Descrição do Produto: Whey Protein Powder, Sabor Sorvete de Baunilha Slow Churn
Descubra o poder do Whey Protein Powder com sabor de Sorvete de Baunilha Slow Churn, uma opção deliciosa e nutritiva para quem busca uma alimentação saudável e equilibrada. Com 1,8 lb (aproximadamente 816 gramas) e 27 porções, este produto é ideal para quem deseja aumentar a ingestão de proteínas de forma prática e saborosa. Cada porção contém impressionantes 22 gramas de proteína, 2 gramas de fibra dietética e apenas 120 calorias, tornando-o uma escolha perfeita para quem está em busca de uma dieta com baixo teor de carboidratos e sem açúcar adicionado.
Este whey protein é versátil e pode ser facilmente misturado com água, leite ou sua receita favorita de shake proteico, proporcionando um café da manhã rápido ou um lanche nutritivo. Além disso, sua fórmula pode ser utilizada em receitas de bolos, muffins, brownies ou biscoitos, oferecendo um impulso de proteína e energia para suas criações culinárias. É uma solução ideal para nutrição saudável em movimento, atendendo às necessidades de homens, mulheres e crianças. Seja para substituição de refeições, impulsionadores de smoothies, construção de massa muscular magra, recuperação muscular ou para consumo antes ou após os treinos, este produto se adapta perfeitamente ao seu estilo de vida ativo.
– Alto Teor de Proteínas: Com 22 gramas de proteína por porção, ajuda na construção e recuperação muscular.
– Baixo em Carboidratos: Ideal para dietas com restrição de carboidratos, com apenas 2 gramas de carboidratos líquidos.
– Sem Açúcar Adicionado: Perfeito para quem busca controlar a ingestão de açúcar sem abrir mão do sabor.
– Versatilidade na Cozinha: Pode ser utilizado em diversas receitas, aumentando o valor nutricional de seus pratos.
– Praticidade: Fácil de preparar, ideal para quem tem uma rotina agitada e precisa de uma opção rápida e saudável.
Para obter o máximo benefício do Whey Protein Powder, misture uma porção (aproximadamente 30g) com 200-250ml de água ou leite em um shaker ou liquidificador. Agite ou misture bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Para um lanche mais substancial, adicione frutas, vegetais ou outros ingredientes de sua preferência. Ao utilizar em receitas, substitua uma parte da farinha por Whey Protein para incrementar o teor proteico de bolos e biscoitos. Consuma antes ou após os treinos para otimizar a recuperação muscular e o desempenho atlético.
Regina –
I was really hoping this would allow me to make good taking protein ice cream with my ninja creami, but it didn’t. the flavor is not only terrible, but also leaves a very artificial after taste in your mouth.
Tracy Sachtjen –
I can’t believe that this is vanilla and taste so good. It’s been my experience that when purchasing vanilla protein powder it usually has a chalky taste and doesn’t taste very very well. This product has a rich creamy flavor to it that taste just like vanilla ice cream. I use it in my ninja creamy to make vanilla ice cream and I would highly recommend this to anyone who wants to find a vanilla protein powder that does not have a bad aftertaste.
nholmes25 –
I ended up getting this one because, as before, my usual brand wasn’t readily available and wouldn’t be for more than a week. Sigh. What persuaded me to try it was all the reviewers raving about the taste. I think they need their taste buds examined because for all these reviews claiming this has great flavor, I have to wonder if I got an “off” container because for something called “slow churn vanilla ice cream,” it tastes nothing like it. I usually mix protein powders in with my oatmeal or plain Greek yogurt, and this ends up giving it an odd, unpleasant flavor. Texture wise, it’s fine and mixes well; I just wish it tasted more like what the label says it should. Not one I’ll be getting again.
Gilda L –
This protein powder really took baking to the next level!!! I tried baking with other protein powders and it never came out as good as I knew it should. Then I saw Zach’s Instagram and HAD to try his protein powder. Best decision I’ve made honestly! Can’t wait to make so many more more delicious recipes like I did with these cookies!
Fiercefoxie –
I was disappointed by the flavor of this protein powder. I was hopeful that it would be an authentic vanilla flavor, but instead it tastes like chemicals. The flavor is so strong that even with extra ingredients to mask the flavor, it still comes through. I am most disappointed because I have so much left that I truly do not want to use ever.
M. J. Evans –
A lot of protein powders have a chalky and gross taste but not his one. One of the best tasting protein powders out there. Works really well for my creami recipes and smoothies.
Tracy Sachtjen –
This is a great tasting product. It doesn’t blend great with a little frother like my other protein powders have. It will be a little chunky. Today I decided to try it in my hot coffee and it curdled up and was absolutely disgusting. I have yet to try baking with it but please do not blend with hot coffee.
nholmes25 –
I’ll start this by saying I don’t leave too many reviews on Amazon. I felt it necessary to leave one for this. I’ve been fiddling with my Ninja Creami for a month now and I love it. It’s a true game changer for the right people who have the desire and patience to put in the little extra prep work to have your cake and eat it too. That being said I was pretty disappointed so far with finding just a solid basic vanilla flavor. Aside from the endless flavors you can make with the creami, finding the right vanilla protein for soft serve or mcflurries was a huge reason I bought the creami. The multiple brands of protein powder I’ve used in my shakes for years was just not cutting it in the creami, flavor wise. I could just taste way too much of that protein flavor regardless of how much I’d try to mask it. I wanted to really find the right combo to make it truly feel and taste like vanilla soft serve but also get the low calorie high protein going…
Finally came to my senses and gave Zach’s brand a shot. I’ve seen his recipes over the years and I’ve ordered some of the cookie butter powders so I was a little familiar. I must say bravo on this vanilla protein! I just finished my Oreo McFlurry knockoff and I’m super stoked on it because I need to look no further for the right powder. This will definitely be my vanilla base going forward. Going to order the fudge brownie chocolate one soon too. Please never go out of business Flex because I’m going to need this vanilla powder for the rest of my life!