Descrição do Produto: Xarope Expectoração BUCKLEY’S Original
O Xarope Expectoração BUCKLEY’S Original é uma solução eficaz para o alívio da tosse e da congestão causada pelo acúmulo de muco e fleuma nos pulmões. Este xarope atua diretamente nos pulmões, promovendo a liquefação e a eliminação do muco, facilitando a expectoração e proporcionando um alívio significativo para quem sofre com problemas respiratórios. A fórmula única do BUCKLEY’S Original combina ingredientes que trabalham em sinergia para soltar e afinar o muco, permitindo que ele seja expelido de forma mais eficiente. Com um sabor característico e uma textura que se adapta ao paladar, este xarope se torna uma opção agradável para quem busca conforto durante episódios de tosse.
- Funciona nos pulmões para soltar e afinar o muco e a fleuma, facilitando sua eliminação.
1. Alívio Rápido da Tosse: Proporciona um alívio quase imediato, permitindo que você retome suas atividades diárias sem interrupções.
2. Fórmula Eficaz: A combinação de ingredientes ativos é projetada para atuar diretamente na causa da tosse, não apenas nos sintomas.
3. Facilita a Expectoração: Ajuda a soltar o muco, tornando mais fácil a sua eliminação, o que é essencial para a recuperação de doenças respiratórias.
4. Sabor Agradável: O xarope tem um sabor que torna a experiência de tomar o medicamento mais palatável, especialmente para crianças e adultos sensíveis.
5. Uso Versátil: Pode ser utilizado em diversas situações, desde resfriados comuns até condições mais sérias que envolvem a produção excessiva de muco.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Xarope Expectoração BUCKLEY’S Original, recomenda-se agitar bem o frasco antes de usar. A dosagem padrão para adultos é de 15 ml a cada 4 horas, não excedendo 60 ml em um período de 24 horas. Para crianças, a dosagem deve ser ajustada conforme a idade e o peso, sempre seguindo as orientações de um profissional de saúde. É importante tomar o xarope com um copo de água para ajudar na hidratação e na fluidez do muco. Em caso de persistência dos sintomas, consulte um médico.
Brooklyn Customer –
Alright, so I figured those reviews about the horrendous taste were just hyping it up… Turns out, they weren’t kidding! The flavor is like a symphony of yuckiness, BUT it gets the job done. I had to summon all my bravery to gulp down that syrup, and bam, I finally got some shut-eye. Of course, I had my honey standby to banish the taste apocalypse right after. It was a lifesaver. Despite tasting like a potion brewed by a mischievous troll, I gotta give props to this product. It delivers on its promises, and enduring the taste is a mere blip on the radar of sleep salvation!
S.L.S –
Buckley’s cough syrup is truly awful tasting, but it does the job. I never had Buckley’s before and as soon as I tasted it I knew it would work bc it tastes like liquid Vicks Vaporub.
BooBooKitty2522 –
This stuff tastes horrible, but if you can get past the taste she you be happy you did. I had a terrible cold which I gave to my daughter. I tried everything and nothing was working. I felt like I was dying. My daughter was getting more congested than me. Someone told about this and its horrible taste but swore I would feel better. They were right. On the first day in a few hours I was breathing through my nose again and by the 2nd day I was coming back to myself again.
A. Lamont –
This has to be the nastiest tasting crap Ive ever tasted, thought I had accidentally opened a bottle of automotive oil additive when it first hit my tongue 😂… But Boy does this crap work 😊
M. Ksmith –
Works great! Repurchased several times. However….., I have to hype myself up to take it because the taste and menthol flavor is TOO strong that I gag. I tongue scrape with warm water immediately after I slam it down. Lol after you swallow it, it kinda takes your breath away for a moment because of the strong menthol.
Other than that, it is the only thing that works instantly for my reoccurring bronchitis / COPD. But man do I have to hype myself up to take it lol
Nancy M. –
But really, I love Buckleys because it always works for me. Shipping was very fast.
Mr. Cellophane –
A friend recommended this to me. She’s no longer a friend. I ordered this during a recent illness and waited anxiously for Amazon to drop it on my door step so I could benefit from it’s miraculous healing powers. In my sickly state, I eagerly opened it up and took a dose. And it tasted awful. So terribly bad. I immediately texted my friend and asked her, “Why in God’s name, did you not warn me about the taste?” She laughed at me, acknowledging the horrid taste-but swore that the product works (and to never take it on an empty stomach). I haven’t had the courage to take a second dose of this stuff due to the taste, but my former good friend has used it for years. Best of luck if you have the courage to try.
Sunny fla –
I have tried everything out there for my scratchy throat, my cough, and all of the mucus and I don’t get any better so I finally bought this stuff. I read all the reviews and I thought people were exaggerating. Boy was I wrong I’ll take it a couple more times, but it is awful tasting.
Update. Taste is awful but I am sleeping again after a three week bout with scratchy throat, cough and mucus. 100% better. Hold your nose when taking and put a few drops of honey on your finger for immediately after swallowing. No longer care about the taste. It’s a miracle!!!! Took only 2 doses. Never want to be without this awful stuff! 😊
Tina –
I have and used Buckley’s Complete in the blue and white package for a couple of years now. This is a brown medication. If anyone ever took this brown medication, they know how it tastes and it’s hard to take it. But I know this stuff is the only thing that works for me when I get a cold/flu.
For this time that I had the flu I decided to try the others. I tried the one in the orange and white package, the red and white package and the white and green package. These 3 were all a white medication. I tried them all and the taste is so horrible it tasted like I was drinking Pine-Sol! Nasty! So nasty, that I just poured the 3 down my kitchen sink! No second doubts/thoughts about it. Threw my money down the kitchen sink, but I did not care.
Stick to the blue and white package of Buckey’s. It’s not the best taste, but it’s drinkable and it works!
It’s the only one I’m sticking to.
Racquel –
Looks-questionable looks milky white liquid
Smell- like turpentine(someone said it’s from a tree bark used in the making of this)
Taste- pretty sure this is what liquid Vicks would taste like and feel if swallowed.
Once you get past all of that I got some of the best sleep I had in years. No coughing or phlegm for about 4 or 5 hours. Works well if you can take as needed don’t make any plans just stay in for 2 days take this every 6 hours n you should be clear after that. Note *chasers don’t help*