VMAGIC by Medicine Mama é um bálsamo vulvar orgânico que se destaca como um verdadeiro aliado no cuidado da pele íntima, especialmente durante a menopausa. Este produto inovador foi desenvolvido para proporcionar alívio à secura, coceira e desconforto que muitas mulheres enfrentam em diferentes fases da vida. Com uma fórmula equilibrada em pH, VMAGIC hidrata e rejuvenesce as áreas mais sensíveis, promovendo um retorno à intimidade sem dor e com prazer renovado.
- Hidratante Feminino Orgânico: Hidrata e rejuvenesce suas áreas íntimas com VMAGIC, um bálsamo vulvar orgânico que acalma a pele vulvar sensível e delicada, proporcionando um retorno alegre à intimidade sem dor.
- Recomendado por Dermatologistas e Ginecologistas: VMAGIC ajuda a aliviar a pele seca causada pela menopausa e outras mudanças hormonais, pós-parto, fricção, irritação química, cuidados pessoais e muito mais, reduzindo a secura, vermelhidão, coceira, ardor e desconforto geral.
- Clinicamente Comprovado: Em um estudo clínico com 33 mulheres de 25 a 55 anos, 100% relataram zero irritação e 79% relataram alívio imediato da secura da pele íntima.
- Sem Hormônios e Não Irritante: Não estrogênico, não OGM e livre de crueldade; VMAGIC é feito de ingredientes orgânicos e naturais, ricos em nutrientes, incluindo a mistura exclusiva de própolis e mel da Medicine Mama.
- Nova Embalagem, Mesmos Produtos Eficazes: Atualizamos nossa marca, mas não a fórmula; dentro está o mesmo VMAGIC que você conhece e ama.
1. Alívio imediato da secura e desconforto íntimo.
2. Fórmula orgânica e natural, livre de substâncias químicas agressivas.
3. Recomendado por profissionais de saúde, garantindo segurança e eficácia.
4. Hidratação profunda que promove a saúde da pele vulvar.
5. Ideal para mulheres em diferentes fases da vida, incluindo menopausa e pós-parto.
Para obter os melhores resultados com VMAGIC, aplique uma pequena quantidade do bálsamo diretamente nas áreas íntimas limpas e secas. Utilize o produto conforme necessário, especialmente em momentos de desconforto ou secura. Aplique suavemente, permitindo que o bálsamo seja absorvido pela pele. Para um efeito prolongado, recomenda-se o uso diário, especialmente durante períodos de alterações hormonais ou após atividades que possam causar irritação.
Lorraine M. –
This is my second time ordering this product. It is expensive but I must say it’s a lifesaver for myself, use it every night and when needed during the day. Recommend the product and will purchase again.
sc –
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Vulva Balm is a remarkable product that lives up to its reputation as a woman’s best friend. Its ability to soothe and relieve irritation makes it an essential addition to any personal care regimen, particularly for those who experience frequent discomfort from shaving, waxing, or menopause. The natural, gentle ingredients ensure that it is suitable for sensitive skin, while its effectiveness in alleviating irritation and dryness is well-documented.
In summary, Vulva Balm is more than just a temporary fix; it’s a reliable solution for ongoing vulvar care. By combining its use with complementary supplements like slippery elm capsules, women can achieve a holistic approach to managing vulvar discomfort and maintain their comfort and confidence. If you’re seeking a balm that delivers on its promises of relief and comfort, Vulva Balm is definitely worth considering.
A vulva moisturizer designed for menopausal dryness, when combined with slippery elm capsules, offers a promising approach to managing symptoms of vaginal dryness. The moisturizer provides essential hydration and comfort, while slippery elm can support overall mucosal health. Together, they can improve quality of life for those affected by menopausal dryness. Regular use and consultation with a healthcare provider can ensure that these products meet individual needs effectively.
Nat –
I was having issues with extreme dryness and irritation, to the point where it was burning/stinging when I went to the bathroom and I was near tears on a regular basis from the pain. It felt like I had tiny paper cuts all over that area and I couldn’t figure out why or how to fix it. I had been to my gynecologist and he just recommended some OTC moisturizers, but they didn’t help at all (and I’m very sensitive to using things in that area–I usually develop infections or rashes from anything with fragrance or other synthetic ingredients). Of course he ruled out any possible infections or diseases, too, but we were both fairly confident that nothing like that was causing the issues (he knows my medical history and knew that I wasn’t at risk for most of the potential culprits). I decided to try this product and WOW!!! I was hesitant to leave a review because it’s such a personal product but I felt compelled because if I can help someone else find an answer to her problem then it’s worth my potential embarrassment! Oddly enough, once I got myself totally healed (no more dryness, irritation, pain, paper cut feelings, etc.) I’ve only had to use this very intermittently. As long as I use it at the first sign of a potential issue starting (dryness, irritation, etc.) then I only have to use it once or twice and the issue subsides! I keep this on hand at all times now, and when I was still in the process of healing the area I even kept some in a tiny travel container so I could take it with me. And because it’s made from only natural ingredients it didn’t cause any additional irritation at all! I highly recommend this product for anyone struggling with pain, irritation, dryness, etc. (as long as you’ve ruled out the possibility of any diseases or infections).
