Wiley’s Finest Wild Alaskan Fish Oil Bold Vision – Suplemento de Óleo de Peixe para Saúde Ocular
O Wiley’s Finest Wild Alaskan Fish Oil Bold Vision é um suplemento inovador que combina a pureza do óleo de peixe selvagem do Alasca com uma fórmula poderosa para a saúde ocular. Cada porção contém 500mg de omega-7, ácidos graxos concentrados que são essenciais para o suporte da saúde dos olhos. Este suplemento é especialmente formulado para ajudar a combater a fadiga ocular, oferecendo nutrientes como luteína, vitamina E e zinco, que nutrem os tecidos oculares e promovem uma visão clara e saudável.
A frescura do óleo de peixe é garantida através de um processo de destilação patenteado, que assegura que cada cápsula mantenha suas propriedades sensoriais, permitindo que você apoie um sistema imunológico forte e a saúde geral com os ácidos graxos ômega-3 concentrados. O óleo de peixe utilizado neste suplemento é proveniente de pescarias sustentáveis, com certificação do Marine Stewardship Council, garantindo que o Pollock do Alasca seja capturado de maneira responsável nas águas dos EUA.
A Wiley’s Finest é uma empresa familiar com raízes profundas na fabricação de suplementos pessoais, sustentáveis e potentes, com mais de três gerações de experiência desde 1981. A dedicação à qualidade e à eficácia é evidente em cada frasco, proporcionando aos consumidores um produto que não apenas atende, mas supera suas expectativas em saúde ocular.
Mike –
I am an engineer and spend a significant amount of time in front of screens.
When the blue light stress builds up and starts to run me down, it helps me to work work my way through a bottle of these as recommended.
With too much screen time my eyes will get kind of an anxious feeling like they need to focus on everything at once and can’t seem to rest.
This is helped me greatly in getting my eyes to reset, relax and repair as needed.
Richard B. Post –
Great product for lutein supplementation. I do not like their new label.
Raederle Phoenix –
We have used this product for quite some time and have been pleased. However my last order 3 January 2021 is unsatisfactory. There are two problems . We opened the first bottle this morning and all capsules were stuck together. The second bottle was not quite so bad. The bottles have no little moisture saving packets (manufacturers problem). Because of the pandemic and Amazon using the USPS for delivery all packages that will possibly fit are put in our mail box. So the temperature was not too hot in the mail box to melt the capsules. So I do not know what happened but we will not be ordering this item again. Thank you.
Lily August –
Easy for me to swallow!
Like all the additional ingredients that are not usually included.
I’ve had no negative reaction to this formula.
Jannie –
I bought this product after my opthmaologist recommended I start taking lutein and zeaxanthin for my eye health. This is my first time taking these supplements and this brand. I have been taking it about one week so far. I am pleased with the value and quality of this product. It is early to tell how how the product works, but I’m hopeful and will write more later.
Ana Cristina Munoz –
Great price and is hard to find it.
Sarah Smith –
I bought this product after spending a lot of time researching about the best eye supplement to buy. I only wear prescription glasses for distance or night drive. However, I suffer from an inflammatory disease in one eye and my most recent inflammation (2 years ago) was quite severe and left a permanent damage to my vision and weakened my other eye’s sight. I basically could not see daylight without dark sunglasses (all due to the one eye issue & not the other) or be on the computer without my glasses. I tried to change my diet to add highly nutritious food with antioxidant etc but there was no significant change. My ophthalmologist simply said my eye is stable but my eye health won’t improve which left me so depressed. But I didn’t give up, after being well informed from a nutritionist I bought this product on January 22, 2019 and have been taking it consistently since. At first I was worried not to have found any reviews on this on amazon or on the web but I was optimistic it would help due to its natural ingredients. Eventually, I noticed that exactly 2 months into my usage not only my sight improved but I am less sensitive to sunlight!!! I wear my shades less and less plus I stopped squinting when I step out into sunlight or watching TV with a high contrast. I never thought that I would see an improvement this quickly to be honest. Maybe my body just found its own natural healing course but if that is the case I have no doubt that this supplement contributed positively in this process. Most nutritionist recommend to take supplement for 3-6 months then take a break so I plan to do that and hope that it will have long lasting effect. I highly recommend this product!!! Double thumbs up!
Jannie –
I was given my first one-week supply as a free sample at my local cooperative market. By day five I was having less headaches from monitor use, less discomfort from headlights at night, and decreased sensitivity to sunlight. I bought the product immediately after running out. I was good on day eight and nine without, but by day ten my (third day without), my eye-strain was coming back; headaches, watering eyes, dizziness, and a sense of fatigue.
I always thought my sunlight sensitivity was just part of my mysterious mix of other sensitivities, and perhaps it is, but for whatever reason, this product really works.
I’ve been using BOLD VISION for about four months now, and every time I lapse for a while (like a week between getting a new bottle and finishing an old one), I notice an increase in discomfort. While I take it consistently I’m remarkably pain-free. I haven’t had red, bleary eyes since I began taking the product!
For anyone else who is really sensitive, I also recommend using a low-blue-light, zero-flicker monitor in conjunction with this product and/or e-ink monitors. I’ve found that the monitor alone makes a huge difference, just as the supplement alone makes a huge difference, but the combination of the two keeps me almost entirely pain-free. (The exceptions being if I am seriously sleep deprived or seriously over-working myself at my desk.)
I highly recommend this product!