Nature’s Way Cold Flu Relief Syrup: Alívio Natural para Resfriados e Gripe
O xarope Nature’s Way Cold + Flu Relief é a solução ideal para quem busca um alívio rápido e eficaz dos sintomas de resfriados e gripes. Este xarope homeopático é formulado para encurtar a duração dos resfriados e reduzir a gravidade da tosse, congestão e dor de garganta. Com uma combinação única de ingredientes naturais, ele atua de forma sinérgica para proporcionar um alívio abrangente.
- O Alpha CF presente na fórmula é eficaz na redução de febre, dores no corpo, calafrios e coriza, permitindo que você retome suas atividades diárias com mais conforto.
- Para crianças de 6 a 12 anos, a dosagem recomendada é de 1 colher de chá três vezes ao dia. Já adultos e crianças a partir de 13 anos devem tomar 1 1/2 colher de chá três vezes ao dia, garantindo um tratamento adequado para cada faixa etária.
- O xarope é não sonolento, com apenas 0,05% de álcool, permitindo que você se sinta aliviado sem comprometer sua energia e foco.
- Na Nature’s Way, acreditamos que a natureza é a solução definitiva para os problemas de saúde. Há mais de 50 anos, buscamos inspiração no mundo natural para desenvolver nossos produtos.
- Nossos suplementos e vitaminas são formulados com qualidade para ajudar você a encontrar o caminho para o bem-estar.
1. Alívio rápido dos sintomas de resfriados e gripes.
2. Redução da gravidade da tosse e congestão nasal.
3. Eficaz no combate à febre e dores no corpo.
4. Fórmula não sonolenta, ideal para uso durante o dia.
5. Sabor de frutas que torna a administração mais agradável, especialmente para crianças.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o xarope Nature’s Way Cold + Flu Relief, siga as orientações de dosagem conforme a faixa etária. Crianças de 6 a 12 anos devem tomar 1 colher de chá (5 ml) três vezes ao dia, enquanto adultos e crianças a partir de 13 anos devem tomar 1 1/2 colher de chá (7,5 ml) três vezes ao dia. Agite bem antes de usar e tome o xarope com um copo de água, se desejado. É importante não exceder a dosagem recomendada e consultar um profissional de saúde em caso de dúvidas ou se os sintomas persistirem.
OrCal –
La fórmula homeopática más eficaz para combatir el resfriado y la gripe.
Emsie –
Buy this. Just buy this to have it on hand because At the first sign of a cold this winter I used this myself and my kids also and it is amazing. It lessens colds or wards them off completely. My son also was diagnosed with the flu last year and he was already taking this and elderberry syrup and it lessened his symptoms SIGNIFICANTLY. I swear by this, and I don’t swear y’all. The flavor is great, kids don’t mind it at all. You can go through it quickly if more than one person is using it but it is worth every dollar and then some. I’d you don’t like being sick, you need to have this.
Catherine –
B. Jarrard –
Highly recommended to shorten duration or halt symptoms of respiratory illness if used at first sign of sore throat. HOWEVER, this product and regular UMCKA drops cause me to experience sleeplessness and jitters if taken at full dose (several times in past year). I now only use one dropper on back of a sore throat and notice improvement same day, then marked improvement next morning after a second mini dose. My daughter can take it 3 times a day including bedtime with no side effects. She has had remarkable success interrupting cold symptoms several times in past year using this product or UMCKA drops. Have shared tablet UMCKA w/other family members who had great success, too. (Tablets convenient for travel, but contain sugar alcohols, so I have to avoid that version.) We are unlikely to have encountered flu, so our experience to date is in response to common cold symptoms: sore throat, sneezing, stuffy head. We are stocking back-up bottles of this version plus UMCKA drops for winter. If you need it right away I have found it at Whole Foods and natural foods section of Kroger.
John Collins –
This is great when taken at the first sign of a cold or flu and really helps. However, I don’t think it is as effective or works better than other over the counter options as the cold progresses. I had given some to my daughter but ran out. Thought her cold was not bad until I caught it later and had rough time of it. Now I make sure to keep some in stock for those first crucial few days. Definitely think it helps reduce symptoms and help you recover faster.
Vickie Brown –
Wonderful taste, fast acting. I love the natural approach
Arlene –
This products is so natural, the kids has no problem taking it compared to regular OTC medications. It’s worth it.
lu252SC –
I tried Umcka in Fall 2010, and I believe my kids and I did avoid several colds by using Umcka at the first sign of illness, and continuing Umcka until all symptoms were gone. It did not work when there was any delay in taking Umcka after symptoms started (like on Day 2 of a cold). My kids do not complain about taking the medicine. My husband has tried Umcka, but is not convinced that it worked for him. I believe in it enough to continue keeping Umcka on hand for whenever a cold threatens to strike the family.