OvaBlend – Saúde Ovariana: Ovulação e Equilíbrio Hormonal para Mulheres
O Vitanica OvaBlend é um suplemento nutricional formulado para apoiar o sistema endócrino e promover uma ovulação saudável. Este produto é especialmente desenvolvido para mulheres que desejam equilibrar seus hormônios e melhorar sua saúde ovariana, complementando programas de nutrição e exercícios. A fórmula exclusiva do OvaBlend contém ingredientes naturais cuidadosamente selecionados que ajudam a regular o ciclo menstrual, melhorar a qualidade dos óvulos e apoiar a fertilidade. Além disso, o OvaBlend pode aliviar sintomas relacionados à menopausa, como ondas de calor e alterações de humor, proporcionando um cuidado integral para a saúde feminina.
A combinação de cromo, NAC (N-Acetil-L-Cisteína) e canela auxilia na regularidade do ciclo menstrual e na resposta metabólica saudável. A camomila e o saw palmetto ajudam a manter os níveis de testosterona dentro de uma faixa saudável, enquanto a sarsaparilla oferece suporte aos ovários. Com o Vitanica OvaBlend, você pode cuidar da saúde dos seus ovários de forma eficaz e natural, promovendo um equilíbrio hormonal ideal e uma vida mais saudável.
Recomenda-se tomar 2 cápsulas de suporte ovariano, de 2 a 3 vezes ao dia, com alimentos. No entanto, é importante evitar o uso deste suplemento durante a gravidez ou amamentação.
Sobre a Vitanica: A Vitanica foi criada com um único propósito – fornecer cuidados de saúde natural para mulheres. Por meio das especializações da Dra. Tori Hudson, a Vitanica oferece educação, pesquisa e os melhores suplementos naturais eficazes.
- Equilíbrio Hormonal: OvaBlend é formulado para ajudar a equilibrar os hormônios femininos, promovendo uma saúde hormonal ideal.
- Regulação do Ciclo Menstrual: Os ingredientes presentes neste suplemento, como cromo, NAC e canela, auxiliam na regularidade do ciclo menstrual.
- Manutenção dos Níveis de Testosterona: A camomila e o saw palmetto ajudam a manter os níveis de testosterona dentro de uma faixa saudável.
- Suporte Ovariano: A sarsaparilla é conhecida por oferecer suporte aos ovários, contribuindo para a saúde ovariana.
- Qualidade e Confiança: A Vitanica é uma marca reconhecida por sua dedicação em fornecer suplementos naturais de alta qualidade e eficácia comprovada.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 2 cápsulas de suporte ovariano, de 2 a 3 vezes ao dia, com alimentos. É fundamental evitar o uso deste suplemento se estiver grávida ou amamentando. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação para garantir que o produto é adequado às suas necessidades individuais.
kassandra –
I have been taking the OvaBlend for about 2 weeks now. I was unable to tolerate taking it during the day, even with food. So I take 3 capsules at bedtime, and have had no issues and my acne is slowly going away. I get cystic acne on my chin. I do have PCOS. I recently had the IUD inserted as I was not sure about having kids for awhile, but my husband and I decided we would like to try to have kids. So I am getting my IUD removed, and my Naturpath wants me to continue the OvaBlend and we will do some ovulation testing to make sure it is working. I have actually been bleeding for 4 weeks straight since I got my IUD put in, which I was told spotting would be present for about 3 months or so, and then would eventually stop. But I haven’t read any pregnancy responses on here yet. I am hoping me and my husband can get pregnant with the help of the OvaBlend.
J. Nicole –
This product is awesome! I was seeing a naturopath due to PCOS and was able to get my testosterone into normal range with the help of her prescribing this to me 🙂 It does give me a bit of nausea, but you can take it at night time to help if needed
JB –
Just started using and ovulation came on very strong. With that came some very heavy emotions similar to IVF treatments. Feelings of depression, anxiety, irritability, jealousy, grief, melancholy all came together and made me feel isolated or withdrawn. Reach out to your family, friends, healthcare providers. Such feelings are not here to stay and can be alleviated. Stay active, hydrate, EAT before taking these and may be best to take small doses 1-2 to start and take them a few hours before bed with plenty of food. The green tea especially can cause nausea and jitters also adding to anxiety and restlessness.
Vai –
I’m 34, have PCOS and also battled thyroid cancer. Haven’t had normal cycles, ever. After going through 6 months of fertility treatments (clomid and femara) my acupuncturist recommended ovablend to just regulate me. I’ve been on it for about 6-7 months now and my cycles are regular now, 35 days. I also take metformin but I’ve been on it for a bit and never ovulated. I was not 100% sure it was ovablend so went off it a month and did not get a period that month. Again, this is my experience. It definitely is hard on the stomach if taken without food. I take it after dinner.
Hope this helps!
Bree McNerney –
Great product! I have never experienced any nausea and I take 3 pills every night right before bed! Take with a full glass of water right before sleep and you won’t feel sick. It’s helped greatly with ovarian pain due to PCOs and also with endometriosis. I would get irregular extremely heavy painful periods. I’m regular and my periods are lighter and shorter. I have had cystic acne on my chin due to PCOs and it is completely clear! I may get one or two small pimples the week before my period but nothing like I use to get! Also, stop consuming too much caffeine! This includes coffee tea chocolate and so on. Caffeine rises cortisol levels (stress hormones) and messes with your insulin levels and then you start over producing androgens and all that is connected. Treat the body as a whole not just bits and pieces!
Also, my belly fat is slowly going away! Yay!!
Lance Speirs –
It seems like this product either works wonderfully for you or makes you extremely ill. Unfortunately my wife falls into the extremely ill category. 30 minutes after taking her dose in the morning, she gets nausea and vomiting that lasts anywhere from 6-8 hours. She stopped taking this for 2 days to see if the nausea could be related to something else and got no nausea on those days. One day back on these, and nausea again. I would definitely recommend purchasing the smallest bottle available if you’ve never tried these before.
Amazon Customer –
This product helped to regulate my cycles within a month of taking it. The first day I took three capsules with dinner, I noticed some nausea. But after that I had no issues with it. I always take it with a substantial meal, usually dinner and sometimes lunch. I think it works better if you take two doses per day. One dose is three capsules so if you take 3 with lunch and 3 with dinner, the results will probably be better. I haven’t tried conceiving yet, but I’m hopeful that this will be a huge help. 🙂
Edited to add: This supplement also helps with insulin resistance. I had such severe insulin resistance that I started bleeding for months on end. I ended up on Metformin to stop the bleeding, but then when my cycles didn’t resume as normal I got worried. I started taking Ovablend again after a while and my cycle resumed.
Alicia Cray –
I never came back and wrote a review but I started taking this back in 2012 when I was engaged and preparing to start a family. I figured I’d start taking it early and maybe prepare my body or something. I had always had irregular menses, pcos etc. I got married end of 2013, got pregnant July 2014! I believe this product played a role because my ovaries were covered in cysts, menses were sporadic, just all the bad symptoms of pcos but things were regular when I was taking this. I am here because I stopped taking it a bit before pregnancy and never ordered again. I should have stayed on it! Now back to order more as I’m trying to conceive again. I hate that the price has more than doubled from the $22 it was in 2012 but hey, that is another testament to it’s effectiveness, the demand has caused a spike in price!