Descrição do Produto: Vitanica Pregnancy Prep
O Vitanica Pregnancy Prep é um suplemento projetado para mulheres que desejam otimizar sua fertilidade e preparar seu corpo para a gravidez. Formulado pela renomada médica naturopata Dr. Tori Hudson, este produto combina uma seleção de botânicos tradicionais e cientificamente pesquisados, que visam apoiar a ovulação regular e a saúde geral do útero. Com 120 cápsulas veganas, este suplemento é uma escolha consciente para aquelas que buscam um suporte natural e eficaz.
A fórmula do Vitanica Pregnancy Prep inclui o fruto da árvore Chaste, conhecido por promover a ovulação regular, e o Tribulus, que possui pesquisas que respaldam sua eficácia, especialmente quando utilizado em conjunto com medicamentos hormonais que estimulam a ovulação. Além disso, a combinação de Motherwort, Dong quai, raiz de Maca e Alfalfa contribui para o tom uterino e o equilíbrio hormonal, criando um ambiente propício para a concepção.
Outro componente importante é a folha de framboesa vermelha, que tem sido utilizada há séculos para apoiar a saúde uterina em preparação para a gravidez. A Rhodiola é adicionada à fórmula para oferecer suporte ao sistema endócrino e, segundo estudos, também pode contribuir para a fertilidade. Para garantir uma melhor absorção dos nutrientes, enzimas são incluídas na composição, potencializando os efeitos dos ingredientes ativos.
– Apoio à Fertilidade: Promove a ovulação regular e a saúde do útero, aumentando as chances de concepção.
– Equilíbrio Hormonal: Contribui para o equilíbrio hormonal, essencial para a saúde reprodutiva feminina.
– Suporte Natural: Utiliza ingredientes botânicos tradicionais e comprovados, oferecendo uma alternativa natural aos tratamentos convencionais.
– Melhor Absorção de Nutrientes: A inclusão de enzimas melhora a absorção dos nutrientes, potencializando os efeitos do suplemento.
– Foco na Saúde Uterina: A folha de framboesa vermelha e outros botânicos ajudam a preparar o útero para uma gravidez saudável.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas do Vitanica Pregnancy Prep diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta e fora do alcance de crianças.
Amanda Bryan –
I am reviewing the Vitanica Pregnancy Prep after using it for approx. 3 months and successfully getting pregnant. I have struggled to get pregnant for about 1.5 yrs so I’m writing this review in the hopes that its helpful for someone else trudging through the plethora of online research to figure out how to get pregnant. My review includes some tips for the hopeful folks out there.
First off, I see a fertility acupuncturist (FA) whom has been my ‘coach’ through the past several months of trying to get pregnant. I highly recommend seeing one if you are looking for a next step – its a much more natural and less invasive method of fertility treatment than IUI or IVF. In addition to my acupuncture treatment, which included taking a regular course of Chinese herbs, My FA recommended that I start taking Pregnancy Prep as a way of making my cycle more consistent in length. In particular, she wanted to see if we could lengthen my luteal (post-ovulation) phase because, after tracking my BBT for 2 months, she was seeing that my luteal phase was less than 10 days long and I wasn’t getting a very strong temperature spike at time of ovulation. My cycle was also varying in length from 26-29 days. The significance of this is that my body may not have been able to sustain a pregnancy past a few days because my progesterone levels weren’t strong enough during the second half of my cycle. I should note that I had already been testing my LH levels for several months (and getting positives) but once I finally decided to start tracking my BBT, I could see that my LH spike was about 4 days prior to my ovulation. I suspect this was affecting our timing of intercourse – we were essentially having sex too early in my cycle and not continuing long enough through my cycle. Anyone who is a working stiff and/or over 30 yrs, probably knows how stressful it can be to time sex to that degree. 🙂
Once I started taking Pregnancy Prep, my cycle lengthen quickly started to normalize to a 28-29 day cycle. My FA started me at a half-dose for the first month but then bumped me up to a full dose thereafter. By the 3rd month of taking Pregnancy Prep, I am now pregnant for the first time. I’m still early in my pregnancy so much can still go wrong but given that this is the first time being pregnant in 1.5 yrs, I consider this to be a huge step in the right direction. I should also mention that for me personally, I found that my stress reaction (for instance, to deadlines at work) were much less severe. I know I tend to stress quite frequently so my FA suggested that the Pregnancy Prep would help my body to come back to a ‘normal’ level more easily rather than sustaining an elevated stress/cortisol level. I feel like the Pregnancy Prep helped to do this. So in summary, I’d definitely recommend trying Pregnancy Prep if you are TTC BUT I also recommend seeing a specialist if you’re able. I feel like it was the combination of coaching, Pregnancy Prep, acupuncture, and herbs that helped me to conceive.
I hope this review helps and wish you luck if you’re TTC!
Alyssa Larsen –
I have taken these for two months now. By the second month I had a perfect 28 day cycle ( after many months of irregular long cycles and painful periods ) And I’ve only been taking two pills a day. This period was much less painful as well. The only reason I didn’t give it 5 stars is because I purchased this with the idea that it would help me to conceive which hasn’t happened yet but I am still hopeful that it will since I’ve had such good results with my cycle already.
Sondra Y Bennett –
I am 43 years old and I have been trying to conceive for more than a year and a half. My cycles have always been very regular and predictable. With my age I have recently noticed a change in my menstrual cycle lengths . I began spotting mid-cycle and during my luteal phase and I was concerned that this was the cause for my infertility. So I began taking supplements to help balance out hormone levels. For four months I used another pre-conception multi-vitamin but noticed no change. I still had to take in addition to this several other supplements that were not present or only present in low dosage in that multi-vitamin. I just began to take Vitanica Pregnancy Prep this cycle and have already noticed a change. I read up on the different key ingredients and saw that it perfectly fit my needs. One of the key ingredients Vitex (chaste tree berry) is designed specifically to balance out progesterone levels during the luteal phase. I am happy to say that this cycle I had no break through spotting and my luteal phase went from 11 to 12 days in length. The vitamins are large and a bit hard to swallow but I now take one at a time with plenty of water and its ok. I highly recommend this product especially for women TTC over 35. I also saw the same product on another fertility site and the price was almost tripled for the same brand and quantity! So please do your research!
Slekker –
This is really great product for regulating menstrual cycles as they grow erratic with age. I take 1 at 2x daily plus plain vitex 1 at 2x daily . I started when my hypothyroid threw my mood and cycle into a tailspin 5 years ago & have stayed on it. I added in the supplemental vitex a couple of years ago and it’s given me precise & predictable cycles.
Missing a few days will put you in a mood and can jump start the cycle, so I can absolutely say this is a commitment that is worth it to keep things regular and healthy in the hormonal department. Also, Amazon is the only way to go – it can be up to $30 at whole foods for a small bottle, but ranges $13-$18 here.
JAJohn –
I had 28 day cycles before taking this, but we are TTC and I have had a few loses, as well as some signs of some hormone imbalances (night sweats around my cycle), and I wanted to take some herbs to support my body. While taking these I had mid-cycle spotting for the first time ever and then got some before my period. Then my cycle got longer and doesn’t start with a strong flow anymore! I have now ceased to take them, and I am hoping my cycles normalize again.