WaterWipes Limpeza Texturizada sem Plástico para Crianças, 60 Unidades
As WaterWipes Plastic-Free Textured Clean são toalhinhas de limpeza desenvolvidas especialmente para a pele delicada dos bebês e crianças em fase de crescimento. Com uma fórmula pura e simples, essas toalhinhas são compostas por 99,9% de água purificada e uma gota de extrato de frutas e bagas, garantindo uma limpeza eficaz sem a adição de fragrâncias artificiais, parabenos ou sulfatos. A textura especial das toalhinhas proporciona um poder de limpeza adicional, ideal para remover sujeiras difíceis que podem surgir durante as aventuras diárias dos pequenos.
Além de serem clinicamente comprovadas para proteger a pele sensível, as WaterWipes são hipoalergênicas e aceitas pela Associação Nacional de Eczema da América, o que as torna uma escolha segura para crianças com pele propensa a irritações. A preocupação com o meio ambiente também é atendida, pois essas toalhinhas são à base de plantas e completamente livres de plástico, oferecendo uma alternativa sustentável para os pais conscientes.
Essas toalhinhas não são apenas para bebês; sua versatilidade permite que sejam utilizadas por adultos, animais de estimação e até mesmo para a limpeza de superfícies. Seja para limpar pequenas sujeiras, refrescar a pele ou higienizar as patas dos pets, as WaterWipes se tornam um item essencial para quem busca praticidade e eficiência em sua rotina.
– Fórmula pura e simples, com apenas 3 ingredientes.
– Textura para lidar com sujeiras mais difíceis.
– Toalhinhas à base de plantas e livres de plástico.
– Aceitas por dermatologistas e adequadas para pele propensa a eczema.
– Versatilidade para uso em adultos, animais de estimação e superfícies.
Para utilizar as WaterWipes Plastic-Free Textured Clean, basta retirar uma toalhinha do pacote e passar suavemente na área desejada, como mãos, rosto ou bumbum do bebê. Não é necessário enxaguar após o uso. Após a utilização, descarte a toalhinha no lixo. Para garantir a umidade das toalhinhas, mantenha o pacote bem fechado e armazene em local fresco e seco.
lydia e. –
Was recommended water wipes for sensitive skin. I’ve been using these since day 1 for my baby and we’ve had no diaper rash issues.
The wipes are a little thinner than competitors but it gets the job done. They don’t dispense super easily so I think we end up pulling more/using more than needed during diaper changes.
Jen Cooper –
I like the ease to wash face and hands with no harsh ingredients. Sooo convenient . My special needs kids like them to wipe their face after they eat. No irritation..
Joclyn –
I didn’t realize how much nasty crap is in regular baby wipes. These Ingredients are clean and I feel better about using them on my baby. They are textured unlike pampers wipes which just smear the poop around. If you are a first time mom and don’t know what I mean then trust me you want these versus other wipes!
Amazon Customer –
Honestly I don’t think there is a better wipe out there than these ones. They are 99.9% water with a drop of fruit extract. My baby/toddler has never gotten a rash from these. Great for sensitive skin. And the textured feel of these are great for cleaning up those sticky poops.
Irene –
Why? There’s not fragrance, therefore it never burns or stings. They are perfect.
Soft and thin but in a good way
Sexydiva0807 –
I love this product ,keeps ya clean and fresh and if you buy the three they last longer.Soft,Do not flush,great for the money
Yulia –
Perfect for my little one. Her skin didn’t have any rushes at all.
Phuckno –
These came in clutch when nieces and nephew got ANY irritation. My sister had been using the “sensitive” versions of Huggies and Pamper wipes thinking those weren’t going to irritate them further or hurt them due to the “limited” ingredients in them; claiming to be more water than anything else(which sure…however they still contained more), but they were. Didn’t help when she had to properly wipe off the rash cream everytime so the babies would experience it for longer and that of course would make her feel guilty. The other brands, even when they claimed to be sensitive wipes, stung almost as bad as their regular wipes and dried their skin out so badly. Thankfully, she started using these before there was any severe skin breakage or anything.
We initially got her a few packs at Walmart for backup and as a “just-in-case” when she noticed how dry and flaky their skin was becoming, that way she can use the other brands, but have these in the case that the babies get any irritation. She knew about theses, but the cost always made her hesitate so I will say these are a bit more expensive(better deal on here from what I’ve seen).
She loves them. We purchased this for her and will purchase more when she runs low so she doesn’t have to worry about them. Babies don’t really cry when they get changed now and she noticed general improvement of their skin barrier due to them genuinely containing almost no ingredients. Absolutely recommend to anyone hesitant or anyone that thinks the Huggies/Pamper Sensitive Wipes are the same, but at a lower price. They aren’t. Those still sting really bad. Splurge and get a pack and keep them for emergencies only, if you gotta, but these are a must.
No babies in the house but if one visits we will be ready. These are great anywhere. I used to use them on my dog when she needed a wipe. carried them in the car to wipe our hands, face, whatever. They are great bathroom wipes as long as you don’t try to flush them. They leave your hands, face and all kinds of cheeks feeling fresh.
Yulia –
Basically any issue your little one has from diaper rashes to eczema, my little ones had it all. We ended up using no baby wipes for the first 8 months with my first after there were nothing that would treat the issues. Once we realized baby wipes were contributing to it, we tried water wipes and they caused no reaction. For our newest one, it has again caused no issues and although they are expensive in comparison to others, we spent more alone on treatment for the reactions of other baby wipes.