A VOLTRX Garrafa Premium de Agitador Elétrico de Proteína é a solução ideal para quem busca praticidade e eficiência na preparação de shakes de proteína. Feita com Tritan, um material livre de BPA, essa garrafa de 700 ml combina resistência e segurança, permitindo que você se concentre em seus treinos sem preocupações. Seu design inovador em formato de vortex garante uma mistura homogênea, eliminando grumos e proporcionando uma textura suave para suas bebidas. Com a conveniência do carregamento via USB C, você pode desfrutar de até um mês de uso com apenas duas horas de carga, tornando-a perfeita para o estilo de vida agitado de quem frequenta academias ou pratica esportes.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Excelente relação custo-benefício: A garrafa misturadora VOLTRX VortexBoost é feita de Tritan, um material completamente seguro e resistente a impactos. Sem BPA. Use como preferir!
- Design único e funcional que chama a atenção: Seja o centro das atenções com o espetáculo de mistura em formato de vortex! Com capacidade de 24 oz (700 ml) (observação: as medidas vão até 20 onças), este é o assistente perfeito para seus treinos, ajudando você a alcançar a forma física perfeita.
- Até 1 mês de uso com apenas 2 horas de carga: Desfrute de um ano de vida útil da bateria com apenas uma carga (com base em um padrão de uso três vezes por semana). O motor potente garante que não haja pedaços restantes (o desempenho pode diminuir um pouco quando a carga estiver baixa).
- Fácil de limpar: Basta despejar água morna misturada com detergente, ligar o misturador e pronto, tudo limpo! A certificação IPX5 permite que a parte externa seja lavada.
- Na caixa: Garrafa misturadora elétrica recarregável VOLTRX VortexBoost, cabo de carregamento Micro USB C, embalagem especialmente projetada, respaldada por nossa garantia de 1 ano sem preocupações e atendimento ao cliente de classe mundial. Garrafa misturadora esportiva para pessoas fitness.
- Praticidade no preparo de shakes, eliminando a necessidade de misturar manualmente.
- Material seguro e durável, garantindo a saúde do usuário e a longevidade do produto.
- Design atrativo que se destaca em qualquer ambiente, seja na academia ou em casa.
- Autonomia prolongada com recarga rápida, ideal para quem tem uma rotina intensa.
- Facilidade na limpeza, permitindo mais tempo para treinar e menos tempo para cuidar dos utensílios.
Para utilizar a garrafa VOLTRX, comece adicionando os ingredientes desejados, como proteína em pó, água ou leite, à garrafa. Feche bem a tampa para evitar vazamentos. Em seguida, pressione o botão de mistura e deixe o motor potente fazer seu trabalho por alguns segundos até que a mistura esteja homogênea. Após o uso, para uma limpeza eficiente, despeje água morna com detergente na garrafa, ligue o misturador novamente e enxágue. Lembre-se de recarregar a bateria regularmente para garantir que sua garrafa esteja sempre pronta para o uso.
Sonja Zielsdorf –
Trying to get into shape and decided to help him along with his journey and get him this motorized shaker bottle. His friends at work were like whooaa where did you get that? It’s super cool. It works really well…I used it myself and it didn’t leave any clumps from the protein powder and mixed really well. I like that it lit up…just gave it some pizzazz. Recommend for sure
snowbear1967 –
I am in love with this product. It is easy to charge and holds a charge for a while. I love that you do not have to plug it in. Take it with you anywhere and use it. You cannot put ice in it, until you are done blending. You can mix all the other ingredients first. This thing is absolutely easy to use. It needs to be charged using a USB cable. Came fast.
Mrs.Lana –
It’s an excellent quality bottle! It mixes my shakes very well, light, easy to clean, and super durable!
Yesterday, I accidentally stepped into cat food on a balcony and dropped the bottle with my shake. The lid of the bottle didn’t open but the motor separated. The motor of the bottle fell off from the the 4-th floor of our hotel in Istanbul. I went down to pick it up. I was pleasantly surprised when the motor was working 😊. Excellent quality! Recommend this bottle for everyone who likes shakes!
JoAnn –
I bought this because I have a lot of pain in my wrists and shoulders, and often dislocate if I move incorrectly. I figured the shaker bottles would be too aggressive and this was a nice alternative.
Unfortunately, in order to use this I can only fill the bottle up halfway, and I can only use a half scoop of protein powder or it will not mix properly. Not to mention, the mixer is for a short duration and kind of slow. I had to turn the device on multiple times just to make the powder mix, and that was half full with half a scoop of powder.
I often find myself just shaking it anyways to mix it. If I were to do it again, I would not buy this and instead either upgrade to and actual blender or downgrade to the shaker ball (even if it hurts a little).
It is easy to clean, charge, and take on the go though. Just not enough.
Overall, an inefficient object that technically works, but not well enough to save any time or mix any better than a shaker ball cup.
Personally, I would not buy again.
Donovan Hughes –
Leah Lowe –
This has been the best purchase I have ever made in a very long time. Add a little ice then water to just below MAX line and add my 4 products and it is done. Definitely recommend.
Leah Lowe –
It’s beyond frustrating to find out that there is a hole or maybe the blender at the bottom of the cup can shift leaving a gaping hole for all of your expensive milk & protein to pour out all over my counter, my kitchen floor, & crevices after just two uses.
セブン –
This is a brilliant mixer of drinks. We use it with milk and it doesn’t go frothy. There are no lumps and it blends the powdered vitamins and minerals to perfection. We use it twice a day, bought it a couple of weeks ago and we still don’t need to recharge it. Well worth the price.
Dillon B. –
This is a cool product that is fun to use. It blends pretty much everything I’ve used it for well but there are some things that are advertised that are simply not the case. The biggest statement being that the battery will last months on a single charge but I’ve found that to not be the case at all. At best I usually get a weeks worth of charge out of the battery.
Another point is that it is NOT easy to clean. If you get on it immediately after drinking your drink you can do the blending soap and water for 2 mins and it’s good but if you’re away from the house and can’t clean it immediately it can get grimy on the sides and since the blender part can’t be removed you can’t get a brush or anything very deep into it. I typically just use soap and try wiping it with my fingers.
Also the durability isn’t too great. I haven’t really dropped mine at all and somehow I have a crack in the lid that leaks every now and then. overall I love using it but the battery and durability could use improvement.
Side note: it’s been about 4-5 months since I bought us these shakers and the motor on my girlfriend’s stopped working at all today. It will show the charge lights but when you take it off the charger nothing happens when you try to start it.
MG –
I bought a second unit and it did not work as expected. As soon as I wrote the feedback I was contacted by their customer service group and they offered to send me a replacement one. I was very impressed with the promptness of their response. Will surely recommend this product to others.