Whey Protein Concentrate Powder 80%% – Pó de Proteína sem Sabor, Pó de Proteína sem Sabor, Pó de Proteína de Soro de Leite – Sem Glúten, 30g por Porção, 1kg (2.2 lbs)
Maximize seu Potencial: Aprimore seu estilo de vida ativo com nosso pó de Proteína Concentrada de Soro de Leite, um pó de proteína sem sabor, projetado para apoiar seus objetivos de força e desempenho. Cada porção oferece uma dose substancial de 30 gramas, atendendo tanto aos entusiastas do fitness que desejam superar seus limites.
Fonte de Proteína Versátil: Se você é um atleta, um corredor ou alguém que simplesmente deseja se manter ativo, nosso pó de Proteína de Soro de Leite, um pó de proteína sem sabor, se encaixa perfeitamente em sua rotina, adaptando-se a uma ampla gama de necessidades e preferências dietéticas, especialmente para pessoas com sensibilidade à lactose.
Otimizado em cada Porção: Nosso pó de Proteína Concentrada de Soro de Leite, um dos nossos pós de Proteína de Soro de Leite, é sem sabor e contém lactose, mas também oferece um produto de alta qualidade que se integra facilmente a outros suplementos ou ao seu shake ou bebida preferida.
Transparente e Confiável: Experimente a confiança que vem ao escolher um suplemento que não apenas atende a rigorosos testes de terceiros, mas também mantém os princípios de clareza e integridade em sua formulação e produção.
Compromisso com a Excelência: Produzido em uma instalação em conformidade com rigorosos padrões cGMP, nosso pó de Proteína Concentrada de Soro de Leite é um testemunho de nossa dedicação à qualidade. Você pode confiar na consistência e excelência do nosso produto, lote após lote.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Aumento do desempenho físico: O pó de Proteína de Soro de Leite Concentrada 80%% é projetado para melhorar seu desempenho físico, fornecendo os nutrientes necessários para o crescimento muscular e a recuperação pós-treino.
- 2. Versatilidade na dieta: Com sua versatilidade, o pó de Proteína de Soro de Leite sem sabor pode ser facilmente incorporado a diferentes receitas e dietas, permitindo que você atinja suas metas de saúde e condicionamento físico.
- 3. Qualidade garantida: Nosso pó de Proteína de Soro de Leite Concentrada é submetido a rigorosos testes de qualidade para garantir que você esteja recebendo um produto confiável e eficaz.
- 4. Suporte à recuperação muscular: Com uma dose de 30g por porção, nosso pó de Proteína de Soro de Leite Concentrada fornece os aminoácidos essenciais para ajudar na recuperação muscular após exercícios intensos.
- 5. Livre de glúten: Se você possui restrições alimentares ou sensibilidade ao glúten, nosso pó de Proteína de Soro de Leite sem sabor é uma opção segura e nutritiva para atender às suas necessidades.
O Whey Protein Concentrate Powder 80%% da BulkSupplements.com oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina de exercícios e alimentação. Primeiramente, ele promove o crescimento muscular, essencial para quem busca aumentar a massa magra. Além disso, sua fórmula sem sabor permite que seja facilmente adicionado a shakes, smoothies ou até mesmo receitas culinárias, sem alterar o gosto dos alimentos. Outro ponto importante é a rápida absorção, que favorece a recuperação muscular após treinos intensos. A presença de aminoácidos essenciais contribui para a saúde geral, enquanto a isenção de glúten torna o produto acessível para aqueles com restrições alimentares. Por fim, a qualidade garantida e a transparência na produção asseguram que você está consumindo um suplemento confiável e eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma porção (30g) do pó de Proteína de Soro de Leite Concentrada em 200ml de água, leite ou sua bebida preferida. Consuma imediatamente após o treino ou como parte de uma refeição equilibrada. É recomendável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer programa de suplementação, garantindo que o uso do produto se alinhe às suas necessidades nutricionais e objetivos de saúde.
DaveCPP –
I bought this so I have a second source of protein power when my other source is out of stock. I’m very delighted with this product. It does not add any unpleasant tastes or smells to my smoothies. In fact it is also more cost effective than my other source of Whey based protein power.
It may be a one-off fluke, but this Whey powder is much easier to handle than my other protein powder. The other powder is very clingy and sticky and clings to my plastic measuring scoop. This results in my fingers, the scoop, and inevitably the countertop covered with Whey powder dust. The BulkSupplements.com Whey Protein Concentrate does not exhibit any of these negative handling issues. It scoops out cleans and leaves no residue on me or my tools.