Rena Koji –
I am in menopause and everything about my body feels out of whack!! I’m suddenly allergic to everything it seems and what I used to be able to use as far as skin care, shampoo, lotions, whatever, will either cause some kind of rash or dry out my skin and hair. Everything I put on my face, even any type of makeup (which is NOT good because I’m not trying to go out of the house looking like a bum at special events) causes perioral dermatitis or something else. It doesn’t help that my face and body is sweating like a race horse at the Kentucky derby just going somewhere which only seriously aggravates this condition on my face. Well needless to say that my hoo ha has been out of commission at 50! Everything about her has changed too! It’s awful!! Sex with my husband is incredibly painful and even though I definitely have desire, my husband can’t even get it in because it just won’t go! (Sorry to be explicit but I hope we’re all ladies here. Some of you know what I’m talking about and some of you might need to know what to prepare for!) well this situation just won’t do!! I’m sweating too much down there, shaving which I’ve done for at least 20 years itches like crazy a couple days later after shaving, my vaginal discharge which is ironic because it’s dry is not normal and I feel like I smell.. all this stuff at once is causing me severe anxiety! Am I falling apart?? Anyway, after looking through hundreds of vaginal moisture items, I settled on this one after reading the ingredients and reviews and seeing how natural all the ingredients are. My thinking is to make sure I have a very serious, but extremely natural regimen. I’ve started taking daily probiotics and a slippery elm product and inserting some boric acid/ph balancing capsules in there at night occasionally for a few nights in a row when I feel like the sweating may be getting me out of balance to help adjust and maintain a healthy ph. When I received this yesterday, I immediately went and washed my hands and put some down there all around and all around the outer area to help my outer skin with my shaving issue. Yall!! I’m not crazy but I swear I could literally feel my inner area soaking this in!! Almost like a tightening! I honestly didn’t realize how thirsty my skin was in there! Where I shave, this balm felt very soothing. I’ve not felt any itching since it’s been a couple days since I shaved as I was bound to start feeling itching as the hair begins to grow back. Nothing! Like my vagina is saying “ahhh! Thanks!” I even put a little bit on my dry hands after and my skin soaked it up! I love that the only smell I can smell is olive oil when I put it on. I went through my day as usual, just dabbing when I had to urinate, took a bath at the end of the day before bed and applied some more. When I woke up this morning and had to go do my first morning pee, my vagina smelled completely normal and balanced, almost sweet with no strong smell. (Maybe I have extra sensitive smell but that stuff bothers me and I feel like if I can smell myself and I don’t like it then my husband can too.) I think with the combination of the other things I’ve been doing for my vaginal health, this is the last thing my body needed to be balanced. I’m so happy about this and never knew how happy I’d be that my vagina was moisturized. Lol 😂 You don’t need a lot and I would suggest either this product come with a small spatula to scoop it out with or just use one that you already have. It’s heavy and thick if you scoop out too much and that might feel like too much down there for some women. Right now I seem to be needing more because I’ve been so dry and didn’t realize but as time goes on, I don’t think I’ll need more than a little dime size to cover everything down there, maybe a little more. I think it would be more sanitary to have a little spatula to scoop out what you need especially when you’re applying it while you’re on the toilet going to the bathroom. Then you can wash your little spatula when you wash your hands after using it instead of having the whole jar right there with you on the toilet. Just my thoughts. So far so good! My body and hoo ha is loving this stuff. I hope this continues. Definitely get you some!!
Wendy Sanchez –
Medicine Mama’s Apothecary Vmagic Vulva Care and Intimate Skin Cream.
I don’t write reviews, though, this product really works. It is a Godsend…
I have serious problems with my vulva and I tried another product to hopefully help. But, that product caused a allergic reaction or the product was past the due date.
I had the courage to try this product and I fell on my knees and said Amen Hallelujah. lol that this product works..
If, you are worried, have the courage that I did and try it. 🙂
Nat –
Currently, it seems as a fair product for skin dryness and irritation relief. It works much better than the others, used before.
sc –
A huge help with vaginal dryness during the postpartum months after the birth of my firstborn. Gentle and soothing, not really a scent to it but highly effective when used daily.
Busy Mommy –
When you wear an incontinence pad 24/7, things dry out. In the past, I have tried castor oil, lube, and moisturizers, but I got a first-time UTI. Who knows if all those experiments did that? After the UTI cleared with a dreaded anti-biotic, I feel very comfortable using Medicine Mama Organic Vulva Balm. It is very gentle and feels wonderful. I also have a bidet seat, so I use the balm in addition to cleansing with water.
Artrix –
I like that it is all natural ingredients. I have very sensitive skin. It has helped flare up of lichens sclerosis and itching. It feels very calm and relieving down there and just makes everything feel right again. I loved it so much I bought a second jar. A little on the pricey side but well worth it. An excellent product.
Renee Waters –
Eu usei isso como uma barreira protetora ao entrar em elementos externos, como uma piscina ou climas diferentes. Eu acho (?) que funciona bem, é difícil perceber se há uma diferença, mas não tive problemas nas poucas vezes em que usei. Eu não diria que isso é necessariamente hidratante, mas é mais como um escudo.