Descrição do Produto: Whey Protein Cru de Gado Alimentado com Grama, Processo a Frio, Não Desnaturado, Proveniente de Vacas em Pastagem, Baixo em Carboidratos, Amigo do Keto e Paleo, Livre de OGM, Sem Glúten, Sem rBGH, Fabricado nos EUA, 480g de Proteína (1.32…)
O Whey Protein Cru de Gado Alimentado com Grama é uma fonte premium de proteína, ideal para quem busca qualidade e pureza em sua suplementação. Produzido a partir de vacas criadas em pastagens, este whey protein é obtido através de um processo a frio que preserva suas propriedades nutricionais, garantindo que os aminoácidos permaneçam intactos e não desnaturados. Com baixo teor de carboidratos, é perfeito para dietas Keto e Paleo, além de ser livre de organismos geneticamente modificados (OGM), glúten e hormônios como o rBGH. Cada porção oferece uma quantidade significativa de proteína de alta qualidade, contribuindo para a recuperação muscular, aumento da massa magra e suporte ao sistema imunológico. Fabricado nos EUA, este produto é uma escolha consciente para quem valoriza a saúde e o bem-estar.
1. Proteína de Alta Qualidade: Fornece aminoácidos essenciais para a recuperação e crescimento muscular.
2. Processo a Frio: Mantém a integridade dos nutrientes, garantindo um produto não desnaturado.
3. Baixo em Carboidratos: Ideal para quem segue dietas restritivas como Keto e Paleo.
4. Livre de OGM e Glúten: Segurança alimentar para pessoas com restrições dietéticas.
5. Proveniente de Vacas em Pastagem: Garantia de um produto mais natural e sustentável, com melhor perfil nutricional.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma porção (aproximadamente 30g) do Whey Protein Cru de Gado Alimentado com Grama em 200-300ml de água, leite ou bebida vegetal de sua preferência. Utilize um shaker ou liquidificador para garantir uma mistura homogênea. O consumo pode ser feito imediatamente após o treino para otimizar a recuperação muscular ou como um lanche proteico ao longo do dia. Ajuste a quantidade de líquido conforme a consistência desejada. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade do produto.
Deb C. –
The quality is good but it is too expensive for my daily use. I prefer TGS Nutrition 100% Whey Protein, Natural Unflavored, 2 Pound. Also I was disappointed to find that there was no spoon attached.
Hne –
Having used whey protein powders for close to 20 years going back to when used to compete in cycling, and with considerable experience in sports nutrition, have to say this stuff rocks! The last batch was the natural and unflavored one and was pleased to find its smooth and creamy still the same as the amazing vanilla one (please bring back!). My vegetarian and incredibly picky university student child will actually use this too and the only whey protein product will consume . Seriously the only truly smooth mouthful whey powder (once reconstituted) have ever come across and the bioactive qualities is very important to me esp with trying to stay physically functional and training for trail runs and ordering also for my diet conscious offspring whom I worry may not be getting all the protein and nutrition needed. Yum and good for you. Worth the price.
DammitJan –
I like that this product is organic and grass-fed and all the good things but unfortunately it has one big problem: It absolutely does not blend in no matter how hard I shake it. There is always foam at the top, clear liquid at the bottom. To be able to have my protein after exercise, I need to bring a spoon with me and get the foam out of my shaker. I know that a bit of foam is okay, but not this much. I have used other organic brands in the past, and this was not the case with them. I am very disappointed in this product for this matter, and I would not re-purchase.
Hne –
I love this whey protein. I got the non-flavored more cost-effective option. I really appreciate that they offer it at such a good price! I just add my own stevia etc. Besides being high in the good stuff (glutathione precursors & more) It’s also low in the “bad” because although Cholesterol is a necessary thing, if it’s exposed to oxygen it becomes oxidized. This whey is much lower in cholesterol than some, about half the amount compared to another brand I had, so I’m really happy about that. Besides the fact that’s it’s as little processed as possible from grass fed cows in Australia. Tip try blending up your favorite smoothie and then add this at the end and blend shortly. It thickens and whips up nicely. Especially when added to a already creamy (young coconut / frozen fruit & ice cubes) smoothie. Add a little lime juice, lime peel & stevia (to balance the lime’s sourness) for a delightfully bright flavor.
A.Sperelli –
This may be my favorite whey protein due to taste, how well it mixes using a blender for my protein smoothies and the fact that it’s grass fed and for these 3 reasons I give it 5+ starts. The only down side is that it does foam if you’re not careful. You have to wait until all other ingredients to your smoothie are added and well blended before adding Wild Whey at the very last second and turn off the blender as quickly as you can. Otherwise, you will be looking at about half the volume of your smoothie being foam. To me, the taste, quality and ease of blending (using a blender) makes any excess foam worth the hassle.
A.Sperelli –
When buying whey, there are 2 important things to look for: (1) It comes from animals that are pasture-raised, and (2) it is non-denatured. With the many brands of whey protein powder for sale, very few fulfill these two criteria. Most of them are garbage in terms of quality. After a lot of research and price comparison, I decided to go with Wild Whey, and I’m really satisfied with it.
There has been some limited use of non-denatured whey in patients with CFS/ME, since it is a precursor for glutathione production. I already get noticeable (though temporary) improvements with liposomal glutathione, and I wanted to see if I could get similar good effects with whey. If you are taking whey for the purpose of glutathione production, it’s best to take it on an empty stomach, if possible. I did get some noticeable improvement with this whey, which tells me that it is actually non-denatured and effective. Eventually, over time I stopped seeing the same benefits (which is something that is common for me with almost every treatment, and does not reflect on this product at all).
Whether you are looking to use this product to boost glutathione production, or you just want to add a very high quality protein supplement to your diet, I highly recommend this brand. I’m really impressed with their commitment to quality. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. And if you found this helpful, consider leaving me feedback, I really appreciate it!
Richard Peng –
I’ve tried different brands of natural whey protein before, but this is probably my favorite. I purchased the 1.3 pound unflavored whey protein, and it smells amazing. I usually drink whey right after I work out, and I find this brand of whey to be perfect for it. I used to drink other brands of protein powder, but I find them to be so hard to digest, and I get bloated and gas-y. With Wild Food Whey, I have no GI issues. What makes me happy is that it has one ingredient…..Proserum Native Whey protein concentrate!!! That’s it, that’s all it has. It just proves how clean and natural this whey protein powder is. It’s so easy to blend and it tastes great just by itself. I never heard of this brand before, but now I am a huge fan. Check out their website, they have the most amazing natural products (coffee, coconut oil, fish oil, tea..etc).