Wrinkles Schminkles Eye Smoothing: Uma Solução Hidratante e Rejuvenescedora para os Olhos
Immerja a área abaixo dos olhos em uma mistura luxuosa de 24 ingredientes, incluindo colágeno, peptídeos, antioxidantes e extratos naturais com Wrinkles Schminkles Eye Smoothing. Nossas máscaras de folha hidratam, preenchem e suavizam as rugas, revelando olhos mais brilhantes e revitalizados em apenas 15 minutos.
Deixe-se envolver pelo fascinante mundo da excelência em cuidados com a pele, enquanto nossas máscaras de folha liberam uma alternativa natural, inibindo habilmente as contrações musculares para reduzir visivelmente as rugas. Vá além da superfície, onde a formulação atinge de forma intrincada os pés de galinha e as linhas finas, revelando um encanto rejuvenescido e apertado que fala por si só.
Desfrute dos benefícios do colágeno para melhorar a elasticidade da pele, diminuir as rugas visíveis e aumentar o fluxo sanguíneo. Nossa formulação única traz uma onda de umidade, deixando a área abaixo dos olhos com aparência preenchida, revigorada e pronta para enfrentar o dia.
Nossa máscara de folha revolucionária é fabricada com tecnologia avançada de material biocelulose, garantindo um ajuste perfeito que parece uma segunda pele. Essa abordagem 100% biodegradável melhora a infusão rápida de ingredientes, proporcionando uma experiência incomparável em cuidados com a pele.
Aproveite a conveniência de um tratamento rápido de 15 minutos que oferece hidratação imediata, luminosidade e redução de inchaço. Com o uso regular, experimente benefícios duradouros, pois nossas máscaras de folha Eye Smoothing & Depuffing se tornam uma parte essencial da sua rotina de cuidados com a pele, garantindo que seus olhos estejam sempre no seu melhor.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
Hidratação Profunda
Imersão luxuosa em uma mistura de 24 ingredientes que hidratam intensamente a área abaixo dos olhos, proporcionando uma aparência mais jovem e revitalizada.
Redução Visível de Rugas
A fórmula exclusiva inibe as contrações musculares, reduzindo visivelmente as rugas e linhas finas, revelando uma aparência mais apertada e rejuvenescida.
Aumento do Colágeno
O colágeno presente na máscara melhora a elasticidade da pele, diminui as rugas visíveis e aumenta o fluxo sanguíneo, proporcionando uma aparência mais saudável e radiante.
Ajuste como Segunda Pele
A tecnologia avançada de material biocelulose garante um ajuste perfeito que se adapta como uma segunda pele, permitindo uma infusão rápida e eficaz dos ingredientes.
Resultados Rápidos e Duradouros
Com apenas 15 minutos de uso, você desfrutará de hidratação imediata, luminosidade e redução de inchaço. Com o uso regular, os benefícios se tornam duradouros, tornando-se um item essencial em sua rotina de cuidados com a pele.
1. Hidratação intensa que revitaliza a pele ao redor dos olhos.
2. Redução significativa de rugas e linhas de expressão.
3. Melhora da elasticidade da pele, proporcionando um aspecto mais jovem.
4. Ajuste perfeito que maximiza a eficácia dos ingredientes ativos.
5. Tratamento rápido e prático que se encaixa na rotina diária.
Limpe e seque completamente a área abaixo dos olhos antes de aplicar a máscara. Retire a máscara da embalagem e remova a película protetora. Aplique a máscara suavemente na área abaixo dos olhos, garantindo um ajuste perfeito. Deixe agir por 15 minutos e, em seguida, remova a máscara. Massageie suavemente o excesso de soro na pele até ser completamente absorvido. Para melhores resultados, utilize regularmente, incorporando este tratamento à sua rotina de cuidados com a pele.
Katie –
I put these on and I looked like I had prepared for a role on a horror film…I looked 100 years old with a skin disease! Ridiculous…I feel stupid to even think these would work. It did make me laugh though. Even if you thought they did the trick…. You can see them.
PattyT –
What a difference some hospital recovery time can make! I tried another one of the Wrinkle Schminkles products back in November and they just didn’t seem to work for me.To be fair I did put them aside and said in my review I would wait to try them again when I was feeling better.
Well this week the pain is lessening and the brain fog I have been suffering from is starting to fade. Both very good early holiday presents and I tried these depuffing masks hoping they would help reduce the eye bags I also brought home from the hospital.
