Descrição do Produto: Muscle Protein Whey Powder [12 lbs/Pack of 1] – Chocolate Protein Powder
O Muscle Protein Whey Powder é a escolha ideal para quem busca maximizar seus resultados na musculação e na prática de atividades físicas. Com um sabor irresistível de chocolate, este pó de proteína é formulado para fornecer 25g de proteína pura por porção, garantindo que seu corpo receba os nutrientes necessários após treinos intensos. A mistura de proteína de soro de leite é facilmente absorvível, permitindo que os aminoácidos essenciais sejam rapidamente disponibilizados para a recuperação muscular.
- Whey Protein Powder Blend: Feito para fornecer alta proteína ao seu corpo, este suplemento é facilmente absorvível, assegurando que você receba a quantidade certa de proteína e nutrientes após exercícios extenuantes.
- Ensures Lean Muscle Building: Livre de ácidos graxos saturados, a mistura de whey protein com sabor de chocolate oferece aminoácidos enriquecidos, sódio e proteína em pó sem glúten. Esta composição é ideal para atletas, regimes de fitness, treinamentos esportivos e todas as atividades ativas.
- Amino Acid Delivery: A mistura de proteína de chocolate fornece 25 gramas de proteína pura por porção, incluindo componentes-chave de aminoácidos como alanina, cisteína, glutamina, histidina e isoleucina.
- Multipurpose Whey Protein: Formulado para fornecer massa muscular e nutrição, o concentrado de whey protein pode ser utilizado na preparação de uma variedade de pratos e bebidas. É altamente solúvel em água e se mistura bem com todos os tipos de leite.
- Product Specifications: O pó de proteína instantâneo está disponível em um frasco selado com tampa. Cada unidade contém 5 lbs, com aproximadamente 68 porções por recipiente de 100% de concentrado de whey protein filtrado a frio.
1. Recuperação Muscular Acelerada: A alta concentração de aminoácidos essenciais ajuda na recuperação rápida após treinos intensos.
2. Aumento de Massa Muscular Magra: Ideal para quem busca ganhar massa muscular sem o acréscimo de gordura, devido à sua composição livre de ácidos graxos saturados.
3. Versatilidade na Cozinha: Pode ser utilizado em diversas receitas, desde shakes até bolos, facilitando a inclusão de proteína na dieta diária.
4. Fácil Digestão: A fórmula de proteína filtrada a frio garante uma digestão mais suave, evitando desconfortos gastrointestinais.
5. Sabor Agradável: O sabor de chocolate torna o consumo do suplemento prazeroso, incentivando a adesão à rotina de suplementação.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma porção (aproximadamente 30g) do Muscle Protein Whey Powder em 200-300ml de água ou leite, utilizando um shaker ou liquidificador. Consuma imediatamente após o treino para maximizar a recuperação muscular. O produto também pode ser adicionado a smoothies, iogurtes ou receitas de panificação, proporcionando uma maneira prática e saborosa de aumentar a ingestão de proteínas em sua dieta.
Ryan Rabon –
I was really hoping that this protein would be an affordable way to supplement my protein. Unfortunately, you get what you pay for. Upon opening it for the first time, I was already fairly disappointed. It smelled as if someone melted Kraft cheese and a chocolate bar together, dehydrated it, and made it into a powder. I was further disappointed when I saw home awful it mixes, and whenever you do get it to mix, it tastes terrible. It’s a cheaply made, awful smelling/tasting, poor mixing, nausea inducing protein powder, and it shouldn’t be sold. At the very least, this current formula shouldn’t be sold. Unfortunately, I squandered time trying to get myself to like it/get used to it, and now I’ve missed my return window. So, now, I’m stuck with a protein I cannot stand, get nauseous whenever I think about drinking it, and takes up space(this last gripe will be solved once I throw it in the trash). My advice, don’t buy this protein. Save up your money, and use your hard earned cash to get a product that’s a little bit more expensive, but will be far more satisfactory. You’ll save yourself time, and stomach cancer.
Kristina May –
With the cost of supplements ever on the rise, I took a chance on this protein and I am glad that I did. It is largely affordable and tastes amazing!
Buyer –
I’m on my 4th or 5th bucket of this product, 12lbs. First 2 were. Chocolate, last 3 were vanilla. Both taste great, considering. If you aren’t used to protein supplements then you’ll likely say it taste chalky. If you still have high amounts of sugar in your diet, you’ll likely say it lacks flavor or has an after taste. I drink my protein 3x a day and the 12lb bucket last me about 4.5 months.
I recommend buying a screw on 5gal bucket lid for this so that you only have to pry the lid off 2x. And to avoid flavor burn out add peanut butter powder to the chocolate or salted caramel syrup. For the vanilla I like chai syrup, fruity cereal (fruity pebbles) syrup, or buttered pecan syrup.
Ethan L. –
i loved the peanut butter chocolate flavor, its an exellent source of protein and it dissolves very well in water
sadly its does not dissolves very well in milk, I also used it for smoothies and its exellent!!!
5 stars product
Steven Smith –
So I ordered the peanut butter/chocolate flavor. Tastes decent enough, not chalky. Mixed in water, made a shake no thicker than milk. I say this because some protein powders are 2 scoops to get the serving of protein listed, and they are thicker. Does not make you feel full at all, so I would not recommend as a meal replacement shake….Was no funky after taste some have talked about…and as far as being tuff to open, it’s no different than opening a 5 gallon bucket. If I don’t see the results I want after workouts I willcome back and edit this review, but so far it’s off to a good start.
Desmond B Williams –
Whey on a budget. Perfect for protein supplementation.
AMN Shane M Olson –
Difficult to mix. This is definitely a blender powder. Do not use with a shaker or try an add it to recipes. Doesn’t mix well. Flavor is slightly flavored. It’s bulk protein powder at the end of the day so meh… oh yea you’ll need to put your foot on the lid ad pull with your hands to initially open it
Gian –
So far, I’m happy about this giant bucket of great quality strawberry whey protein powder from Collosal Labs! The only negative is the lid is super difficult to open without using scissors to cut the lid rim open. Otherwise, the actual protein powder is flavored like a mildly sweet strawberry softserve icecream. Not bad, if you ask me! My go to mix is vanilla almond milk, cocoa powder, and a single scoop of protein powder that makes me feel as though I’m drinking a liquified neopolitin ice cream, and best yet, 1g of sugar per scoop so no huge sugar crashes. The powder tends to mix the best when I use my blender bottle rather than a shaker bottle. That way there are no visible clumps and is on par for being like those protein shakes you can buy at the grocery store that goes down like highly filtered milk. I’d guess it’d be a heck of a lot thicker if more of any ingredient was used, however I haven’t tried other combinations yet. I’m happy to report that I’ve not experienced stomach issues either, although I believe it ‘encourages’ more active bathroom visits. Overall, this is a satisfying powder that I’ll be happy to use for my protein needs.
Ryan Rabon –
As others have stated, unless you are using some sort of blender, this one will have some clumps to it. I had ordered the vanilla and strawberry flavors before but the cookies and cream (latest one) is a cut above. The nutrient profile is good and it has a 8/10 taste where I would rate the vanilla and strawberry probably 6/10. Overall, I’m pleased with this purchase.