Descrição do Produto: Whey Protein Powder Unflavored, Unsweetened, Keto Friendly – 2lb
O Whey Protein Powder Unflavored, Unsweetened, Keto Friendly é a escolha ideal para quem busca uma fonte de proteína de alta qualidade sem aditivos desnecessários. Com 2 libras de puro whey protein, este produto é perfeito para quem segue uma dieta cetogênica, pois é baixo em carboidratos e calorias. Produzido nos Estados Unidos, este whey não contém soja, garantindo uma opção mais limpa e saudável. Sua formulação sem sabor e sem adoçantes permite que você o adicione facilmente a shakes, smoothies, receitas de panificação ou até mesmo em pratos salgados, sem alterar o sabor original. Ideal para atletas, praticantes de atividades físicas e pessoas que desejam aumentar a ingestão de proteínas de forma prática e eficiente.
1. Baixo em Carboidratos e Calorias: Perfeito para quem está em dieta cetogênica ou controlando a ingestão calórica.
2. Sem Adoçantes e Sem Sabor: Flexibilidade para ser utilizado em diversas receitas, sem interferir no sabor dos alimentos.
3. Sem Soja: Uma opção mais saudável para aqueles que têm alergia ou intolerância à soja.
4. Alta Qualidade: Produzido nos EUA, garantindo padrões rigorosos de qualidade e pureza.
5. Apoio ao Ganho Muscular: Ideal para auxiliar na recuperação muscular e no aumento da massa magra, contribuindo para um desempenho atlético otimizado.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma porção de 30g (aproximadamente uma colher medida) do Whey Protein Powder Unflavored em 200-300ml de água, leite ou bebida vegetal de sua preferência. Agite bem em uma coqueteleira ou utilize um liquidificador para garantir uma mistura homogênea. O produto pode ser consumido imediatamente após o treino para maximizar a recuperação muscular ou em qualquer momento do dia para complementar a ingestão de proteínas. Além disso, você pode incorporá-lo em receitas de panificação, como pães e bolos, ou em smoothies para um impulso nutricional extra.
DaveCPP –
I was looking for a way to easily pump up the protein numbers on my breakfast smoothies made with plain greek yogurt, unflavored almond milk, and a mix of fresh or frozen fruit and/or veggies. No added sugar or sweeteners. I did not want to add any additional, much less, unpleasant flavor or impact the smoothness of the end result. Some of the other reviews had me a little bit concerned in this department.
I’m sure that tastes vary between different people, but I am extremely pleased with the quality of the product and end result. Not only does the addition of this powder not impact the flavor or degrade the consistency of my smoothies, it actually makes the smoothies better. They are slightly thicker but also lighter, almost like a malted milkshake. The powder completely dissolves into the mix with zero clumping. I’m am using the same Vitamix blender I’ve been using all along and these are the best smoothies that have come out of my machine.
ILoveToRun –
I’ve only been using this for a week and (finally) today I had an incredible run and felt really strong. I’ve been running, training and racing my whole life and for the past year I haven’t been recovering very well from my training. I was thinking that perhaps it’s because I’m just getting older, until today. I felt GREAT on my run and felt physically recovered and strong. It was easy to breath and I was easily running ahead of my husband. I’ll keep using this whey and see if I continue to feel like I’m back to my usual self. I like how nicely it blends into my morning yogurt.
The Rebecca Review –
This may be the most versatile unflavored, unsweetened protein powder on the market. I’m sold on the delicious creamy texture when one scoop is added to 8 ounces whole milk plus a packet of stevia and a splash of vanilla extract.
I’m imagining all the interesting protein drinks I am going to be able to make with flavorings I already have. You may also love this in some orange juice. My husband tried it that way and liked it. He goes to the gym so was looking for a good protein powder without all the artificial sweeteners. We are both happy with this and now that we are so much more active we need the extra protein.
I’m normally a big fan of pea protein, but the flavor of this protein powder once mixed with stevia and vanilla has me thinking twice about which protein powder I want to get in the future. Did I mention so delicious and creamy! Very impressive and highly recommended! As someone who has been drinking protein powder drinks for most of my life this is the best tasting!
~The Rebecca Review
Kyle Wright –
This whey protein is a rare find–rBGH-free, flavoring-free, with a soy-free emulsifier…and reasonably priced, compared to some of the other outrageous sums some companies making similar products expect people to pay. I spent hours searching on the internet for basically a no-nonsense whey without soy lecithin, and this is pretty much it–there’s nothing else like it out there.
Well, that’s a bit of an exaggeration. I know of at least one similar product to this out there. Unfortunately, the source of that particular product gives me a “shady” vibe. Employees of that company are well-known for bizarre and unprofessional behavior. On the other hand, TGS reps have responded to multiple emails of mine regarding details of its nutritional breakdown and the source of their milk, and their answers don’t reek of CYA/spin-doctor BS like you get from a lot of companies. Everything from their website to their customer service just exudes a sense of professionalism, which is a rare sight in an otherwise very shady field.
It is 83.3% protein by weight, which is very good for a whey concentrate, and is probably indicative of the lack of additives compared to most other brands (flavorings, sweeteners, proprietary enzymes/peptides). In addition to the nutrition facts listed on the label, a TGS rep told me that (calculated on a 30g serving basis) there is also: 64 IU Vitamin A, 6 IU Vitamin D, 0.27mg iron, 162mg calcium, 129mg phosphorus, and 19mg magnesium. For anyone on a restricted diet who would be regularly consuming this protein, these numbers might be useful to know.
I personally mix this protein with various other things into a smoothie using a high-speed blender, so I can’t speak for its mixability in regular circumstances. But the fact that it has sunflower lecithin–an emulsifier–should guarantee that it mixes roughly as well as any other random whey concentrate out there, 99% of which use soy lecithin instead.
One other thing that caught my eye is that there is 0.5g of trans fat per 30g serving. This could be considered alarming to many. However, considering there are no additives beyond sunflower lecithin, which doesn’t have detectable trans fat levels, the trans fat must be from the milk. This makes sense, because ALL milk has trans fat in it naturally. An 8-oz glass of 2% milk has 0.2g trans fat…although, because of ridiculous labeling regulations, anything less than 0.5g is rounded down to zero. So there might be 0.499g of trans fat in a 20g serving of something, and the manufacturer can claim “no trans fat” despite the fact that it’s 2.5% pure trans fat by weight! (I suspect that other minimally-processed whey concentrates have trans fat also, but the companies get around listing it by lowering the serving size, thus causing the trans fat to drop below 0.5g/serving and rounding down to zero). A glass of milk has around 8g protein. So do some math and you’ll see that this whey protein has a slightly better protein:trans fat ratio than regular old milk. And even putting all that aside, the trans fat in dairy products is not the same as the trans fat in partially-hydrogenated oils. Most of the trans fat in cow’s milk is in the form of vaccenic acid, which is converted to conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). There is evidence that CLA actually provides health benefits, or at least is benign, as opposed to the trans fats in hydrogenated vegetable oils.
In case anyone is wondering, the milk is not sourced from grass-fed cows. I know of another whey concentrate out there that is (supposedly) sourced from grass-fed cows, from a company whose name is similar to “Genuine Nourishment”, although it is about 25% more expensive once shipping is factored in and doesn’t contain an emulsifier.