YEOUTH Creme para os Olhos com Retinol e Ácido Hialurônico
O YEOUTH Creme para os Olhos com Retinol e Ácido Hialurônico é um produto inovador que transforma a rotina de cuidados com a pele, proporcionando uma aparência revigorada e hidratada. Com uma fórmula poderosa, este creme é ideal para quem busca combater os sinais de envelhecimento, como rugas e linhas finas, enquanto mantém a pele ao redor dos olhos intensamente hidratada. O retinol, conhecido por suas propriedades anti-envelhecimento, atua na renovação celular, promovendo uma pele mais suave e uniforme. Já o ácido hialurônico é um hidratante natural que retém a umidade, garantindo que a pele fique macia e elástica.
Com 60ml de produto, o YEOUTH Creme para os Olhos é versátil e pode ser utilizado não apenas na delicada área dos olhos, mas também em todo o rosto, oferecendo cuidados completos. Sua embalagem prática e conveniente torna o uso diário fácil e acessível, permitindo que você leve o creme para qualquer lugar. Ao aplicar o creme à noite, você acorda com uma pele visivelmente mais fresca e revitalizada, pronta para enfrentar o dia.
Este creme é dermatologicamente testado e livre de parabenos, sulfatos e fragrâncias artificiais, tornando-o seguro para todos os tipos de pele, incluindo as mais sensíveis. A combinação de ingredientes de alta qualidade garante que você obtenha resultados eficazes sem comprometer a saúde da sua pele.
- Reduz a aparência de olheiras e inchaço, proporcionando um olhar mais descansado.
- Hidrata profundamente a pele ao redor dos olhos, deixando-a mais suave e refrescada.
- Formulado com retinol para combater rugas e linhas de expressão, promovendo uma pele mais jovem.
- Produto adequado para peles sensíveis, garantindo segurança e eficácia.
- Livre de fragrâncias artificiais, parabenos, sulfatos e glúten, ideal para quem busca produtos naturais.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique o YEOUTH Creme para os Olhos todas as noites após a limpeza e tonificação da pele. Com a ponta dos dedos, pegue uma pequena quantidade do creme e massageie suavemente ao redor dos olhos, evitando o contato direto com os olhos. Aplique também no rosto, se desejado, para um tratamento completo. Deixe o creme ser absorvido completamente antes de aplicar outros produtos de cuidados com a pele. O uso regular em conjunto com outros produtos YEOUTH potencializa os resultados, promovendo uma aparência mais radiante e saudável.
Ferra Spencer –
As someone with eye bags, I am always looking for a new product to help reduce the puffiness. I’ve used several other creams with retinol so I know I’m not overly sensitive. Within two days of using this product, my under eyes were red and scabbed like I’d had a burn. It took literal weeks for them to heal. I would stay far away from this product.
Christy Harris –
A mi esposa le ha encantado esta crema para contorno de ojos, lleva algunas semanas usándola y le ha mejorado bastante el párpado y la ojera.
Diana –
This is a hydrating eyectaran exactly what it says! A LOT comes in this product so you are really getting a good deal! It’s gonna take you awhile to get through it! Only issue I have is I’m currently using Tretinoin which is a topical cream prescribed by my dermatologist, and even though
I don’t use it under my eyes it’s close enough that when I put my eye cream on it causes my skin to burn a bit near my eye area. Something to keep in mind of you are using a topical product with it. Just be cautious that it could burn. Other than that the product is great. No weird smell and it’s super hydrating!
Ferra Spencer –
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Eye cream that doesn’t irritate my skin after regular use.
The first week I used it by following the direction on the box, I used it every other night to test if it irritated my skin or not. Because my previous eye cream irritated my left eye so bad after regular use of 2 or 3 nights in a row. Thankfully this one doesn’t!! So, from the second week until now I use it every night without worry (I have this product for almost a month now).
I am okay the color of the cream.
I have a bad habit of staying late or sleep under 6 hours, so sometimes I still have panda eyes. I need to change my habit and have a better lifestyle if I want to improve my skin around my eyes. But last week when we had 3 day holiday weekend, I could get longer sleep, use this cream, and my skin’s appearance look better. The cream helps to moisturize my skin.
Jen –
been using for many months and cant see a huge difference. it does keep me moisturized which i like but i always have dark circles and i dont think i can fix that with this product. Make sure to not apply a lot because it has caused little skin tags but my skin acts up like that often. Also, too much will irritate your eye if it gets on your lashes and will sting
DB –
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I’ve been using this retinol eye cream by YEOUTHSkincare thanks to GleowSkincare for letting me try this and I absolutely love it! I only use this at night because the retinol increases skin sensitivity to sunlight during the day so, it’s best to use at night. This has moisture-attracting hyaluronic acid that attracts moisture to help the skin under your eyes to appear more supple. All YEOUTH products contain stable, high quality, clinically tested ingredients. This lovely retinol eye cram with hyaluronic acid tripeptide complex helps reduce the look of fine lines and wrinkles resulting in the appearance of a more youthful complexion. The Tripeptide Complex reduces the appearance of puffiness, wrinkles, and bags around and under the eyes. Lessons the appearance of dark circles and improves the look of skin tone for brighter, more youthful looking skin. I just love the te ture and the feel of this cream under and around my eyes. This is a must have in your skincare routine. I’ve been using it for two weeks and my eyes look and feel soft, supple, and brighter.
amazon customer –
really good products , no wrinkle around my eye so far , but it’s better to use it at night only.
Nicole Chastain –
This Yeouth Retinol Eye Cream really hydrated the sensitive skin underneath my eyes. I had dark circles and a lot of puffiness every day until I began using this eye cream every night. I incorporated it into my normal skincare routine and I noticed after just a few uses that my dark circles became lighter and my eyes became less and less puffy every day. I really love the hydrating effect it has on my eyes without all the irritation. The Retinol in this Cream really makes a difference. It has quality ingredients without all the overpricing that usually comes with anything that has these active ingredients in it today. It does not have a strong scent to it like I have noticed in previous eye creams that I have used before. It also comes in a reusable container! I l definitely recommend this to anyone that wants to treat the look of their dark circles and puffiness under their eyes, this really makes a difference without overpaying. My eyes definitely look younger so I will be buying it again!
Carlos G. –
Tog ett tag innan jag ville skriva något först var jag besviken, men efter ett bra tag av användning så är jag nöjd.
Amazon Customer –
the eyecream is wonderful