Descrição do Produto:
O Muscle Feast Premium Blend All Natural Hormone Free Grass-Fed Whey Protein Powder, sabor Chocolate, é uma proteína em pó de alta qualidade, desenvolvida para atender às necessidades de atletas e entusiastas do fitness que buscam um suplemento nutritivo e saboroso. Com 2 libras de produto, esta proteína é feita a partir de leite de vacas alimentadas com pasto, garantindo um perfil nutricional superior e livre de hormônios. Cada porção oferece uma combinação ideal de aminoácidos essenciais, promovendo a recuperação muscular e o crescimento. O sabor chocolate é irresistível, tornando o consumo da proteína uma experiência prazerosa. Além disso, o produto é livre de aditivos artificiais, corantes e conservantes, alinhando-se a um estilo de vida saudável e natural.
1. Qualidade Superior: Feito com proteína de soro de leite de vacas alimentadas com pasto, garantindo um produto mais nutritivo e puro.
2. Sem Hormônios: Totalmente livre de hormônios, proporcionando uma opção mais saudável e segura para o consumo.
3. Apoio à Recuperação Muscular: A combinação de aminoácidos essenciais ajuda na recuperação pós-treino, reduzindo a fadiga muscular.
4. Sabor Delicioso: O sabor chocolate torna o consumo da proteína agradável, facilitando a inclusão na dieta diária.
5. Versatilidade de Uso: Pode ser facilmente incorporado em shakes, smoothies, receitas de bolos e panquecas, aumentando a ingestão de proteínas de forma prática.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma porção de 30g (aproximadamente uma colher medida) do Muscle Feast Premium Blend com 200-250ml de água, leite ou bebida vegetal de sua preferência. Agite bem em uma coqueteleira ou utilize um liquidificador para garantir uma mistura homogênea. O consumo pode ser feito imediatamente após o treino para otimizar a recuperação muscular ou como um lanche nutritivo ao longo do dia. Para receitas, adicione a proteína em pó a smoothies, panquecas ou bolos, aumentando o valor nutricional de suas refeições.
C. Cressley –
I’m 41 and have been using protein powders for over 20 years. I initially started in high school and college to supplement my workouts for football, and then continued over the years. I have used a lot of different protein (EAS, Optimum, etc.) powders and all had different positives and negatives (taste, quality, fake sugars, poor blend of different proteins, etc.). I have finally found the perfect one.
Musclefeast Premium has a great blend of slow to fast absorbing proteins all made with high quality ingredients. This blend is good for virtually any time. I use it for my breakfast shake (kale, spinach, chia seeds, Eat Green Tea, and berries), along with using it for my small before workout shake and after workout shake.
I also like that they let you order it without any flavors, sugar, fake sugar, etc. and it doesn’t taste horrible without all the added stuff. It doesn’t taste awesome plain, but it’s drinkable. Mix in a few berries or add some pure vanilla or cocao and it’s very drinkable, even enjoyable with little added calories.
The quality of the product was enough for me to try it, but what really sold me was the company’s honesty:
“Warning: Due to 1/3 of this product coming from our hydrolyzed whey, this product is not as smooth tasting as our whey proteins and you may pick up bitter notes. If taste is critical for you, this may not be the best choice for you.”
That was on their webiste. I like how upfront they were and how they didn’t just try to slide this by you.
I won’t be buying any other protein other than Musclefeast going forward.
Jonathan Kim –
I was a bit skeptical when first purchasing because Muscle Feast was not a household brand that I recognized. I have tried many different protein supplements over the years including but not limited to: ON products (including pro complex), syntha-6, trutein, as well as biotest’s metabolic drive. This powder is at the very least on par with metabolic drive which is touted to be one of the premier protein blends on the market. Personally I prefer protein blends with slow, medium, and fast absorption because they’re all-around and can be used as a snack, meal, pre- or post- workout and I would highly recommend this premium blend protein from Muscle Feast.
The blend consists of 3 components being, cold processed whey protein isolate, cold processed micellar casein, and hydrolyzed whey protein. All the proteins they use originate from dairy farms in Wisconsin who are known to have tremendously high quality dairy products and this protein blend is completely 100% pure and all natural. I got the chocolate flavor and was expecting to taste to be horrible since it was all natural and only sweetened with stevia, however I was pleasantly surprised and actually preferred the taste of this protein versus others I’ve had in the past.
What I also like is the fact that the nutrition label is marked in detail the amount of each amino acid you are getting per serving rather than hiding it in a “proprietary blend.” So far I have noticed excellent results and recovery from this protein and look forward to trying out other Muscle Feast products. It’s refreshing to see an honest company putting out quality products at affordable prices. I highly recommend this supplement and company.
David –
There are a lot of protein blends out there. Many of them promise outrageous gains, and claim to have some magical compound X scientifically proven to make their promises a reality. I work in biomedical research. While I can’t claim to know everything about biochemistry, my knowledge is above average at the very least. I have a two general rules: first, if I have no idea what a given ingredient in a protein is, I don’t buy it. Second, I avoid protein blends that use artificial sweeteners. Muscle Feast’s products fall in line with my two rules. Even better, they use cold filtered cross flow microfiltration, a purifying process that does not chemically alter the protein. They are very transparent about content and the ratio of whey: hydrolyzed whey: casein, which is great. Their even balance of this ratio (1:1:1) allows for consistent delivery of quality protein over several hours, something that pure whey or casein mixes cannot promise.
I’m a hard gainer, but my gains have been consistent with the use of this product. This is more than I can say for any of the other protein powders that I’ve used, and can probably be attributed to Muscle Feast’s attention to detail and decision not to use useless fillers that dilute the product, and ultimately, your gains.
If you are very worried about taste, you are probably new to protein powders. Taste shouldn’t be your primary objective. That being said, Muscle Feast’s blends are the best, most natural tasting protein powders that I’ve come across. They blend well with water and milk, don’t have a grainy texture and even lack the artificial aftertaste that most blends have on account of their use of sucralose and artificial flavoring.
I’ve been using Muscle Feast’s Premium Blend and Micellular Casein for about 6 months now. They are hands down the best protein powders that I’ve ever used, and I will continue to use them from here on out.