Descrição do Produto: VÖOST Magnésio
Descubra o poder do VÖOST Magnésio, um suplemento vitamínico efervescente que transforma sua rotina de saúde em uma experiência refrescante e saborosa. Cada comprimido efervescente de VÖOST oferece 50% das suas necessidades diárias de magnésio, um mineral essencial que desempenha um papel crucial na saúde óssea e muscular. Com um sabor irresistível de limão e lima, você pode facilmente incorporar este suplemento à sua hidratação diária, tornando o ato de cuidar da sua saúde muito mais prazeroso.
A fórmula premium do VÖOST não só garante a entrega eficaz de magnésio, mas também torna a ingestão de vitaminas uma atividade divertida. Ao adicionar apenas um comprimido à água, você transforma uma simples bebida em um refrescante e levemente efervescente drink de magnésio. E o melhor de tudo: VÖOST Magnésio é livre de açúcar e contém apenas 10 calorias, permitindo que você desfrute de um impulso de magnésio sem comprometer sua dieta.
A personalização é uma das grandes vantagens do VÖOST. Você pode ajustar a intensidade do sabor de acordo com sua preferência, utilizando de 8 a 16 onças de água. Isso significa que você pode criar uma bebida mais forte ou mais suave, conforme seu gosto. Além disso, a possibilidade de misturar diferentes sabores de VÖOST permite que você crie combinações únicas e personalizadas, garantindo que sua experiência de suplementação seja sempre nova e excitante.
– Suporte à Saúde Óssea e Muscular: O magnésio é fundamental para a manutenção da saúde dos ossos e músculos, ajudando a prevenir cãibras e melhorando a recuperação muscular.
– Sabor Agradável: O sabor de limão e lima torna a ingestão de vitaminas uma experiência prazerosa, incentivando a adesão ao uso diário.
– Sem Açúcar e Baixas Calorias: Ideal para quem busca manter uma dieta equilibrada, sem abrir mão do sabor e dos nutrientes.
– Personalização do Sabor: A flexibilidade na quantidade de água permite que cada usuário ajuste a intensidade do sabor conforme sua preferência.
– Fácil de Transportar: As pastilhas efervescentes são práticas e podem ser levadas para qualquer lugar, facilitando a suplementação em qualquer momento do dia.
Para utilizar o VÖOST Magnésio, adicione um comprimido efervescente em 8 a 16 onças de água (aproximadamente 240 a 480 ml). Aguarde até que o comprimido se dissolva completamente antes de consumir. Para um sabor mais intenso, utilize menos água; para um sabor mais suave, adicione mais água. É recomendado tomar uma pastilha por dia, preferencialmente em um momento em que você possa relaxar e desfrutar da bebida. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
BR –
I truly enjoy the flavor of this product; it does not have that common artificial orange flavor so commonly found in products. This product does have flavor hints of the real blood orange taste. Unsure how effective the absorbency is to rate since there is a way to measure it. If you are trying to increase your liquid intake, I would highly recommend this flavor and product. In regard to rating of “easy to swallow” … it desolves into the water and again the flavor it great, I’m kind of confused what else it could refer to about this product. Loved the fact they added zinc and electrolytes … now I do feel a difference regarding absorption of electrolytes because they help aide against dehydration and after drinking this product I can tell the difference.
Franjam –
Product excellent but Im disappointed by the delivery service! I clearly instructed to press the door bell to inform of delivery but sadly this was not practiced by delivery crew!
Camille26 –
Thought I would try this flavor as some of the other ones were alright tasting – this one although loaded with lots of vitamins tastes like pure vinegarc-horrible taste.
However, if you throw in an orange one it will taste a ‘little’ better – so far I’m pleased with the other flavors and with fast shipping, good price point and healthy for you – it’s a really good product and I’m stocked for the winter ….!
Stay heathy my friends …..!
Ann Wood –
Okay YES I do recommend this product because it’s an easy thing to carry in a backpack and easy to use. Hydration is very important for survival at any time, even just regular days around the house. We live in South Texas where the weather has been 105 to 110 degrees every day for the last two months. So dehydration can creep up after just being outside for a while.
