Descrição do Produto: Yerba Prima Daily Fiber Caps – 180 Cápsulas – Solúvel
Yerba Prima Daily Fiber Caps é um suplemento alimentar que oferece uma maneira prática e eficaz de aumentar a ingestão de fibras na dieta diária. Com 180 cápsulas solúveis, este produto é formulado para promover a saúde digestiva e o bem-estar geral. Cada cápsula contém uma combinação de fibras solúveis e insolúveis, que ajudam a regular o trânsito intestinal, controlar o apetite e manter níveis saudáveis de colesterol. A fórmula é livre de glúten e aditivos artificiais, tornando-a uma escolha ideal para quem busca uma opção saudável e natural. As cápsulas são fáceis de engolir e se dissolvem rapidamente, proporcionando uma absorção eficiente dos nutrientes.
1. Saúde Digestiva: Ajuda a regular o trânsito intestinal, prevenindo constipação e promovendo uma digestão saudável.
2. Controle do Apetite: As fibras solúveis ajudam a aumentar a sensação de saciedade, auxiliando no controle do peso.
3. Níveis Saudáveis de Colesterol: Contribui para a manutenção de níveis adequados de colesterol no sangue, promovendo a saúde cardiovascular.
4. Fórmula Natural: Livre de glúten e aditivos artificiais, ideal para dietas restritivas e para quem busca produtos mais naturais.
5. Praticidade: As cápsulas são fáceis de transportar e consumir, tornando a suplementação de fibras simples e conveniente no dia a dia.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 3 cápsulas de Yerba Prima Daily Fiber Caps, uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente com um copo de água ou outra bebida. É importante aumentar a ingestão de líquidos ao utilizar suplementos de fibra para garantir uma adequada hidratação e otimizar os efeitos benéficos das fibras. Para melhores resultados, combine o uso do produto com uma dieta equilibrada e rica em frutas, vegetais e grãos integrais.
R Pen –
Fiber is an important part of the diet especially for people who don’t eat the best of diets or for the elderly with back pain. Bowel movements can actually activate back pain from the pressure of the what will eventually be a movement building. My dog is 11 years old and in phenomenal shape but recently at night he would cry a bit and I couldn’t figure out was wrong. After a few nights of this and nothing from the vet other than he was probably just older and a little achy at nights I set out on my own to find a solution. My dad has back pain and told me about how important this fiber was to help keep it from getting triggered as his body was digesting. My groomer also talked about joint pain being triggered at night. So I got these pills and sprinkle half a capsule in his morning meal and the other half in his evening meal. Sure enough, within the first use his evening discomfort went away completely and he is doing his business with much more ease which of course is easier on him. I love the natural remedies you can find if you learn to listen to your (or your pets) bodies. Vet would have given him pain killers I opted for fiber and a year has gone by without incident. I’m sure this isn’t what Yerba Prima intended when they made this well balanced fiber but I am so thankful that it is here for my dog to use. I also use it myself when I’ve had fairly unbalanced meals that don’t have a lot of fiber (veggies, legumes, etc.). People don’t realize this but fiber doesn’t just help with the passage of waist but it also helps the colon block out toxins and waste elements that your colon shouldn’t be absorbing into your system. I love a good cheeseburger and fries now and again but there is nothing in that meal to protect you from excess fat absorption and things of that nature so I will take one of these capsules before a meal like that to help balance my diet. Great, well formulated, and balanced fiber product that I highly recommend.
Ws –
I’m not sure if it works well.
Beth W. –
Dependable and gentle product I’ll use for the rest of my life. It arrived on time.
R. Kim –
I’m older now, so I have issues with regularity. I’ve tried everything on the market to help, including these inexpensive capsules. But I noticed that I needed more and more of them to achieve the same effect, until I discovered one of those veggie/fruit blenders you see on television. AFTER JUST ONE DAY OF TWO SERVINGS OF MY VERY FIRST VEGGIE SMOOTHIE, I HAD TWO OF THE BEST, STRESS-FREE BMs OF MY ENTIRE LIFE. These machines are no joke, no TV come-on. They’re the real thing.
After this discovery, I gave all of my laxatives and fiber supplements away, and never looked back. It doesn’t much matter the brand– a Nutribullet, a Ninja, or a Vitamix blender (the one I bought), any good one will provided fantastic results. I saved just one bottle of my Daily Fiber Caps just in case I’m traveling. But my days of continual and expensive natural laxatives are all over. My friends, don’t just believe me. Try making your own fresh green or fruit smoothies and it will change your life forever, just as it did mine. Have a Happy New Year, and start your year off with one of these smoothie blenders, the single most important health purchase of my entire life 🙂
G. Sims –
Not harsh. Not weak. Price is right. And… they do the job. What else is there to say? I subscribed to receive the, regularly, if that says anything. Recommend!
Rayne –
A very good formula for constipation.. i took only four capsules everyday and the results is significant!
Nancy –
I have been taking this supplement for a couple of years and very happy with the results. Great product and price.
Glen Goodrum –
taken first thing in the morning . Seems to be working.
brent d. –
I would give daily fiber caps, a 4.5 stars. It worked great, I never had any stomach issues of cramping or discomfort or Gas. I love bread and sometimes eat too much so it’s nice to have the fiber to take and still get to enjoy all the bread products without the constipation😳🤪