I really like the way these patches feel except for one thing. I should’ve learned by using other similar patches that they just slide down when I apply them standing up. I know my brain fog is improving because I didn’t just get frustrated but realized if I put them on while laying back in bed or on my recliner, the problem is solved. They do come out of the package very wet, so I take a towel when putting them on. I noticed an improvement in my eye puffiness after the first use.
The only thing that I’m not sure of is how often they are recommended for use. For me I used a pair every day since I seem to really need it. The box comes with five pairs so I’ve used them all. I always like to see reviews where the reviewer states whether or not they would get the product again. For me the answer with this product is yes.
PattyT –
First of all, these masks are made in Taiwan, not the USA as stated. The packaging says it is an Australian company but then says the product is made in Taiwan. Moving on, I use various types of eye masks because that is my problem area. Some make a big difference in the smoothness and overall look of my eye area while others just hydrate a little. These Wrinkles Schminkles eye masks come five sets to a box. They are one use masks. I used the masks twice. You just pull off the protective covering on each side and stick the masks on your eye area. I found that they didn’t stick very well but were thicker than my other masks. I hoped to see great results after 15 or 20 minutes but, honestly, I didn’t see much. My eye area was hydrated and my fine lines looked a little bit softened but I have tubs of 60 eye masks that work much better and are far cheaper per mask. These are OK for travel since they are individually wrapped but I wouldn’t buy them again. I didn’t see enough difference between these and my tubs of masks that I use to justify the high price for just five sets.
Renee –
I’ve come to appreciate a good eye mask. These are really quite good. Besides providing you with excellent results, they don’t slip and slide all over the place on you. That is rare when it comes to eye masks. Each eye mask has a fabric layer on each side that needs to be peeled away to use. Well, at least on the side you place along your eyes.
They work great to moisturize the skin and make your eyes look younger. Great at diminishing fine lines. Also help to fade discoloration. Will also help to depuff the eye areas.
You can use the extra serum to spread along your face, neck or chest. Also, I even take the fabric liners and layer them over some other part of my face or body for a semi treatment. There’s still serum in there and it’s like a bonus treatment. My favorite place to put them is along the eye area just above my eyebrows. Was very surprised with how well it helped even though it wasn’t an actual mask.
The only thing that I wasn’t all that impressed with was the scent. Admittedly, it’s mild and barely noticeable, but this is the first time that I’ve never cared for the scent of an eye patch. Not really all that bad, but not what I would call pleasing to the nose. Most won’t be bothered by this. For me, the masks are good enough that I can easily deal with a slightly unpleasant, barely noticeable whiff now and then. The results make them well worth using.
Renee –
The under eye intensive masks come in their own packets. Each one is sealed, which keeps everything fresh until you’re ready to use it. There are double notches in the top of the package for easy opening. These are made in Taiwan, but there is information to contact customer service, representatives in Australia and United States as well.
The sheets are thin, but they are not easy to rip. They are a substantial material. They are separated by a soft jelly like barrier that has the active ingredients on it. I assume to keep them hydrated. The formula has no scent. It is not sticky or thick either. It absorbs into the skin easily and doesn’t require excessive rubbing or drying.
I like how they hold onto the skin. You don’t even have to be lying down, which is always a perk for me. I like being able to put on some sort of skin treatment and go about my day. Sure, in an ideal world, I would be laying down, maybe watching a movie while letting these soak into my skin, but that’s not always possible. So again, I can walk around do some dishes, toss in some laundry, and these are staying on my skin, no matter how much I move my face or bend down to grab something. I’m very pleased with that.
As the masks sit, they dry as the serum goes into your skin. So you can tell when they are about done. By the time the timer goes off, you do have practically dry sheets on your eyes. My eyes do feel very soft and hydrated after I’ve used them. It’s easy to remove them. They do not hurt and I just tossed them when I’m done. There’s no extra stickiness or scent left over.
Astrid –
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These anti-wrinkle strips work on improving tissue hydration- so I’m guessing multiple and regular applications are needed to see noticeable improvement.
After just two applications several weeks apart my appearance didn’t change!
Each packet has “extra” serum left behind after you remove the strips. I used the extra around my mouth and on my forehead and I thought it did help soften those lines.
Unfortunately the instructions do not say how often the eye strips can/should be applied.
The application process is about 20 minutes so that was the hardest part of using this product.
marie darlene Fagerhaug –
So hydrating!!