Hound Honey: Xarope Soothing Trachea – 150 ml (5 fl oz)
O Hound Honey é um remédio herbal natural desenvolvido especialmente para aliviar os sintomas da traqueia colapsada em cães. Com um sabor agradável de mel que os cães adoram, este xarope é fácil de administrar, tornando a experiência mais tranquila tanto para o animal quanto para o tutor. A fórmula foi cuidadosamente elaborada para ajudar a mitigar os desconfortos associados a condições respiratórias, proporcionando alívio eficaz e saboroso.
Os sintomas que podem ser aliviados com o uso do Hound Honey incluem:
- Sintomas de tosse do tipo honking: A tosse característica que pode ser angustiante para o seu cão.
- Excitação provoca episódios de tosse: Momentos de agitação que desencadeiam a tosse, dificultando a respiração.
- Sons de chiado: Indicações de que o seu cão pode estar enfrentando dificuldades respiratórias.
- Tosse com engasgo / tosse seca: Desconforto que pode ser aliviado com o uso do xarope.
- Sinais de calor – sede – ofegante – busca por lugares frescos: Indicativos de que o seu cão está lutando para respirar adequadamente.
- Cães gostam do sabor de mel – fácil de administrar: A palatabilidade do produto facilita a aceitação pelo animal.
- Fabricado nos EUA desde 2009: Um produto confiável e testado no mercado.
1. Alívio Rápido: Proporciona alívio imediato dos sintomas respiratórios, permitindo que seu cão respire mais facilmente.
2. Fórmula Natural: Com ingredientes naturais, é uma alternativa segura e eficaz aos medicamentos convencionais.
3. Sabor Agradável: O sabor de mel torna a administração do xarope uma tarefa simples e agradável, evitando estresse para o animal.
4. Facilidade de Uso: A embalagem de 150 ml é prática e permite dosagens precisas, facilitando o manejo do produto.
5. Confiabilidade: Fabricado nos EUA desde 2009, o Hound Honey é um produto testado e aprovado por tutores de cães em todo o país.
Para utilizar o Hound Honey, agite bem a embalagem antes de cada uso. Administre a dose recomendada diretamente na boca do seu cão ou misture com a comida, se preferir. A dosagem pode variar de acordo com o peso e a gravidade dos sintomas, portanto, consulte sempre um veterinário para orientações específicas. O uso regular pode ajudar a manter a saúde respiratória do seu animal, proporcionando conforto e bem-estar.
Amy –
My dog has a partial collapsed trachea and has been dealing with a terrible cough for over a year. After tons of vet visits and different products, I read through the reviews and decided to order the Hound Honey: Trachea Soother Syrup. I cannot believe how well this stuff works! It obviously does not get rid of the cough completely, but he barely coughs now and he’s not in pain from a sore throat. We have been using for almost two weeks so far and as picky as my dog is, he will lick this stuff right up. He does not even need a teaspoons worth twice a day and he is 65lbs. A little goes a long way. Another plus I have noticed is that this product is drying out warts that he has all over his body and they are falling off!! Win win for me!! My 15 y/o Beagle is MUCH happier since adding this product.
Itzel –
This didn’t work at all😠and I hope it did bcs my fur baby has a bad collapse trachea and was hoping it would stop it but instead of stopping it it made it worst. the only time it worked was the first day and that was it, too bad I have to go back to get him medication. Im dissapointed😡 and also for almost $45 dollars not worth it for how small the bottle is 😤
2lightkeepers –
My 16 year old dog has a collapsed trachea. I hoped this would help sooth his throat and minimize the cough but I didn’t see any change.
Kayleigh –
I cannot begin to say how happy I am to have ordered this product several months ago, and to have had it on hand last night. I know small dogs are more likely to be diagnosed with collapsing trachea, especially as they age. My tiny Pixel has had a slight cough for the past few years, usually at night, and it has gotten especially worse over the past few months. I am always so afraid to give her meds or supplements, as sometimes they cause more side effects and harm than good. After doing some research, I decided to purchase this Hound Honey Trachea Soother, just to have on hand. Well, last night Pix went to bed, coughing on and off pretty regularly for a few hours. In the wee hrs of the morning, (4 am really), my baby woke me in a total panick, with gagging, hacking cough that was literally so bad she could barely breathe. She started getting woozy and wobbly from lack of oxygen, and I thought she would soon stroke out. I was barely awake and freaking out. I really thought she would die in my arms. I felt helpless to help her, but then remembered the Hound Honey. I have actually kept it and a dosing syringe on my night stand for the past few weeks, so I started slowly (so as not to upset her more) giving her a drop at a time until I got the whole 1/4 tsp into her. Within just a few minutes, she started to settle down, and within 30 minutes, she was sleeping soundly and no longer struggling to breathe or coughing at all. Today I brought her to my office while I saw patients, and I have been dosing the Hound Honey every 4 hours. I will continue to do so for as long as I can keep her comfortable. I am so forever grateful for this amazing product. My baby means the world to me, and watching her struggle really breaks my heart. This stuff gave us both peace, and is worth every penny. If your dog is even starting with a cough, do not hesitate to purchase this stuff. It has a long shelf life and does not need refrigeration. So buy it just to have around… just in case. I’m so glad I did! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, PAWHEALER COMPANY!!!
T. Morgan –
My 15 1/2 year old Cocker Spaniel (he’s now 16 1/2!) had a cough so bad from tracheal collapse that he couldn’t sleep and had basically stopped eating. The vet gave me hydrocodone cough syrup, which helped, a little, but not nearly enough. I was certain I was going to have to put my precious boy down, and I was heartbroken, but I couldn’t let him suffer like that.
I did a search online for treatments for tracheal collapse and came across this product. I had no expectations, even with the great reviews. His cough was AWFUL and constant.
Within three days of using the tracheal soother syrup (I do mix it with the hydrocodone cough syrup) his cough had subsided substantially. Within a week it was GONE. I mean, COMPLETELY GONE. It’s been four months and I only give it to him once a day and the cough is still very well controlled.
I am incredibly grateful for this product. It worked miracles with my baby boy.
Robin –
The price is rather high, but if it works, its worth it.
DanaJA –
My older toy poodle has coughing fits & this always helps her calm down. She is a picky one but she loves the taste.
Gloria Cabral –
I have a Pug, and Pugs have respiratory issues. We’ve had him checked, he does not have a collapsed trachea, but I asked other Pug owners what they used, and I received rave reviews on this product, so I tried it. My Pug, Otis, has allergies. We moved from California to Texas a few years ago, and he’s had allergy symptoms ever since. We take him in every 3 months or so for an allergy shot, because he refuses to take medicine. We can’t get him to take pills or syrup without shoving it to the very back of his throat, and then we run the risk that he’ll just throw it up. This syrup says dogs love the flavor, so I being desperate bought it. From the very beginning, I knew this stuff was special. He didn’t gag or spit it out. And within minutes his coughing stopped. In talking to other Pug owners they tell me they give it to them every 3-4 hours, but we seem to only have a need to give it him once a day, and he’s fine. There have been times, between his allergy shots that we give it to him twice a day, but I haven’t had the need to do more than that. I recommend this to any dog owner who have allergies with coughing, wheezing, gagging, hacking or barking cough, this is the stuff to try. I hope you find it as helpful as we have.