THE PREFERRED CHOICE: Não-OGM, sem sabores ou cores artificiais. Sem açúcar adicionado. Sem ligantes. Feito com ingredientes premium para melhores resultados.
- TRUSTED FOR 40 YEARS: Orgulhosamente fabricado nos EUA, em Ashland, OR. Adicione ao seu carrinho porque você merece os melhores suplementos de saúde premium.
1. Promove a Regularidade Intestinal: A casca de psyllium ajuda a manter o trânsito intestinal regular, prevenindo constipação e desconforto.
2. Apoio à Saúde Digestiva: Contribui para uma digestão saudável, ajudando a eliminar toxinas e resíduos do organismo.
3. Sem Aditivos Nocivos: Com apenas um ingrediente, é uma opção pura e saudável, livre de açúcares, adoçantes artificiais e glúten.
4. Fácil de Usar: Pode ser facilmente incorporado à sua rotina diária, misturando-se com sucos ou outras bebidas.
5. Produto Confiável: Com 40 anos de experiência, a Yerba Prima é uma marca respeitada que garante qualidade e eficácia em seus produtos.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Yerba Prima Psyllium Husk, recomenda-se misturar uma porção (cerca de uma colher de sopa) com um copo de seu suco favorito. Beba imediatamente e, em seguida, consuma um grande copo de água para garantir a hidratação adequada e maximizar a eficácia do psyllium. Para manter a saúde intestinal, é aconselhável consumir duas porções por dia, com ou sem refeições. Lembre-se de aumentar a ingestão de água ao longo do dia para ajudar na absorção da fibra e promover uma digestão saudável.
Jdiesel77 –
I had to use another product for a while until this arrived. It did not work like this one. This product works to keep your body regular without surprise issues. I recommend regular use to stay healthy.
Stewie –
This is exactly what you think it is. If you are looking for a fiber supplement, this is as straight and natural as you can get. Originally, I started using Metamucil to up my fiber intake. Unfortunately, it’s loaded with sugar. Not to worry, they have a sugar free version! Actually, yes you should worry, because it contains aspartame!!!!!! In any event, the meucil works great, but so does this stuff. Unfortunately, it doesn’t taste as good as the sugary sweetness of the orange tang flavored meucil. It also doesn’t mix as well. The Yerba Prima kinda clumps up, and doesn’t dissolve as well. So, will all these positives about meucil and negatives about the yerba, why am I giving it 4 stars? Because it WORKS. It’s no nonsense psyllium, ground up and ready to rock. It gets the job done without all the added garbage. Unfortunately, I just can’t take the taste by itseld. It’s not a bad taste, it’s just the texture mixed with water only isn’t very appealing to me. So, what do I do? I bought I thing of this and 1 thing of Metameucil. I took a ziplock and put equal parts of each on the bag. Now when I need my daily fiber supp, I take 1tbl from the ziplock and mix it with water. This way, I get some better meucil taste, with less sugar. If you don’t care about the taste, or you plan to mix this in a smoothie or something, then this is all you need. It does exactly what you think it will do. Buy with confidence!
H. C –
This is simply the best product for colon health. I love it. Your stools will too!
cf –
It was strangely hard finding fibre at the main pharmacies, i.e. Rite-Aid and CVS, that doesn’t have SUGAR in it. This is a great brand, 100% pstyllium husks.
I have used this brand in the past, and it has always been my ‘go-to.’ Very high quality at a great price. I would skip the big name brands for this, or the pharmacy generic brand. The lid is is a Tupperware seal type, not a screw on jar type. This makes it perfect for those I know who have arthritis.
This is great to take for regulating blood-sugar, hence not wanting fibre with added sugar. Also great to reduce cholesterol. Ive used it with on Accutane too keep that low.
* Recently had a doctor’s appointment, where they checked my blood pressure. I had been taking this twice a day for almost 3 weeks. I had even power-walked to my appointment. And I have hypertension. However, mu bloodpressure was on 130/83. I haven’t had any changes to diet or exercise since my last checkup, just this fibre. I was encouraged to keep it up.
Also, the obvious: its great for regularity. Taking this also completely relieves my IBS.
Soluble and insoluble. Drink lots of water with it. Oh, mix it very well!! Dont drink with just water – makes me wretch. I use Pineapple Coconut juice and cant taste a thing.
Excellent price – was at least half that of Whole Foods. Will be buying again! Already put another in my basket. As an Amazon add-on, it makes this a really great deal.
This is a great product! I’ve just begun using it and my stomach feels so good! While I applaud those brave souls who can drink this down simply mixed in liquid, I have trouble doing that. Perhaps as I get more used to the whole husks, it won’t bother me as much. What I love doing is mixing it with yogurt in the morning. It is fantastic! It adds a nice thickness and a bit of lovely texture to the yogurt. It blends well and doesn’t turn into a scary gelatinous mess which can happen if it is allowed to sit too long in plain liquid. The perfect consistency for me is to put two teaspoons of the psyllium in every 1/4 cup of plain yogurt. I don’t eat the very thick Greek style yogurt and so don’t know if adding the psyllium would make a mess of it, but I’m sure it can be properly proportioned with a bit of experimentation, particularly if you add frozen fruit and other things that render additional liquid. I would just start with small amounts and observe what happens! I’m still figuring out its uses and will try adding it to oatmeal as well. A lot of people also include it in low-carb baking, soups, and puddings, which is interesting. It really does keep you feeling full and helps with regularity. I think it also adds nice variety. I already use flax seeds, glucommanan powder, and other konjac root products just about every day, and having another tasty, fiber option is great!
SD –
I like these much better than those that finely ground. They are effective and the texture is much better
Hayam –
Good product, I liked
McKinley –
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SD –
I keep coming back to this product. It has zero taste and you have to drink it right down. I use more than the label recommends without issue. There are no “emergency” rushes to the restroom. A glass at night followed by two additional glasses of water do the trick in the morning to make the getting ready for work a quick 1-2, rather than contemplating life for 15 minutes. One thing to remember is to thoroughly wash out the drinking cup used. If you let it dry, its like hard oatmeal to remove.
Linda –
Good, clean, natural product.