- Fácil de Preencher – Seja manualmente ou utilizando uma máquina de enchimento, nossas cápsulas vazias de gelatina tamanho 5 são projetadas com extremidades arredondadas e resistentes a quebras, facilitando o preenchimento preciso. Nossas cápsulas vazias de tamanho pequeno 5 podem conter de 75mg a 155mg de suplementos em pó, dependendo da densidade.
- Design de Fechamento Seguro – Nosso design de fechamento com clique garante que você não desperdice nenhum dos seus valiosos pós, ervas ou ingredientes das suas cápsulas vazias. A característica de fechamento com clique também ajuda a proteger o conteúdo da sua cápsula vazia transparente da umidade e do ar. Tenha tranquilidade sabendo que suas cápsulas vazias estão seguras. Elas também podem ser utilizadas como pílulas placebo ou pílulas de açúcar.
- Fácil de Digestão – As cápsulas vazias são feitas de gelatina bovina 100% e se dissolvem no trato gastrointestinal para máxima absorção dos ingredientes do seu suplemento. Essas cápsulas vazias de gelatina para animais de estimação não contêm aditivos ou conservantes.
- Na XPRS Nutra (Capsules Express), nos esforçamos ao máximo para ajudá-lo a obter as melhores cápsulas vazias de alta qualidade para preencher seus suplementos pré-fabricados, pó vegetal, nootrópicos e cápsulas vazias de gelatina tamanho 5 para fitness. Nossas cápsulas vazias de gelatina tamanho 5 estão aqui para facilitar sua vida.
- Assine e Economize – Você vai adorar a qualidade superior, segurança e conveniência das nossas cápsulas vazias de gelatina bovina tamanho 5. Nós só adquirimos cápsulas vazias de fabricantes de alta qualidade. Por isso, seu pedido de cápsulas vazias de gelatina para gatos está seguro conosco. Junte-se a milhares de clientes satisfeitos e melhore sua saúde.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Facilidade de preenchimento preciso
- Design de fechamento seguro para proteger os ingredientes
- Fácil digestão e absorção máxima dos suplementos
- Qualidade superior garantida pela XPRS Nutra
- Assinatura e economia para clientes satisfeitos
– Sugestão de Uso:
Para utilizar o produto, basta abrir uma cápsula vazia e preenchê-la com o suplemento em pó desejado. Feche a cápsula com cuidado e consuma conforme as instruções do seu profissional de saúde. Lembre-se de armazenar as cápsulas em local fresco e seco, longe da umidade e do calor excessivo.
Para utilizar o produto, basta abrir uma cápsula vazia e preenchê-la com o suplemento em pó desejado. Feche a cápsula com cuidado e consuma conforme as instruções do seu profissional de saúde. Lembre-se de armazenar as cápsulas em local fresco e seco, longe da umidade e do calor excessivo.
Christine D –
I will be honest and tell you that I haven’t had a chance to give my cat this capsule yet. I just wanted to show everyone the size as I wasn’t expecting it to be this small but hoping it was! Pleased that it’s tiny as her Gabentin pill is tiny and should fit easily. I’ll try to update once I give it to her.
Christine D –
Update: The slightly larger size 4 capsules are even better! They are a hair larger than the size 5s but still tiny enough for a cat’s mouth. Still using these capsules and love them!!!
