Zarbee’s Kids Cough Immune Nighttime é a solução ideal para pais que buscam um alívio eficaz e seguro para a tosse de seus filhos de 2 a 6 anos. Este xarope noturno foi cuidadosamente formulado para acalmar a tosse, apoiar o sistema imunológico e proporcionar um sono tranquilo. Com uma combinação de ingredientes selecionados e cientificamente comprovados, Zarbee’s oferece uma experiência única e benéfica para as crianças.
Cada porção contém mel escuro, conhecido por suas propriedades calmantes, além de vitamina D, zinco e sabugueiro, que juntos fortalecem o sistema imunológico natural do corpo. A adição de camomila ajuda a relaxar o corpo e a mente, preparando as crianças para uma noite de sono reparador. O sabor de frutas vermelhas naturais torna o xarope irresistível, garantindo que as crianças aceitem facilmente o tratamento.
Zarbee’s é uma escolha consciente, pois é livre de drogas, álcool, adoçantes artificiais, sabores ou corantes adicionados, e xarope de milho com alto teor de frutose. Além disso, é seguro para crianças com alergias, pois não contém glúten, laticínios, ovos ou amendoim. Desenvolvido por um pai e pediatra, Zarbee’s é a marca de xarope para tosse mais recomendada por pediatras para bebês e crianças com até 12 anos.
Lo –
My 4 year old loves the taste and doesn’t fuss taking it like other brands we’ve tried.
Missy –
Works great and my granddaughter loves the taste
Kate –
This has been a lifesaver throughout cold season with an elementary student. Everything seemed to come home with my kiddos this year and this was such a staple to getting some decent sleep when everyone had a cough all night.
TaSarav –
We love this product. It is our go-to when the kids are sick. They proactively ask for it when they start feeling under the weather.
Carolyn G. –
It is natural, yet effective.
KT –
It works and my daughter loves the taste!
Roger & Francine –
I ordered this because I’m a huge fan of anything Elderberry. The stuff works. I love natural remedies, and I always have Elderberry and echinacea on hand because it seems as though my toddler gets sick at least once a month from sharing germs with her playmates. The biggest problem with supplements is disguising them because we don’t drink juices in our household so I don’t have any on hand when she’s showing symptoms of a cold, thus I have to run to the store for juice. This medicine is good because she did not mind the taste and I didn’t have to hide it so for me that’s a really a good reason to have this medicine on hand for the kiddos and save the droppers of Echinacea and Elderberry for us adults.
Carlex –
Been using Zarbee’s products since our baby was born and recommended by our pediatrician. Been very happy with the results and have become a trusted name in our household. So happy to see they keep coming out with new products to help our little one. We always keep this in stock since anyone who has kids in daycare know that they will get every sickness out there. regardless of how much cleaning you try to do. Now I usually don’t use anything unless it is really needed and this is given on them rough nights. No one wants to see the little ones suffer from coughs and this does help with it and helps them get a decent nights rest. My little one likes the flavor and actually drinks it without a fight. So nights even ask for it before we offer it. LOVE IT.