Descrição do Produto: Planetary Herbals Calm Child Herbal Syrup
O xarope herbal Calm Child da Planetary Herbals é uma formulação cuidadosamente elaborada para proporcionar conforto e tranquilidade às crianças. Com uma combinação poderosa de botânicos calmantes, como camomila, erva-cidreira e catnip, este xarope é ideal para momentos de agitação e estresse. A camomila é conhecida por suas propriedades relaxantes, ajudando a acalmar a mente e o corpo. A erva-cidreira, por sua vez, é amplamente utilizada para promover um sono reparador e aliviar a ansiedade. O catnip, além de ser um excelente relaxante, também é conhecido por suas propriedades digestivas, ajudando a aliviar desconfortos estomacais que podem contribuir para a inquietação. Este xarope é uma solução natural e eficaz para pais que buscam alternativas saudáveis para ajudar seus filhos a relaxar e encontrar a paz em momentos de tensão.
1. Acalma e Relaxa: Fórmula com ingredientes naturais que promovem o relaxamento e reduzem a ansiedade em crianças.
2. Melhora o Sono: Ajuda a estabelecer uma rotina de sono saudável, facilitando o adormecer e melhorando a qualidade do sono.
3. Alívio Digestivo: O catnip contribui para a saúde digestiva, aliviando desconfortos que podem causar irritação e agitação.
4. Fórmula Natural: Com ingredientes botânicos, é uma alternativa segura e saudável aos medicamentos sintéticos.
5. Fácil de Usar: O xarope é de fácil administração, tornando-se uma opção prática para os pais em momentos de necessidade.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se administrar 1 colher de chá (5 ml) do xarope Calm Child, de 1 a 3 vezes ao dia, conforme necessário. O produto pode ser tomado diretamente ou diluído em água ou suco. É importante agitar bem antes de usar e armazenar em local fresco e seco. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se a criança estiver sob cuidados médicos ou tomando outros medicamentos.
Danielle Norton –
Waste of money
Doesn’t work at all my kids have bin using it for 3weeks and I’ve not seen no change in them
I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone it’s a money scam stay away
Angela C. –
My 7 year old has always been very active, excitable, very emotional, and shows signs of OCD. I know he must have ADHD, but he’s never been diagnosed because I don’t want him put on medication. I love his spirit but most of the time can’t handle his hyper behavior. I read the reviews and thought I’d give it a shot. After two days I noticed a difference. He’s still his silly, funny self, and still has energy, but he’s calmer. He can actually sit still and quiet now. He hasn’t had any emotional outbursts (which is an everyday thing around here), he’s been able to focus better and isn’t fighting with his older brother as much. He doesn’t really like the way it tastes, but it must not be too bad because he takes it. Normally getting him to eat or drink something he didn’t like would be a battle. I asked him if he felt sleepy or sick while on the syrup and he says NO, which is great. He even told me he felt calmer. I’m very impressed with this supplement. It’s not a cure for hyperactivity, but it definately helps and takes him down a notch or two. I have already recommened this product to a couple of friends. Will definately continue to use it. 😀
Casandra W Perry –
My 5-year-old does not have an official diagnosis of ADHD, but he is very hyperactive. He also has great difficulty concentrating. I purchased this product about one month ago. We are also using another product called Focus Attention Powder. These two products have helped us immensely. We mix the liquid Calm Child with the powder F.A.P., and mix all of it into an ounce or so of juice. It is a bit gritty, yes, but our son takes it with no complaints. We mix it well, stick a straw in it, and he drinks it very quickly. Believe me, if it was gross he wouldn’t take it – he pukes at the slightest provocation.
Anyway, the difference in his behavior is astounding. He is still active, still energetic, and still excited about life. However, he can sit still for his home-school lessons and is learning to “follow directions.” This is such a huge step for him. I plan to continue using the combination of these two products for a while.
Karon W. Smith –
Our little girl’s bio mother did Meth while she was pregnant. Our daughter was very agressive, hyper, and just had a lot of emotional issues at home and preschool. We started giving her calm child when she was in 3 pre-k. Calm child seemed to take the edge off. She is doing very well now. Once i thought she would be in special education classes. I am proud to say she is doing wonderful in school. She is in a dual language school where she has half instuction in English and half in Spanish, She has very high reading level. I’m not saying it hasn’t taken a lot of work and understanding but, i know the Calm Child has helped very much.
zumagirl –
I tried Planetary Formulas Calm Child Syrup it works. I have ordered my second bottle. I tell you the difference in his take home folder from school is amazing. He went from notes every day to smiling faces every day. Everyone notices the difference and asks if he is feeling ok. He is calmer, more focused. To be clear: I give him 1/2 teaspoon (per bottle) of Planetary Formulas Calm Child Syrup (twice daily before and after school) and one adult fish oil daily (before school). It works for him. I tried the tablets they worked but he cannot swallow tablets and they are not chewable (he says they taste horrible if chewed) so I purchased the syrup. Here is the big one. He has NOT taken Adderall since I started PFCCS. I filled his last prescription just in case but it is still in the bag unopened. I know it is frustrating for parents to find what works for their child. I wanted to be clear because I have found some reviews are not clear in dosage or just regimen. I am not faithful in watching my son’s sugar, dye.etc intake meaning I know many suggest Gluten, sugar and dye free diets. I don’t see either of them happening in our household, we like to eat. I do try to watch sugar and dye intake but he gets his share of both. What I am saying is I did no adjustments to his diet. I am happy with the results I see in my six year old. Thanks to my sister who recommended it. She is one who found the right product the first time around for my nephew, lucky her. I will note she does use fish oil for children and is still happy with the results. I use the adult fish oil as his neurologist suggested it. I use Carlson the Very Finest Fish Oil Orange, 1000 mg (May be Chewed) for both children (neither mind the taste) and my 5yr old uses Buried Treasure Added Attention Liquid Vitamin as directed works for her.
Lisa M. Alberes –
litslow –
I have noticed a big difference in my granddaughter after using this product. She was diagnosed with DiGeorge and FAS so behavior is a big issue with her, but as long as she takes her dose every day around the same time she has less of an issue.However, the price is getting ridiculous.
Amazon Customer –
Does not look works with my 4 years old daughter.
T. Whitehurst –
Terrible taste, my son refuses to take it I have to hide it in his food.The glass bottle is sensitive and it takes a long time to work. Not as effective as I’d like.
Beckyjywhy –
I bought this product for my four year old son in February 2012. It made him manic. He has always been hyperactive and impulsive, but this made him crazy. Some of our worst moments were during the week that I gave him this. I did the lowest dosage recommended. I have since learned that potassium benzoate is an additive/preservative. If you research it you will learn that it should not be used in products for children. I don’t know what he reacted to in this product, but it was downright scary. Do yourself a favor and look into the Feingold or Failsafe diet. This is not the answer.