Descrição do Produto: Wilderness Athlete – H.E.R.O. | Hydrate Energize Recharge Overcome
O Wilderness Athlete H.E.R.O. é um pó energético inovador que redefine a forma como você se hidrata e energiza durante suas atividades diárias ou treinos intensos. Com uma fórmula avançada, este mix de eletrólitos é projetado para fornecer uma hidratação eficaz, sem açúcar e com um perfil nutricional que atende às necessidades dos atletas e entusiastas do fitness. Cada caixa contém 10 sachês práticos, perfeitos para levar em qualquer lugar.
- Low Sugar: Com baixo teor de açúcar e carboidratos, o H.E.R.O. oferece energia sustentada sem os picos e quedas que normalmente acompanham bebidas energéticas tradicionais.
- Advanced Hydration: A combinação equilibrada de eletrólitos melhora o desempenho físico, garantindo que seu corpo esteja sempre bem hidratado e pronto para o desafio.
- Zero Jitters: A cafeína pura e natural extraída do grão de café verde proporciona um impulso de energia sem os efeitos colaterais indesejados, como a ansiedade e os tremores.
- Recover Faster: Com a adição de BCAAs, o H.E.R.O. apoia a recuperação muscular após o exercício, ajudando a reduzir a fadiga e acelerar o processo de recuperação.
- Productivity Booster: As vitaminas B6 e B12 são essenciais para a função cerebral e energia neuroativa, promovendo foco e clareza mental durante todo o dia.
1. Energia Sustentada: Ideal para quem busca um aumento de energia sem os efeitos colaterais de produtos com açúcar.
2. Hidratação Eficiente: Mantém o corpo hidratado, essencial para o desempenho em atividades físicas e no dia a dia.
3. Recuperação Muscular: Acelera a recuperação após treinos intensos, permitindo que você volte à atividade mais rapidamente.
4. Foco e Clareza Mental: Melhora a função cognitiva, ajudando a manter a produtividade em tarefas diárias.
5. Praticidade: Embalagens individuais que facilitam o transporte e o uso em qualquer lugar, seja na academia ou em viagens.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture um sachê de Wilderness Athlete H.E.R.O. em 500ml de água. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Consuma antes, durante ou após a atividade física para maximizar a hidratação e a recuperação. Para uso diário, pode ser incorporado à sua rotina matinal ou durante a tarde para um impulso de energia e foco.
odin –
Marty –
Ultra convenient packaging, just add water and shake. Electrolyte replacement was never easier or tastier
majormusiclover –
OMG, pour ice water into this container, shake it up and drink THE most refreshing best tasting energy and hydrating product on the market!!! IT is truly delicious tasting and an Exceptional thirst quencher!!! I do so wish they gave me more product for this price because it is expensive, but well worth every penny because it is Super Delicious and instantly hydrated my entire being and cooled me off, love it!!! Thank you!!!
odin –
The pineapple – coconut stand out the most in this ‘Tropical Strawberry’
but also contains guava – strawberry – and pomegranate.which are all natural flavors.
This is a richly flavored tasting drink, as thin as water but somehow feels thicker on the lounge.
Has lots of vitamins but doesn’t have a vitaminy taste.
> Does energize within minutes and last for hours.
BUT does not have the kick and drive of some other energy drinks
which I attribute to this being healthier and containing less caffeine.
> No jitters – 125mg caffeine from natural coffee beans. (approx one cup coffee)
Nowhere could I find mentioned the amount of water to add to the (4″ x 9″) container
so I added 8 oz to leave room to shake. Which tastes as above mentioned.;
> Each bag has a ball agitator (1 1/4″ dia) inside that stirs the powder.
> After I thought my first serving a little strong – on my second serving
I leaned that 10 oz of water will fill the bag to it’s shoulder – still stirs well
and tastes better.
> Here are good dosages of – Vit A – 6 of 8 Vit B’s – Vit C – Vit E – and minerals.
> In combination with 3 of the six main electrolytes – potassium – sodium
which direct water / fluid where it’s needed to maintain fluid balance.
Most noticeable for muscle recovery is potassium – magnesium electrolytes.
> Contains the 3 BCAA’s (branch chain amino acids)
a group of 3 essential amino acids (Leucine – Isoleucine – Valine)
that your body doesn’t make and must come from food.
They build muscles – relieve muscle fatigue and soreness.
The powder contains less sugars than many energy drinks BUT
the sweeteners are frutos & sucralose.
BOTH are neg’s > frutos may raise cholesterol.
> sucralose can lower good bacteria in the gut by half,
and is known to increase inflammation in the body.
But if your OK with the Sucralose part (or take probiotics) then this is a good product to try.
This 10 pack is an excellent product for travel – or your emergency stash / survival kit.
> Superior in that it’s self contained and loaded with critical vitamins / minerals / BCAA’s
majormusiclover –
2.25 stars
In the third photo, I took a picture of a bag full of water next to one that had yet to have water added. There is a powder inside of it, but unfortunately, I had difficulty getting it out to put on display.
It’s a cool idea, it gives me the feeling I’m doing additional work by myself and it’s easier than putting in a shaker bottle or blender for mixing purposes. It’s nice that in a way the shaker/mixer is self-contained and one could drink out of it, but I prefer to pour it into a glass instead.
I seriously doubt this would be remotely enjoyable if it wasn’t quite cold.
It is important to hydrate, but this isn’t that much water. The ingredients are mostly nice, but it’s a blend of ‘all the things’ without all that much synergy or discussion as to why these ingredients are chosen to be had. If someone takes a multi-vitamin for example, just how useful are the ingredients of the entire left panel?
nina f. –
I bought these a couple of weeks ago just opened them today. Realize that they are over a year expired. This is unacceptable.
nina f. –
These energy drink mixes are nice, they remained sealed until you need to use one, just need to add water, and it makes an instant energy drink, which can be consumed when or whereever, this is the tropical strawberry flavor, I thought it had more of a mango taste at first, but perhaps it’s just me, I like this is pre-mixed, so no guessing how much water to add, just fill the bottle with as much water as it can hold and shake it even has little round plastic mixers inside to help mix, easy!
This drink has mostly everything needed for a pre-workout drink as well as an electrolyte drink, it even has BCAAs, plus other great ingredients:
Vitamin A, C, B, E, Sodium, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Panothenic acid, Choline, Magnesium, Zinc, Copper, Chromium, Potassium, L-Phenylalanine, L-glutamine, Glycine, Taurine, Golden Root extract, Schisandra Extract, L-Carnitine, Gotu Kola Extract, Ionic trace mineral complex, Coenzyme Q-10, L-Glutathione.
The drink is low in sugar, but it does contain sucralose a commonly used artificial sweetener.
Overall I like them, but I think they are a bit costly at $34.99, however they are a great alternative to powders and canned drinks, they are compact, lightweight and can fit almost anywhere, these also agreed well, no stomach issues and easy to drink. I would have liked to seen a 12 pack for this price, which is similar to other sport drinks cost.