The first time I opened the bag it was difficult to get the bag to close again. This was because the Whey powder infiltrated into the bag locking mechanism grooves. No problem, I simply flicked as much powder out of the grooves and slowly meshed the closure back together. Subsequent opening and closing of the closure over a few days cleaned out the remaining Whey powder and I’ve had no issues with the bag closure mechanism since then. The bag base is very well designed and keeps the bag upright and steady. Your experience may differ if the bag was mishandled during shipment, but I received my bag through Amazon Prime delivery in pristine condition.
I like it a lot and will continue to purchase this Whey powder for my daily needs.
Luv4USA –
I’ve been taking this protein brand for quite a while. And I prefer it over others because it’s cheaper and very good quality. Mixes well with anything but I just use water with it.
Amazon Customer –
No flavor or texture if you mix well- I use in my coffee but add protein to cold milk then add coffee. Seems to mix better with cold liquids.
Bklyn –
First off, I read several reviews claiming that the package cannot be closed once it is opened. Of course, my initial reaction was that people were complaining about nothing, but really, you will not be able to seal this bag once it is opened. In fact, it is so terribly designed, you cannot even fathom why they even attempted to put a ziplock-type seal on the bag. They need to find a different manufacturer for the seal because the one they use doesn’t even come close to working. You will be finding some kind of alternative to seal the product.
As for the product, I am happy with it because it is not loaded with nasty unhealthy additives. Look at the label of virtually every other protein supplement, and it is shocking what they throw in the bag. Of course, the others taste delicious, and even when they claim that there is no added sugar, or just one gram of sugar, they are loaded with fake sugar, which is so much worse for ingestion. With that being said, however, this does not taste good. To keep it simple, I stir it into a glass of water and just chug it down. It doesn’t taste awful, but it is not pleasant. It is worth it knowing that you’re not loading yourself up with nasty chemicals.
I would have given this product 5 stars, but the bag that doesn’t seal brought my rating down to 4 stars. You’ll be happy with the product though.
Andrew –
I was getting Naked Whey, which is my favorite protein powder out there. It contained only one ingredient, Whey Protein Concentrate. It was also 90 dollars for 5 lbs. So I went looking for another as my children would have complained if I chose protein powder over food for them, go figure. 🙂 This powder contained only two ingredients: Whey Protein Concentrate and Soy Lecithin so I purchased it. My main concern over this product is the fact that it contains Soy Lecithin but looking at other similar products, all of them do, which is unfortunate. I do wish Bulk Supplements made a protein concentrate that contained only whey protein concentrate, as un-fermented soy in American diets is relatively well documented. But, knowing all this I made the purchase anyhow so my review doesn’t reflect this as I knew all this when I was buying it. Just hoping Bulk Supplements makes a protein powder that contains ONLY Whey.
As for the Whey, it had the expected whey flavor; which I don’t find all that displeasing. It mixes very well with water and with milk. The taste was VERY similar to that of Naked Whey, with a slight.. other flavor(?) which I can only assume is the Soy Lecithin. Regardless, this is definitely a great protein powder for the price and will be purchasing this in the future. Now, if I can only convince my wife to allow me to get a larger size so I’m not buying month to month! Ultimately I’ve become a very big fan of Bulk Supplements products as they have, thus far, delivered quality products at a very reasonable price. Highly recommend this powder
Amazon Customer –
I’m so happy bulk supplements offers products w/o all kinds of other “stuff”, fillers, sweeteners etc. I’m super sensitive to Stevia, artificial sweeteners, a lot of “natural” ingredients and fillers, many products also add coconut which is highly allergenic for me, as well as other stuff to protein powders and I can’t use them. It’s very frustrating. This product is fantastic, it’s fluffy not like a condensed powder, and I love that I can add my own flavor, real maple syrup, chocolate, or coffee to make a protein shake. It has a great clean taste, not gritty, seems smooth to me, and mixes well in a smoothie mixer. I was using a soy protein because it was all I could find that only had “protein” w/o all the other stuff but happy I found this, much better flavor and texture. i love it and looking fwd to using it daily to help up my protein intake as it’s hard to get enough some days; i don’t always have time to prep meals. I also will add this brand psyllium husk to help boost my fiber intake as well.
Allison –
Maybe when added to food this whey protein is tolerable, but when added to plain water it is truly vile. Reminded me of Metamusil – never dissolved, clumpy and gritty. For adding to cold liquids, do not recommend.