Descrição do Produto:
O Nature Made Prenatal Multivitamin com Ácido Fólico é um suplemento vitamínico e mineral projetado especialmente para atender às necessidades nutricionais de gestantes e mulheres que planejam engravidar. Com uma fórmula completa, cada frasco contém 250 comprimidos, proporcionando um suprimento para 250 dias. Este multivitamínico é enriquecido com ácido fólico, um nutriente essencial que ajuda a reduzir o risco de defeitos do tubo neural no feto, além de fornecer vitaminas e minerais cruciais para o desenvolvimento saudável do bebê e o bem-estar da mãe. Entre os nutrientes incluídos estão o ferro, que é fundamental para a formação de glóbulos vermelhos, e o cálcio, que contribui para a saúde óssea. A combinação equilibrada de vitaminas A, C, D, E e do complexo B garante que as futuras mamães recebam o suporte nutricional necessário durante a gestação.
1. Suporte Nutricional Completo: Fornece uma ampla gama de vitaminas e minerais essenciais para a saúde da mãe e do bebê.
2. Ácido Fólico: Ajuda a prevenir defeitos congênitos, promovendo um desenvolvimento fetal saudável.
3. Fórmula de Liberação Prolongada: Garante a absorção gradual dos nutrientes, otimizando os benefícios ao longo do dia.
4. Praticidade: Com 250 comprimidos, oferece um suprimento para quase um ano, facilitando a rotina diária.
5. Sem Corantes ou Conservantes Artificiais: Produto livre de aditivos indesejados, ideal para quem busca uma opção mais natural.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de um comprimido por dia, preferencialmente durante uma refeição, para maximizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É importante beber um copo de água ao tomar o comprimido. Para melhores resultados, mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente durante a gravidez ou lactação.
Cherokee –
I have a very hard time with prenatal vitamins because they always contain omega 3s derived from fish oil. For reasons neither I nor my doctors have been able to explain, I can take fish oil supplements without issue, but taking multis that contain fish oil give me a strong fish odor as though I have BV (when I don’t). I assume it has something to do with the way the fish oil is incorporated into the multi, but regardless, I try to buy prenatals without fish oil, and then buy a fish oil supplement separately. This is SO hard to do, being that omega3s are super important for pregnancy. Why don’t I just get a regular multi? Because regular multi’s don’t always contain the necessary vitamins or contain the proper amounts to support pregnancy. When I found this specific prenatal, I was THROUGH THE ROOF! Finally I can just take 1 prenatal and 2 fish oil, and not 1 multi, 2 fish oil, folate, and a handful of other things my multis are missing. I have heard of a few other women sharing in my fish odor problem, but not many, and if you try to google what is going on, everyone just insists you have BV, which can make you feel like an anomaly. Trust yourself and what you know about *your* body. So if you are like me, then 1.) you’re not alone, and I’m here to tell you you don’t have BV (though if you have not experimented on yourself, I recommend stopping your prenatal to see if the fish odor goes away, and then if it does, re-start the prenatal to see if it comes back. Repeat this as many times as you need until you are certain it is the vitamin. Otherwise….. you might have BV. Sorry.). And 2.) this prenatal is actually pretty freaking perfect. Hope someone finds this helpful!
Ro25 –
I had intended to purchase New Chapter Perfect Prenatal, 192 Count vitamins due to some online research. A friend actually recommended Nature Made Prenatal Multi + Dha, 200mg, 150 Liquid Softgels. however I decided to go with a separate DHA supplement (NOW Foods DHA-500, 180 Softgels). So I just planned on getting the New Chapter and the DHA supplements. I had these in my cart and somehow managed to not delete them prior to purchasing. I even tried to cancel but it was too late by the time I realized my “mistake”.
Am I GLAD I made that mistake. These have in ONE tablet what the New Chapter has in THREE tabs. You might miss it on initial review, but the information on the label for Naturemade is for 1 tab while for NCPP is for THREE!!! And these have 800mcg of folate (recommended is 600 mcg/day in pregnancy, minimum 400), while THREE tabs of the NCPP has 600mcg. Folate and iron are the most important reasons as far as I’m concerned to take prenatals, and Naturemade wins hands down.
These are USP certified (that means easily dissolvable) and have 800 mcg of folate, and good amounts of other essentials as well (iron, etc). Granted, Perfect Prenatals have other essential minerals like selenium which Naturemade doesn’t, but again, my biggest goal for PNVs is folate/iron which is better accomplished in leaps and bounds by the naturemade. Plus those are cheaper (250 for under $20). Also much smaller and easier to swallow – even if I don’t really have an issue taking pills.
I suppose one thing that New Chapter Perfect Prenatals has going for it, is that it is organic. But who cares, if there is not enough folate.
LASTLY: I’m also not a huge believer in things like the “vinegar test” however since I have 2 brands of PNVs now, I decided to try. Within seconds the naturemade started to dissolve while I just stared at the New Chapter one just sitting there doing nothing.
Go with these, seriously.
Always –
I like that this comes in a large container, I have PCOS and have been TTC for nearly 2 years and I have been taking these the whole time. They don’t cause me any issues and are a great deal.
RR –
Value for your money and easy on your tummy!
Philip Monteau –
These are great prenatals without that awful fishy smell/taste
Terrible smell of material –
Best prenatal pills I’ve purchased. My hair didn’t fall out at all during my pregnancy or even after. Have been taken them since I was 7 weeks pregnant and now I’m four months postpartum and I’m still taking them.
Hollie –
I took these the whole time I was TTC and then throughout my entire pregnancy. I’m now a little over a month postpartum and still taking them daily. I just make sure to take them with dinner and have never had any stomach issues that way. I prefer these over the DHA/fish oil ones because the DHA ones give me reflux, whereas these don’t.
Julie Green –
Love all nature made products trusted brands and great value and quality 😁