Descrição do Produto: VORG-Vorgaccino Organic Superfood Blend Coffee Booster com Cúrcuma
Descubra o poder do VORG-Vorgaccino, uma mistura inovadora de superalimentos que transforma sua rotina matinal em uma experiência nutritiva e energizante. Este produto é mais do que um simples substituto de café; é uma fusão de 15 ingredientes orgânicos cuidadosamente selecionados, incluindo a cúrcuma, que potencializa suas propriedades benéficas. Com uma fórmula vegana, livre de soja, lactose e laticínios, o Vorgaccino é ideal para aqueles que buscam uma alternativa saudável e consciente.
- 🌿 Vegan, Orgânico e Cru: Feito com ingredientes de alta qualidade, orgânicos, veganos e sem glúten. O Vorgaccino apoia um estilo de vida consciente e é perfeito para quem segue dietas livres de laticínios e soja.
- 🌱 Repleto de Superalimentos para Benefícios Nutricionais: Cada porção é enriquecida com um poderoso conjunto de superalimentos que promovem energia duradoura, clareza mental e vitalidade. É mais do que uma alternativa ao café – é uma mistura nutritiva projetada para abastecer seu corpo com minerais essenciais, antioxidantes e adaptógenos.
- 🌎 Escolha Ecológica: O Vorgaccino é elaborado com sustentabilidade em mente, utilizando ingredientes não transgênicos e práticas de abastecimento ecológicas. Ao escolher o Vorgaccino, você está fazendo uma escolha que é melhor para você e para o planeta.
- ✨ Livre de Conservantes e Ingredientes Artificiais: Desfrute da pureza e bondade natural, sem conservantes ou ingredientes artificiais. O Vorgaccino é livre de alérgenos comuns, tornando-o adequado para uma ampla gama de necessidades dietéticas.
1. Aumento de Energia Sustentável: O Vorgaccino fornece energia duradoura sem os picos e quedas associados ao café tradicional.
2. Melhora da Clareza Mental: Os ingredientes adaptogênicos ajudam a melhorar a concentração e a função cognitiva, ideal para dias de trabalho intensos.
3. Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: Com antioxidantes poderosos, esta mistura ajuda a fortalecer o sistema imunológico e a combater radicais livres.
4. Fácil de Incorporar na Rotina: Pode ser adicionado a smoothies, iogurtes ou simplesmente misturado com água quente, tornando-o uma opção prática para qualquer momento do dia.
5. Sustentabilidade: Ao escolher o Vorgaccino, você apoia práticas agrícolas sustentáveis e contribui para um futuro mais verde.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do VORG-Vorgaccino, adicione uma colher de sopa (aproximadamente 10g) da mistura em 200ml de água quente ou leite vegetal de sua preferência. Misture bem até que a mistura esteja completamente dissolvida. Para um impulso extra de sabor e nutrição, experimente adicionar ao seu smoothie matinal ou ao seu iogurte. O Vorgaccino pode ser consumido a qualquer hora do dia, seja como um energizante pela manhã ou um reforço nutritivo à tarde.
wynn –
Because so many of the ingredients in the VORG-Vorgaccino Organic Superfood Blend Coffee Booster are unfamiliar to me, I skimmed through the list to learn more about them and found it is packed with lots of beneficial nutrients. To me the taste is pretty good in coffee along with coconut milk and I can detect the taste of turmeric, which is a little refreshing. Also, I blended it in kefir with maple syrup and enjoyed that as well. It’s nice for a change in morning coffee when a boost of nutrition is needed or just when you feel like a taste of something a little different. It blends easily without clumping and only two small scoops are directed. I gave it four stars because it says it is 11 servings per container for $33, which I think is a bit pricey. The scoops are very small, though, so it looks like there is more than just 11 servings.
Anonymous26 –
I am not a coffee drinker perse. However, this powder in a cool class of almond milk really tastes divine. The milk blended and whipped in a blender gives my almond milk, a mildly sweet cocoa taste. And if you just look at the ingredients list, it has several naturally great ingredients. I admit that I was tempted to sprinkle this powder into some mushroom and vegetable soup that I had made, but, I will continue to use in my almond milk. It’s very easy to do. Directions say to use two scoops and blend. The scooper is nicely included inside the container. You might have to dig a little for it.
Of course, this is not FDA approved and so please read the ingredients list. Check with your healthcare professional to find out if it’s something that could be beneficial for you. I personally think that it’s a good way to add good nutrition that is mildly flavorful in whatever beverage you choose. Especially if you like the taste of cocoa.
Customer Review –
I was very excited to try the VORG-Vorgaccino Organic Superfood coffee booster because I am a daily coffee drinker and many times I don’t have time to make breakfast before work. It’s good to eat breakfast but normally I just have coffee until dinner time (or maybe a snack in between).
This superfood powder is recommended to be blended with your drink, but who has time to do all that in the morning!? I just drop a spoon into my coffee and mix with a spoon. Since my coffee is taken on the go in a tumbler, it naturally mixes with all the movement in my bag and hand. It comes out really well afterwards.
I don’t really detect a taste in it as the coffee mostly completely overpowers the taste (this is a good thing so you don’t lose too mcuh coffee flavor). It mainly just tastes like a chocolate powder but on the very light side.
I will need to try additional flavors if they have any. This is a great idea for coffee!
mountaingoat –
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4.5 4.5 out of 5 stars (15)
VORG-Vorgaccino Organic Superfood Blend Coffee Booster with Tumeric, 15 Ingredients, Vegan, Soy Free, Lactose Free, Dairy Free. Energy & Clarity (5.92oz) 11 Servings
I got this product because it has an impressive range of superfoods and I thought it would be a fun morning treat. I don’t drink coffee so I’ve been adding it to warm nut milk.
Used in this way it tastes Herby and somewhat like carob. I added a bit of honey. While the instructions say to put it in a blender and blend into your drink, I don’t find that necessary- just use a mini whisk. The first time I used it I felt a bit wired afterwards. Other times, didn’t feel a huge impact.
Things to like: The product is certified organic & gluten free, and seems to be good quality. It’s tasty yet mild, and probably would not modify the taste of coffee much. It’s also vegan and raw so it would fit into many different lifestyles easily.
Concerns: This contains a large array of ingredients, which, if I was going to use the product long-term, I would want to research every single one of them. That feels a little bit exhausting but I’m careful about what I put in my body. In addition, I would have to look into the particular type of maca included, as different types of maca have different impacts and can be specifically better for men or women. Also, this product falls somewhere on the line between food and supplement. That being the case, I’d be most comfortable if it were third-party certified so that I knew that it actually contains everything it says it contains in the quantities listed, without contaminants.
Finally, it’s a bit pricey. There are around 11 servings per container, so you’re looking at $60-$90 a month if you want to use it Otherwise, it could be an occasional treat, at a lower price point.
mountaingoat –
This superfood coffee booster has been a good (and very easy) addition to my morning routine, because I can just put some in my coffee. I don’t need to remember to take capsules later or use a shaker bottle to blend it with anything specific. I am working on making small health and wellness changes this year, so this fits in with that.
I like that it’s vegan, organic, raw, non-GMO, and free from preservatives, artificial ingredients, and common allergens (of course check the label to be sure yours is not in there). It blends into my coffee easily and tastes fine, though I admit I still add whole milk and a little sugar—balance, not perfection, right? It’s easy to use because you literally unscrew the lid, put in two scoops (scoop included) and stir it. The instructions say to blend it in a blender but I am definitely too lazy for that. I do this in the easiest way so fits into my day, which means I will actually use it. So far, so good.