Descrição do Produto:
O xarope Old Indian Wild Cherry Bark com Echinacea da Planetary Herbals é uma combinação poderosa de ervas naturais que visa promover a saúde respiratória. Com uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada, este xarope de 4 oz é ideal para aqueles que buscam um suporte eficaz para a função respiratória. A mistura de ervas demulcentes e botânicos tradicionalmente utilizados para tonificar os pulmões proporciona um alívio suave e eficaz, permitindo uma respiração livre e fácil.
Entre os principais componentes, a casca de cereja selvagem é conhecida por suas propriedades calmantes, enquanto a equinácea é amplamente reconhecida por seu papel no fortalecimento do sistema imunológico. Juntas, essas ervas criam uma sinergia que não apenas alivia a irritação das vias respiratórias, mas também ajuda a manter a saúde geral dos pulmões. Durante os meses de verão, é importante notar que o produto pode chegar aquecido, mas a Amazon armazena e envia os produtos de acordo com as recomendações dos fabricantes, garantindo a qualidade e eficácia do xarope.
– Suporte à função respiratória saudável.
– Alívio suave para a irritação das vias aéreas.
– Melhora na facilidade de respiração, especialmente em ambientes poluídos.
– Combinação de ervas demulcentes que acalmam a garganta.
– Fortalecimento do sistema imunológico com a presença da equinácea.
Esses benefícios tornam o xarope Old Indian Wild Cherry Bark com Echinacea uma escolha ideal para quem busca uma solução natural para problemas respiratórios, proporcionando alívio e conforto no dia a dia.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 1 colher de sopa (15 ml) do xarope duas a três vezes ao dia, conforme necessário. Agite bem antes de usar e armazene em local fresco e seco. Este produto é adequado para adultos e crianças acima de 12 anos. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
corinna h. –
This stuff works great. I have used it for decades for me and my family when anyone has a sore throat. I am bummed I can’t buy it anymore. Some dumb regulations looks like.
E –
I’ve been using this syrup for years and I give a bottle to sick friends with a cough. The expectorant and the cough suppressant both work so well that it seems like magic. I don’t know how people ever get through without this stuff. I had a flood and returned home to plaster dust covering every inch of everything that I owned. Despite the mask, I was up every night coughing plaster from my lungs. This syrup kept me out of the hospital and allowed me to keep working until the job was done. I also know a smoker who gets bronchitis every winter and has been able to avoid antibiotics since finding this product.
Kristen A. Gregory –
The taste isn’t great, but we expected that. The taste was easy to get over for the benefits. Works great for nasal drip
DemiAntiLefi –
I buy three of these every year and keep them handy for seasonal allergy flair ups, cruddy coughs, flu, strep, and give to friends who can’t get rid of their kids nagging coughs that last forever. This stuff is awesome! I tastes terrible, but after 2 doses you feel better. So you keep coming back.
Hardworkingmom –
Have been using this for years, has worked when nothing else brought relief.
Angel Holman –
My husband swears by this stuff. Anytime he feels a little under the weather he immediately reaches for this. He is constantly recommending or buying a bottle for family and friends.
DGD1 –
I loved the flavor, it tasted great. It helped tremendously with my cough and flu symptoms. After 7 or more days of coughing and taking over-the-counter medications that didn’t help, I began taking the Old Indian Wild Cherry Bark and my coughing subsided and I felt better within a day or so. This will be my go-to remedy to tackle flu/cold symptoms.
flying squirrel girl –
I have been using this product for at least 10 years, probably closer to 20 (am I really that old?), and I am happy I can order it though Amazon. Around our house it is just called, “brown syrup.” It is always in the medicine chest because it is what we reach for when that tightening of the chest comes on that heralds an upper respiratory bug. No, it doesn’t keep us from getting sick at all, but it does keep the bad stuff from settling down into the chest to make itself at home for a long stay. Great for clearing up the lungs, pretty good for cough suppression, helps limit severity and duration of upper respiratory complaints.
Now, about the taste. I don’t mind it at all–yes, it tastes medicinal, and it is strong (some batches are more bitter than others), and there’s an alcohol bite as well. But it tastes wholesome to me, even though it’s not all prettied up with artificial flavor and sweetness (I find most main-line cough syrups, like Robitussin, completely revolting). If you have really picky kids, you probably can’t get this into them . . . for adults with familiarity with herbal products it should be fine. Great stuff, I don’t want to be without it.