Descrição do Produto: Vitanica, Chaste Tree Berry, Vitex Extract Plus, Vegan, 60 Cápsulas
O Vitanica Chaste Tree Berry é um extrato de Vitex cuidadosamente formulado para atender às necessidades das mulheres jovens em seus anos reprodutivos. Este produto é uma das ervas mais confiáveis para apoiar um ciclo menstrual saudável e regulado. Com 60 cápsulas veganas, este suplemento é ideal para vegetarianos e veganos que buscam uma solução natural para equilibrar seus hormônios.
O extrato de Chaste Tree Berry atua modulando os níveis de progesterona, promovendo a ovulação regular e equilibrando os níveis hormonais. A pesquisa clínica respalda o uso tradicional desta erva, especialmente para mulheres que ainda estão em seus anos reprodutivos, ajudando a manter a regularidade menstrual e facilitando ciclos mais tranquilos. Além disso, o produto é não transgênico, orgânico e coletado na natureza, garantindo a pureza e a eficácia do extrato.
- Chaste Tree Berry é uma das ervas mais confiáveis para jovens mulheres em seus anos reprodutivos, para apoiar um ciclo menstrual saudável e regulado.
- Adequado para vegetarianos e veganos.
- Chaste tree berry atua modulando os níveis de progesterona, promovendo a ovulação regular e níveis hormonais mais equilibrados.
- A pesquisa clínica apoia o uso tradicional desta erva para mulheres jovens, que ainda estão em seus anos reprodutivos, em apoio à regularidade menstrual saudável e ciclos mais fáceis.
- Não contém organismos geneticamente modificados, é orgânico e coletado na natureza.
1. Regulação Menstrual: Ajuda a manter ciclos menstruais regulares, reduzindo a irregularidade e os desconfortos associados.
2. Equilíbrio Hormonal: Modula os níveis de progesterona, promovendo um equilíbrio hormonal que pode melhorar o bem-estar geral.
3. Apoio Natural: Uma alternativa natural e segura para mulheres que buscam soluções para problemas menstruais sem o uso de hormônios sintéticos.
4. Adequado para Todos: Produto vegano e não transgênico, ideal para quem segue dietas específicas e se preocupa com a origem dos ingredientes.
5. Evidência Científica: Suportado por pesquisas clínicas, oferecendo confiança na eficácia do produto.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas ao dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição. É importante seguir as orientações do rótulo e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
JA –
ORIGINAL POST: November 2015
My midwife advised me to take chaste tree berry to balance my hormones (to much cortisol, not enough estrogen). I noticed while taking this that my feet would experience an extreme tingling sensation. I am not sure if it was brought about by these pills or flax seed oil that I was consuming during that time as well. I am now monitoring how I feel after taking both because I have now read that a tingling sensation can be felt by some who take either of those supplements. 3 STARS.
UPDATE: February 2015
Since writing the original review, the tingling sensations I was experiencing in my feet have gone away. I began to take the Chaste Tree Berry again about 3 months ago and it has NOT caused tingling sensations in my feet! I began taking these herbs at the suggestion of my midwife to balance my hormones. It has GREATLY helped! I am also taking Ashwagandha and Astragulus to help balance my hormones, too. I feel much calmer now. No anxiety and much more even-tempered. I am considering adding Holy Basil, too. FIVE STARS.
Jen –
We feel the product is of good quality and providing benefit.
Robyn –
I’ve only been using this supplement for about a month. I have high testosterone and PCOS symptoms (missed periods, acne). After about a week of taking Chaste Tree Berry, it seemed to help with calming down my acne. I have also been taking Saw Palmetto. It hasn’t completely eliminated my acne although it might take more than a month to see better results. If I take it with food then I don’t feel any nausea. If I take it without food, I sometimes feel the tiniest amount of nausea.
Evelyn Arambul –
I am taking this herbal supplement because my naturopathic doctor recommended it for “fixing” my hormonal imbalances. I am on month 3 and whoa! my last cycle had been a breeze! I was on birth control for years previous to this for my unbearable cramping, super heavy flows, and acne. I stopped my birth control and my cycles came back with a vengeance. After taking this supp, I can really say that my PMS, my cramping, and my flow all have tremendously gotten better, better than ever in my life! (Please consult with a functional medicine doctor if you’re interested in using this, it’s best to test your hormones before, during, and after).
Maria S. –
Works great! Love the quality!
Rachel S. –
Extremely effective for PMDD, PMS and fertility mood/behavior swings. I’ve had a difficult lifelong battle with these conditions. THIS WORKS. As well or better than birth control pills. As well or better than antidepressants. Plus 50% reduction in breast pain and 90% reduction in bloating and weight gain which I was not looking to fix but I’ll take it. Where was this 20 years ago? Recommended to me by an ND… Why didn’t my MDs ever suggest this??? No side effects other than slight drop in libido. I take 2 pills per day and increase to 3 the week before my period. I tried only taking it during the problem weeks (between ovulation and menses) but it didn’t work as well. There seems to be a cumulative effect taking it for the entire cycle. This changed my life.. I am prescription free. No synthetic hormones or psych meds.
Emprendedora08 –
Mi doctora me las recomendó don muy buenas
J’s Mom –
After giving birth to my kid I developed a strange form of migraine where along with all of the classic symptoms and excrutiating headache I would also have stroke like symptoms as well. I had non-stop headaches all month long but around my period would invariably end up in the emergency room because the symptoms were so bad. The doctors tried several medications for prevention that didn’t work and had terrible side effects.
After switching neurologists a medication was found that mitigated some of the intense pain and reduced my symptoms to 15-20 days a month. That was considered a success with nothing else to be offered by the medical community.
Knowing my symptoms always changed around my menstrual cycle and reading the pamphlet the neurologist gave me that said there was often a hormonal component in migraines I decided to do my own research.
I found studies showing Chaste Tree Berry reduce menstrual migraines. Plus other info about it regulating periods, helping with pms, pcos, and premenopause, infertility and general hormone balance.
It takes a while to fully work, 3-6 months but by the second month I didn’t have my monthly trip to the emergency room. My symptoms and episodes of paralysis are very reduced. It’s so nice not to have a headache every day and have the doctors shrug their shoulders. And my periods have regulated.
If you suffer from menstrual migraines please try this. Just remember to stick with it for 90 days to really see if it works for you.
Vitanica is a great brand and this product combines a standardized extract of the active ingredient and some of the whole herb. That way you’re getting the same dose every time of the active ingredient plus the whole plant as it occurs in nature.
I’m not all the way better yet but I love that a good part of the answer was in a $13-$15 bottle of herbs rather than a pharmaceutical that was expensive and made me dizzy and depressed.