Descrição do Produto: Vitanica Candidastat, Balanced Support, Vegan, 60 Cápsulas
Vitanica Candidastat é um suplemento alimentar cuidadosamente formulado para oferecer suporte equilibrado ao organismo, especialmente em momentos em que a saúde intestinal e o bem-estar geral precisam de atenção especial. Com uma combinação única de ervas e nutrientes, este produto é ideal para aqueles que buscam uma abordagem natural e eficaz para manter o equilíbrio do corpo. Cada cápsula é uma poderosa aliada, projetada para ajudar a promover a saúde do sistema digestivo e a flora intestinal, contribuindo para o fortalecimento das defesas naturais do organismo.
Este suplemento é totalmente adequado para vegetarianos e veganos, garantindo que todos possam se beneficiar de suas propriedades sem comprometer suas escolhas alimentares. A fórmula do Vitanica Candidastat é livre de conservantes, ligantes, corantes ou aromatizantes artificiais, além de não conter lactose, sal, trigo, glúten, soja, derivados do leite, ovos, amendoim, nozes, peixes ou crustáceos. Isso torna o produto uma opção segura e acessível para uma ampla gama de consumidores, incluindo aqueles com restrições alimentares.
Os ingredientes selecionados para o Vitanica Candidastat são conhecidos por suas propriedades benéficas, que ajudam a manter o equilíbrio da microbiota intestinal e a promover uma digestão saudável. Ao incorporar este suplemento na rotina diária, os usuários podem experimentar uma melhora significativa em seu bem-estar geral, sentindo-se mais energizados e equilibrados.
– Suporte natural ao sistema digestivo, promovendo um equilíbrio saudável da flora intestinal.
– Fórmula vegana, ideal para quem segue dietas vegetarianas ou veganas.
– Isento de alérgenos comuns, tornando-o seguro para pessoas com restrições alimentares.
– Contribui para o fortalecimento das defesas naturais do organismo.
– Ajuda a melhorar a digestão e a absorção de nutrientes, promovendo um bem-estar geral.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas de Vitanica Candidastat ao dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. É importante manter uma hidratação adequada durante o uso do suplemento e, se necessário, consultar um médico antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se houver condições de saúde preexistentes ou se estiver grávida ou amamentando.
Miss Sofia Jackson –
I am amazed. I use a period app called ptracker to track my period days since I can be irregular. I have started taking these supplements during the week the app tells me I’m fertile and ovulating. I went from a 8/10 pain every month since I was 12 to a 1/10 mild discomfort for the past two months. I cannot believe it. I’m going to keep taking them every month because this is literally the only thing that has worked for me EVER. I refuse to take ibuprofen since it destroys the liver so this is a miracle for me. I discovered it accidentally since I also use them whenever I have a yeast infection and it clears right up!
K&M –
I use it when I feel an infection coming on and/or when I have sweets to balance my system.
Shainakay –
My naturopath recommended this supplement and I’m very happy that she did. I have had candida in my gut and on my skin for quite some time, possibly for the last 10+ years. I grew up eating processed foods, tons of sugar, very high carbs, antibiotics, etc. so it’s no surprise that I started getting a ton of food allergies a few years ago. I had cleared up most of my candida last year over a span of 4 months, while taking this supplement daily. My ND had upped my dosage to 6 caps a day in the beginning but the die-off reaction was really strong so I gradually made my way from 4 a day to 6 a day. If you have candida and you are adhering to a strict candida diet (no sugar, no gluten/wheat, no fermented food, low carbs) while taking this supplement, you should start to see positive results within a few weeks. At least I did. My stomach bloat gradually decreased, my energy started to return, depression lessened as well as anxiety. Within two months, I felt like a new person. It was wonderful, and I know that Candidastat helped tremendously. Since I slipped up on the diet many times as it is so strict, I started taking these supplements again about two weeks ago and have already seen results once again. Bloating is decreasing daily, my energy is rising, and I’m feeling pretty good overall. I did have about three days where I was utterly exhausted, lethargic and a little irritable but it passed (low carb flu/die-off). Just knowing that this supplement works really well helps me get through the rough days, because I know how amazing I’ll feel in a few months. The really awesome thing is that the candida itself hasn’t seemed to become immune to the antifungals in the supplement, so I haven’t had to switch to a different brand. The supplement itself doesn’t seem to have much of a taste, although occasionally I’ll have garlic burps or my mouth will taste like garlic. It isn’t so bad as to be a problem. The only issue I have is the price. If the price were lower, these would be much more affordable, since one bottle seems to last a little less than a month.
joan harrington –
I just started using the powder so too early to tell. I’m putting I in my morning oatmeal as well as mashed potatoes and shakes! Company service was amazing! They answered my question within a day and were very very helpful!
liz gomes –
I originally tried this about a month ago, but stopped use because it made me extremely nauseous. I was following the advice to take 2 pills with food, but (for me) taking it with food was the problem. Now I take it 2 hours before eating, very early in the morning, and then another 2 pills at night, a few hours after eating. No nausea now!
Added bonus is that my cystic acne is quickly clearing up. I already follow an acne treatment & have acne occasionally, but with my chronic yeast infections i’ve had severe cystic acne. Cysts the size of nickels sometimes, very swollen & painful. Within two days of using this, the huge cysts i have on my face & neck have decreased in size significantly & some have dried up completely. Amazing & unexpected!!!
Puss Puss –
Years ago when breast-feeding my babies, I would develop thrush. I found a remedy that worked every time and gave relief immediately. A few years ago the company discontinued that remedy. I have searched high and low for something that worked as well and never found it. It worked not only on thrush, but on any yeast infection. Well, I have finally found a this remedy and it works. I have recommended it many people, and they all love it. Thank you for making something that works!
Mary Timpson –
I`ve had candida overgrowth since January 2024 and I was given a prescription from my medical caregiver and I went to have the it filled and I found out what the price was; I oped out of real medicine and I decided to try this to get rid of my yeast infection myself. So I tried this and a few other natural medicines and I`m STILL suffering with it. I`m REALLY sick and tired of this yeast infection. I can`t eat ANYTHING !!!!
My tongue is still tingling and certain foods feels like I`m chewing on shards of glass. I`m so tired of eating nothing but rabbit food,and I`M SO P***ED OFF!!!! So, it`s a big fat NO from me.
Miss Sofia Jackson –
Recommended by my doctor for any kind of periphery mold issues