Descrição do Produto: Xarope Orgânico de Sabugueiro Purely Holistic para Adultos
Descubra o poder do Xarope Orgânico de Sabugueiro Purely Holistic, uma fórmula meticulosamente elaborada para oferecer suporte imunológico robusto e natural. Com 16 fl oz, este xarope é o dobro do tamanho de outros suplementos disponíveis no mercado, proporcionando um suprimento equivalente a três meses com a dosagem recomendada de uma colher de chá. Por que pagar mais por menos? O nosso xarope de sabugueiro, feito com Sambucus nigra, é uma escolha inteligente para quem busca manter uma defesa forte contra os desafios diários.
Os sabugueiros são conhecidos por suas propriedades antioxidantes, e o nosso xarope é uma fonte rica desses flavonoides naturais. Cada porção contém 125mg de extrato de sabugueiro, garantindo que você e sua família recebam o máximo de benefícios em cada colherada. É adequado para adultos e crianças a partir de 5 anos, tornando-se uma adição valiosa à rotina de saúde de todos.
Além do sabugueiro, nossa fórmula inclui ingredientes poderosos como Vinagre de Maçã Orgânico, Mel Cru, Própolis e Equinácea. Esses componentes trabalham em sinergia para combater os radicais livres, ajudando a manter seu corpo saudável e equilibrado. O xarope é totalmente livre de adoçantes artificiais, cores ou sabores prejudiciais, e é adequado para vegetarianos e pessoas com restrições ao glúten.
A Purely Holistic se orgulha de fabricar seu xarope em instalações nos EUA, garantindo que todos os nossos suplementos sejam verificados em laboratório quanto à potência e pureza. Se você não sentir uma melhora, garantimos a devolução do seu dinheiro, sem perguntas.
– ✔ Suporte Imunológico Potente: A alta concentração de sabugueiro proporciona uma defesa eficaz contra resfriados e gripes.
– ✔ Fórmula Natural e Orgânica: Ingredientes selecionados com rigor, livres de aditivos artificiais, promovendo saúde sem compromissos.
– ✔ Adequado para Toda a Família: Seguro para adultos e crianças acima de 5 anos, facilitando a inclusão na rotina familiar.
– ✔ Antioxidantes Poderosos: A combinação de ingredientes como mel cru e equinácea potencializa a proteção contra radicais livres.
– ✔ Satisfação Garantida: Compromisso com a qualidade e eficácia, com política de devolução sem complicações.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar uma colher de chá (5ml) do Xarope Orgânico de Sabugueiro Purely Holistic uma vez ao dia. Pode ser consumido puro ou diluído em água ou chá. Para crianças entre 5 e 12 anos, a dosagem deve ser reduzida para meia colher de chá (2,5ml) uma vez ao dia. Armazenar em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta. Agite bem antes de usar para garantir a homogeneidade dos ingredientes.
Mo –
I’ll go ahead and admit that I’ve never had anything with Elderberry, though I have had Apple Cider Vinegar. From what I was told by friends and family, the combination was going ‘to taste nasty.’ I had my doubts initially, but with everything going on in the world today with covid and the like, snagging it while on promotion wasn’t much of a loss – either it was nasty like everyone was going to predict, and I would just chug it down like other ‘medicines’, or it would taste great and be less of a chore to do.
Thankfully, it was the latter and not the previous, with a taste and consistency that was pretty unique. Not too watery, but not too thick like a prescription cough syrup – a nice balance, with a flavor more sweet than sour. Was a bit wary on the first dose, expecting it to be overpoweringly tart (it definitely has a tart flavor, but nothing like I was expecting), but it was almost refreshing. It was surprisingly good, all things aside, and I’m about half a bottle deep now. I enjoy the flavor and don’t find it too laborious to fit into a daily schedule, so I think it’s money well spent that can give me a bit more peace of mind. 10/10.
MM –
Thes tastes so good and when you start feeling sick just take some of this.
MM –
I wanted to post this review upon receipt of this product because I had seen reports regarding damaged bottles in other reviews and that was my only concern when ordering. My package arrived on time, the box was not damaged, and more importantly, the bottle was not broken. The bottle was encapsulated (for lack of a better word) in a cylindrical, protective airbubble wrapping, along with the poofy little airbags on top. No damage whatsoever.
I have periodically used Elderberry Syrup since before Covid, so I know what to expect with regard to dosing and taste. I realized the other day that we were low on syrup and we have approached a heightened Covid and Flu Season, so decided to pick up some more. I was pleasantly surprised to see this brand with very good reviews (for taste and effectiveness) but what I was really happy about was the volume/size of the bottle for the price (I have spent more for fewer ounces).
Now, I feel comfortable knowing we have this on-hand, should we start feeling like we’re getting ill. I’m a huge supporter of using Elderberry Syrup and its effectiveness – I’m a happy camper.
Kindle Customer –
I have been taking Elderberry primarily in the syrup form for more than 10 years. I have tried MANY other Brands including Honey Gardens Elderberry Syrup, which has been my favorite until the pandemic. I used to pay aprox $10 for the 8ounce, it has risen to a price fixed $20+ by the company! I fully realize how the cost of most immune supportive supplements have skyrocketed up to 4X pre-pandemic prices especially Elderberry products. In my honest opinion, this company is offering a product that is basically identically “tasting” and I’m assuming very similar in its ingredients as the Honey gardens at pre-pandemic pricing! I just subscribed to 5 bottles at a 6 month intervals. Hopefully this company will continue to honor this price as well as its commitment to keeping the product just as it is! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
Culinaryone –
I absolutely love everything about this Elderberry Syrup! first of all it. comes in a dark amber glass bottle which is great because I hate plastic. The quality of this product is higher than any I have ever tried before. It has a blend of raw honey and apple cider vinegar as well. I use it for immune support twice a day. The company purely holistic is excellent. I have fibromyalgia and I’ve had breast cancer and that is the reason why I started taking it. I truly feel that this product makes a difference in my health. I have recommended this to all of my friends!
Mo –
I have never tried Elderberry syrup before and I thought it really had a sour taste to it that I did not like.
G.Williams –
The first shipment of this syrup was broken and I wasn’t even able to take the wrapping off because there was liquid all in the wrapping. I returned for a replacement and I was able to unwrap and remove the plastic safety seal but the cap is broken! I’m going to try to return again but I’m not sure how since I’ve already opened the bottle this time. Ugh
November 13, 2020 update,
I ended up having to contact the Purely Holistic company themselves in order to get a bottle mailed to me that wasn’t broken. Now that I’ve had a chance to use the product, I have to say that I love it. It tastes great and I’m hoping to continue to stay healthy and it will help keep me from getting the flu and hopefully COVID.
G.Williams –
This syrup is absolutely delicious. I drink natural soda-Stevia sweetened Ginger Ale-and I add a spoonful of this syrup to it, but it is really good straight from the spoon. I feel it is an important immune supplement and I haven’t been sick or problems with my allergies since taking it. One thing to be aware of it that if you are on medication that requires avoiding alcohol this does have grain alcohol in it. I didn’t taste it so it must be a very small amount, but still important to be aware of. Every supplement I’ve gotten from this company has been superior quality and value.