Descrição do Produto: Vitanica Fibro Formula
A Vitanica Fibro Formula é um suplemento projetado para oferecer suporte eficaz àqueles que enfrentam os desafios da fibromialgia. Com uma combinação poderosa de ingredientes, incluindo extrato de açafrão, 5-HTP e PEA, este produto visa promover o alívio dos sintomas e melhorar a qualidade de vida. Cada cápsula contém 60 mg de extrato de açafrão, 100 mg de 5-HTP e 300 mg de PEA, todos formulados para trabalhar em sinergia e apoiar as funções normais do cérebro e do corpo, mantendo a homeostase em relação aos processos e respostas neuromusculares e neurotransmissores.
- A Fibro Formula apoia as funções normais do cérebro e do corpo para manter a homeostase em relação ao equilíbrio dos neurotransmissores e processos neuromusculares.
- O magnésio, um mineral essencial, é responsável por inúmeras funções no cérebro e no corpo; manter níveis saudáveis promove o relaxamento muscular e neuromuscular, além de funções gerais saudáveis do cérebro e do corpo.
- O PEA (palmitoiletanolamida) é um amida de ácido graxo endógeno produzida naturalmente no corpo e também encontrada em alguns alimentos. O PEA demonstrou manter uma resposta saudável a estímulos e está sendo cada vez mais utilizado para apoiar a homeostase do sistema neuromuscular.
- O 5-HTP auxilia na produção e degradação de neurotransmissores, como serotonina, norepinefrina e dopamina. O açafrão apoia um efeito inibitório na recaptação de serotonina e norepinefrina, o que pode, portanto, ajudar a manter o processo normal e natural de resposta do corpo e do cérebro a estímulos e estresse.
- CONFIÁVEL E FEITO NOS EUA – A Fibro Formula é confiável por nossos clientes e médicos! Os produtos da Vitanica são fabricados em nossas instalações nos EUA, que são certificadas por terceiros e seguem as Boas Práticas de Fabricação (GMP) para garantir que sejam da mais alta qualidade e pureza!
1. Suporte Neuromuscular: Promove a saúde do sistema neuromuscular, ajudando a aliviar a dor e a rigidez associadas à fibromialgia.
2. Equilíbrio Emocional: Contribui para a produção de neurotransmissores que regulam o humor, ajudando a combater a ansiedade e a depressão.
3. Relaxamento Muscular: O magnésio presente na fórmula ajuda a manter a musculatura relaxada, reduzindo tensões e desconfortos.
4. Ação Antioxidante: Os ingredientes naturais, como o açafrão, possuem propriedades antioxidantes que protegem as células do estresse oxidativo.
5. Fórmula Vegana e Não-OGM: Ideal para aqueles que buscam produtos éticos e sustentáveis, sem organismos geneticamente modificados.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas da Vitanica Fibro Formula diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. É importante seguir as orientações do seu médico ou profissional de saúde ao iniciar qualquer suplemento. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta e fora do alcance de crianças.
Colorgirl –
I bought this for fibromyalgia, it did absolutely…. Don’t waste your money! I gave it one star only because they wouldn’t let me submit it
4 Lil Lambs –
I’m am an avid believer and user of supplements, but reviewing them is problematic, and my results may not be your results for these reasons:
1) I am not a laboratory scientist, I do not play one on tv, nor do I know one, so who knows what’s exactly contained in them.
2) It is difficult for consumers to see any actual difference in how you feel within a few days to a couple of weeks. Some supplements take as much as ninety days to see results.
3) Even if we do notice a difference, we all take other meds or supplements that may affect our results one way or the other.
4) We all have different physiologies, and are just different in so many ways (lifestyles etc). But we can hope for the best when we see others having positive actions going on, that are attributed to said supplements.
So my personal non doctor opinion of my own results:
Good source ingredients
Good combination for what ails you
Just one more tool in the box
Amazon Customer –
I took some last night – put me to sleep and then I woke early, unable to go back to sleep (but some things just act weird for me) – and today I hurt (or maybe I had relief and now I notice it again).
Fibromyalgia is not fun – the ache is constant.