Attention all cat parents! These capsules are a lifesaver! My very feisty 5-year-old cat, Jumpy, was just diagnosed with heart disease (cardiomyopathy) & needs to take 1/4 tab each of Atenolol & Plavix (clopidogrel) every day. Having 7 cats, I’m a great piller! But forcing quartered pills down Jumpy’s neck was a nightmare & a half. I was literally scratched, bleeding, & exhausted from trying to give these 2 little pills. When I would finally get him to take the pill, he would foam at the mouth, gag, & then throw it up. I looked into getting the meds compounded but it would cost me $120/month which was way out of the budget. I started mixing the Atenolol with water in an eye dropper, but you can’t do that with the Plavix (per the manufacturer, I think because it is such a bitter-tasting pill & the water would make the taste worse). Jumpy doesn’t like wet food or cat treats so I couldn’t disguise the pills there. Desperate for another solution, I looked into these capsules. Believe me when I say that they are truly my saving grace. I ordered the size 5 & they are the perfect size for my very petite cat. I was worried that the capsule would be too big for a tiny cat mouth, but I promise you that the size 5 will work just fine. I put the 1/4 tab of Atenolol in the capsule first (tiny pill). Then I add the Plavix. The 1/4 tab of Plavix is just barely too big to fit, so I cut the 1/4 in half (1/8) & then put them in the capsule & close it. I make 1-2 weeks of the capsules at a time so that I don’t have to do it each day. Armed with my large plastic eye dropper filled with water, I get Jumpy, put the capsule in his mouth, & then shoot some water down his throat to wash it down. The capsule can get a little sticky when wet (use dry hands!), so I want to make sure that it goes all the way down his throat & he doesn’t choke. He can’t taste the bitterness of the pill thanks to the capsule, so there is no foaming, gagging, or throwing up. These capsules make it so easy! I even tried a plain capsule myself to make sure would be okay for my cat. There was no taste & it dissolved pretty quickly. PLEASE do yourself a favor & get these if you have a cat like mine who doesn’t like pills!
A&B –
I got my cat back after his I-131 radiation treatment for hyperthyroidism, and I had a couple of different meds to give him. It was super annoying because the pills were so small to start with and I had to cut them into quarters. They would fall out of the pill shooter or get stuck. I came across the suggestion to get these pill pockets on a forum, and it was the best suggestion ever. I got both size 4 and size 5. I use size 5 for just one of the meds and size 4 when I need to give both. They fit perfectly in the pill shooter and come out on the first try. I can control better where it goes and get it right down his throat rather than on the side where it would end up in his cheeks and be spit out later. I think they also help to mask the taste of the meds, so he doesn’t hold it in his mouth as long, wanting to spit it out. He swallows it right away. I can’t recommend these enough. They are perfect for my situation and budget-friendly. My only mistake was getting the clear ones instead of a variety of colors. The clear ones were easy to miss if he happened to spit one out. Having multiple colors helped me use a different color for each med and another for when both are in one.
Alan Wedding –
Had 100 60mg capsules and doctor changed prescription to 30mg twice a day. Thes caps take exactly half of the 60mg caps. Saved throwing them out.
Alden Fisher –
excelente producto
Christina D –
Son pequeñas, faciles de tomar y digerir. Ni un solo problema he tenido.
G.S. –
These tiny capsules are a life saver! I used to struggle with getting my cat to take her pills because she would eventually bite into the pill if I hid them in Pill Pockets, treats, etc, & then she would refuse to eat said treat ever again. I read some reviews mentioning that these capsules would be perfect if they were a tad smaller so do what I do—pull apart the capsule & cut a little bit off the longer portion with a pair of clean & sharp scissors! This process sometimes makes the capsule crack a little so you do need really good vision in order to put the capsule back together after filling it using tweezers (although you need good vision regardless because these capsules are clear & tiny!). Then I hide it in a piece of Inaba chicken fillet & my cat gobbles it up without realizing she just took her meds lol. Yes, they’re a little on the expensive side but totally worth it in my opinion because I no longer have to force her to take her medicine.
JoAnn –
The size was perfect. The problematic, patently, potent, problem, played, past, plucky, prickly, pernicious, predeluvial, plastered prions, potentially, making me a predatorial, predationarianistic. Problem?! Personally, preying, predator people plague patrons peels my plantain.
Peace for your plantain pulling platitudes that put me to praying for pernicious plantains to plow this planet.
JoAnn –
I got these to conceal some bitter tasting pills my cat needs to take daily. I was afraid the size 4 might be a little too big so I went for the 5s and I think I could have sized up. I do have to squeeze in the pill to make it fit so it works but if using for a pet I think you would be better off with the size 4. No complaints otherwise as they definitely make it easier getting his pills down his throat!
Becky C. –
These are a lot smaller than expected! They still work but definitely go with a #4 instead.