Descrição do Produto: Xooma X-treme x2o – Pacote Único com 6 Sachês
O Xooma X-treme x2o é um suplemento inovador que transforma a água comum em uma bebida alcalina e rica em antioxidantes. Cada pacote contém 6 sachês, cada um formulado com uma mistura exclusiva de minerais e ingredientes naturais que promovem a hidratação e o equilíbrio do pH do corpo. Ao adicionar um sachê a um copo de água, você ativa uma poderosa solução que ajuda a neutralizar a acidez, favorecendo a saúde geral e o bem-estar. Ideal para quem busca uma forma prática e eficaz de melhorar a qualidade da água consumida diariamente, o Xooma X-treme x2o é perfeito para atletas, pessoas com estilo de vida ativo e qualquer um que deseje otimizar sua hidratação.
1. Equilíbrio do pH: Ajuda a neutralizar a acidez do corpo, promovendo um ambiente mais alcalino.
2. Aumento da Hidratação: Melhora a absorção de água pelo organismo, potencializando a hidratação.
3. Antioxidantes Naturais: Combate os radicais livres, contribuindo para a saúde celular e o envelhecimento saudável.
4. Praticidade: Fácil de transportar e usar, ideal para o dia a dia, viagens ou atividades físicas.
5. Melhora na Performance Física: Auxilia na recuperação muscular e na redução da fadiga, beneficiando atletas e praticantes de atividades físicas.
Para utilizar o Xooma X-treme x2o, adicione um sachê em um copo de 250 ml de água. Agite bem até que o sachê esteja completamente dissolvido. Recomenda-se consumir a bebida imediatamente após a preparação para garantir a máxima eficácia dos ingredientes. Para melhores resultados, utilize 1 a 2 sachês por dia, conforme necessário, especialmente antes ou após atividades físicas intensas. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
Kos B. –
This product was recommended to me by my alternative care practitioner. I’ve been using it & buying it through his office for a few years now. I’ve recently found it on Amazon for a better price and am really happy! The packets are a MUST for anyone with an RO water system….critical really. RO systems are the best, but they work so good that they also remove vital minerals which turns the water acidic. You do not want to be drinking acidic water!…or give it to your kids! These packets work very well at restoring vital minerals to your drinking water, AND you don’t even taste it! I’ve been through almost everything out there in regard to PH drops..with picky little ones that would always tell me “this water tastes yucky”. These mineral packets have saved me because they add no flavor to the water. My exact method is: I fill up a 3 Gallon glass water dispenser (fits in my fridge). I put 4 packets of Xooma in a small glass of RO water & shake vigorously. Pour that in the dispenser along with the packets. To cut costs a bit, instead of using 6-7 packets in my 3 gallon dispenser, I also add 20 drops of Alkalife PH drops. On their own they have a distinct flavor, but combining both the packets & drops its most cost effective and leaves the water tasting great. This method gives me perfectly alkaline water.
maegproductions –
I so love this stuff!. I’ll be honest, you won’t feel and immediate change in your body but over a week to 2 weeks time, you definitely will feel a change!! You become more energized and you even lose weight!!. I PROMISE!! Also, I’m a singer and this product tends to help me vocally. Im able to release my vocals more freely and manipulate several different techniques. I definitely suggest this product to anyone who wants a better state of health. #TEAMXOOMAWATER
A. A. Henderson –
the whol pH diet thing is also very interesting. i tried the diet with this x2o product for about 5 weeks. found that i released a lot of water i was retaining, lost 7 lbs immediately. then over time i began to notice extreme hunger, shakiness, irritability, etc. and had since attributed that to low blood sugar. the pH diet does not keep my blood sugar stable throughout the day and for that reason i’ve had to go back and add more meat and dairy products. i still keep using this product however and have not had the shakiness anymore. i won’t buy this again just for the simple reason that the diet it’self doesn’t work with my body and also, you can alkalize your water with a squeeze of lemon or lime. much cheaper.
Raina Crawford –
She said it’s okay 👌🏾
Detra Williams –
It’s a great product. It gives me the energy I need, but i did not realize or know that it would make my biles go. But all in all I would recommend it to anyone looking for some added energy.
Harriet W. –
It alkaline water well & gave it a refreshing taste!!!
Daphne Whitaker Spight –
You won’t understand it’s benefits until you take it for 3 days add the focus up too. You will never be the same. It’s like the NZT on limitless
katreichia mitchell –
This product is nature Life saver/line etc. I use it daily and will continue to as long as I can. Used to battle hypertension for years. After using this product I’ve been able to maintain and control my health and no longer taking any medications. Water intake only for almost 2 years now! I’m truly grateful for this product!