I plan to keep taking them, but only at night – as I teach in the days and cannot afford to doze off while teaching!
so ..
These come in a type 1 clear green bottle – simple label – easy off black lid
I think there was a plastic neck ring for tamper resistance.
there is a foil inner seal and a lot of cotton in the bottle
83 cents PER capsule – expensive, especially if you take 2 a day – but worth it if you get real relief from the pain and slug feelings.
Magnesium (as magnesium bisglycinate chelate) 100 mg, PEA (palmitoylethanolamide) 300 mg, 5-Hydroxytryptophan (from Griffonia simplicifolia seed) 100 mg, Saffron (Crocus sativus) extract (2% safranal, 3% crocin) 60 mg. Other ingredients: Vegan capsule (HPMC, water).
Professor H –
When you are stressed or anxious about something, you seem to have more pain, or at least I do. I have what I call the A.S.S. Always something syndrome. There is always something to stress me out, the sinks stopped up again, the coffee pot broke, the kids running a fever, the gas prices alone stress me out. But since I’ve been taking these, the stress isn’t as prevalent. Yeah things still happen, but I’m calmer dealing with them. Also, my legs and back pain aren’t as bad and I’m taking less pain meds. So these seem to work on both points, not to mention I’m sleeping better.
Colorgirl –
I am not sure why my update was not properly updated, but to my frustration I just discovered it wasn’t.
These capsules have changed my life. I have taken these for going on 3 months now. For the first time in years, I have gone without pain medication. I could only get occasional relief with a migraine pill which had acetaminophen, aspirin, and caffeine. Nothing else would touch the pain.
I was having issues with them so when I started taking these, I stopped pain meds to make sure they were working. As I have taken them I have seen an improvement in my pain receptors or should I say modulators. I am still having pain, but for the first time in years, I have seen the ability to overlook the pain like I used to.
I can not tell you enough how much this means to me. NOTHING I have done to,try to help has done anything near what this supplement has done.
This is the SECOND time I have tried to update this for you. I am so thankful for this supplement. It is the only thing that has worked like this. TGoing on three months with no pain medication was a miracle I had given up on.
have had some issues with Fibromyalgia for a while now. Lots of deaths of loved ones and pets and the overall stress of the world situation has created an atmosphere for fibro symptoms to kick up.
These come in a green plastic bottle with a screw on cap.
The pill size is pretty standard. It is powder in a gel capsule.
There is no heavy odors at all with these.
I have had no issues with digestion, burping, headaches, or bad reactions with these so far – I am partway through the bottle.
I am not sure how much these are helping at this point. I have to take some pain medication often, and I have tried going without it. So far, I am using about a third less pain medication compared to what I was prior to taking these. I am not sure if that is related to them or not, as this situation with me ebbs and flows in pain levels.
I will continue to take them until the bottle is gone and if anything remarkable happens, I will update. They don’t seem to hurt, so I will finish the bottle.
These are not hard to swallow and they give me no problems. I have seen a slight improvement in my pain levels, but it took a long time to get here, it will take some time to get through it. One bottle won’t do it most likely.
FOUR STARS. I am not seeing remarkable results, but then again, perhaps it takes a few bottles. For now, I am willing to finish out the bottle and if anything changes I will update. For now, I would consider purchasing one more bottle to see if there is a big change.
NetJunkie –
I’m familiar with this brand, going back to the mid 90’s. Vitanica has been around for awhile, but my interest in Saffron and 5 HTP. I am in a good place right now with respect to long time issues with migraine. I suspect that some migraine syndrome issues are similar to Fibro. These ingredients look great, but really I’m in it for the feeling. Better, deeper sleep for repair. Better relaxation and more mag for the body. I don’t get enough and somehow my body just doesn’t hold on to it.
I’ve noticed no discomfort, gastro intestinal upset, or unpleasant taste or flavor.
So far, I’m loving this product. I’ll update in a month with more on my experience.
5 stars
Julie marston –
Does not work fast enough
Mary Herrera –
I didn’t get much pain relief. But this doesn’t mean it would do wonders for someone else, it just didn’t anything for me.