The flavor of these is fine. I don’t buy these to be a refreshing beverage. They have a purpose.
Each plastic tube holds 20 tablets, and you only need 1 for a glass of water. I purchased 3 sets of two-packs ( 6 tubes total ) and put 1 in my purse, 2 in my emergency first aid kit and 2 in my backpack for an upcoming hiking/ camping trip. The last one is in my kitchen but I probably won’t be using that last one. And here’s why: That one tube arrived broken. The white plastic cap on the bottom was literally smashed and several of the tables are stuck together and discolored. I dumped the rest of them out of that tube and their all discolored too. Odd looking. Almost a moldy look ( see photo ). I don’t consume things that I am skeptical about. So, although I appreciate a good deal on the two pack, since one whole tube is useless it’s now not as great of a deal. Oh well. I would have given this purchase 5 stars had that one whole tube not been useless.
As far as Hydration, I do know these are very good and helpful.
Recently I was out working on my front yard in the extreme heat and humidity and got a little dizzy. So I came inside and cooled off on the sofa in front of a fan and put one tablet of voost Hyd in a glass of cold water. Gulped it down once it dissolved. It definitely helped me to feel much better.
I am confident that these will be great for many occasions.
Ann Wood –
I have purchased these vitamins several times at this point. I was beyond happy to find a 2 pack for such an inexpensive price! I had originally been purchasing these vitamins from my local Walmart but they stopped carrying them and they were a lot more expensive! The taste isn’t bad to me. You can dilute it with a lot of water, or drink it with less water for a stronger flavor. The main reason I love these particular vitamins, though is I have low, magnesium and zinc and it hurts my stomach so bad to take them in the pill form. If fact it makes me sick!! This is the only way I have found to be able to take them!! I can tell when I do take these vitamins, because I feel like I have a lot more energy and feel way better!!! I cannot recommend these vitamins enough!!!
WS.Burnham –
I’ve been using voost for about a year and these are great. Gives me the vitamin c and zinc I need to stay healthy. Taste really good, not too strong or weak and you can add more or less water to get the flavor you prefer. I’m one that didn’t think vitamin c and zinc made a difference but I don’t get sick nearly as much when I use these tablets.
The Jazzman –
I’ve tried numerous brands of hydration tablets. Some have great flavors, some not so much, they all are fairly equal in contained vitamins/electrolytes etc. These dissolve faster than many other brands and the price point is great. Probably some of the cheaper tablets out there…. However… I use electrolyte tabs during and post workouts, I normally will eat or drink most anything but the taste of the fruit punch electrolyte tabs taste like someone puked in my water. One of my least favorite electrolyte flavors I’ve had to date. I mean I still drank it, it serves the purpose…. But my God did anyone QA check these with the public 😂. Please, tell me Voost, you are going to make a variety of flavors rather than just this one for electrolytes. I honestly would rather pay a couple bucks more from another brand and get a tolerable flavor that I can enjoy.
Jodi Plaehn –
I received this today with a broken tube and spilled (and dirty) items but found to my dismay that it is ineligible for return or replacement. I have been happy to reorder this product over the last years, and poor and torn packaging has been a common problem. Happy to accept that but not replacing an unusable item is disappointing
Camille26 –
I’ve found the best way to add necessary daily vitamin intake and drink the doctor’s recommended amount of water each day is to make the water taste great! Just pop a tablet into a glass of water or do like I do, split a tablet in half and drop the pieces into a 16 ounce bottle of water, let it dissolve completely and enjoy! Keep hydrated, add some minerals or vitamins and do it without the sometimes boring plain taste of plain water.
K. Mitchell –
I have to say Voost for hair, skin & nails tastes really good. I have trouble swallowing vitamins. Other liquid vitamin reviews boosted about taste. Those reviews led me to this product. Because, most folks didn’t like the taste of the other vitamins. Have to say I am impressed. A little tart but you can adjust how bold you want the flavor. It is only my first day using Voost. I will come back for an update. I have alopecia aerate. These vitamins were the reason why I wanted to try them. I’m gonna give four stars only because I’ve just started using the product.