Descrição do Produto:
As cápsulas Celebrate Vitamins Bariatric Prenatal Multivitamin são formuladas especialmente para atender às necessidades nutricionais de pacientes que passaram por cirurgias bariátricas, como o Roux en Y e a Sleeve Gastrectomy. Cada frasco contém 60 cápsulas, ricas em nutrientes essenciais, incluindo ácido fólico (folato), vitamina A, ferro, iodo e colina. Esses componentes são fundamentais para a saúde da mãe e do bebê, especialmente durante a gestação, garantindo que as mulheres que se submeteram a essas cirurgias recebam a suplementação necessária para evitar deficiências nutricionais. O ácido fólico é crucial para o desenvolvimento neural do feto, enquanto o ferro e a vitamina A são vitais para a formação de células sanguíneas e a saúde ocular. A presença de iodo e colina também contribui para o desenvolvimento cognitivo e a função tireoidiana. Com uma fórmula de fácil absorção, essas cápsulas são ideais para quem busca uma suplementação prática e eficaz.
1. Suplementação Completa: Atende às necessidades nutricionais específicas de gestantes que passaram por cirurgia bariátrica.
2. Foco na Saúde Materno-Infantil: Contém ácido fólico, essencial para o desenvolvimento saudável do feto.
3. Fácil Absorção: Fórmula otimizada para melhor absorção de nutrientes, crucial após cirurgias que afetam a digestão.
4. Prevenção de Deficiências Nutricionais: Ajuda a evitar deficiências comuns em pacientes bariátricos, como anemia e problemas de tireoide.
5. Praticidade: Com apenas uma cápsula por dia, é uma solução simples para manter a saúde em dia.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição, para maximizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É importante seguir as orientações do seu médico ou nutricionista para adequar a suplementação às suas necessidades individuais. Armazenar em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e manter fora do alcance de crianças.
Honest opinion –
I’ve always taken herbs, vitamins and supplements and have never had a negative reaction “until” taking this.
I’ve tried taking this before meals, after meals and on an empty stomach and every single time I end up vomiting within 10 minutes of taking this, even taking just one.
Don’t know what the problem is but it’s a total waste of money for me & I will never buy this again.
(And I’ll add, I am NOT pregnant, just wanted the vitamins that are supposed to be in here)
L. K. –
Does NOT Contain Folic Acid, the ONLY Type of Folate that Prevents Birth Defects
Why would you make a prenatal bariatric vitamin that doesn’t contain folic acid, the only type of folate that prevents birth defects? Do you want people to have babies with brain and spine defects? people are better off with a cheap, drugstore brand than something like this.
Diceduce –
These make me nauseous unless taken on a full stomach. My doc recommended taking them in the evening, but I found I had to have eaten a full within the past 1-2 hours to be able to keep them down during the pregnancy and postpartum while nursing.
Madison –
I cannot keep these vitamins down for some reason? Every time I try one I regurgitate it 15 min later. I only have this issue with this brand of vitamins.
Glendora Hansley –
These vitamins are great but I would recommend you eat something before you take them because I tried it without eating food and got a little nauseated but overall I give it a 5 out of 5.
Lee Roberts –
Very similar size as the regular once daily Celebrate vitamins. I don’t like that you have to take it twice a day instead of once a day, but my dietitian was happy with the specs. Pills are on the big side, but I had no trouble swallowing them twice a day. It gives me a peace of mind that vitamin A is lower thus safer for pregnancy.
Honest review! –
Makes me nauseous
Elaine23 –
To the person who gave this a 1 star review. Please do your homework.
So far, this has been great! After lots of comparison and studying, I am surprised that this prenatal does not have more positive reviews. The packaging was great. A box instead of a bag, packed in with lots of paper. The bottle was secured with plastic around the cap, a lift n peel, and cotton inside to protect the pills from breaking open. Although the pills are larger than I would like, they go down quite easily. (Unlike most things currently lol) I have been doing a lot of research since finding out I was pregnant and wanting to have the best prenatal for me since I have had Bariatric surgery and do not process medicine as well. This one has a delayed release, which is great, and the vitamins are all within standard from what I have read. The only thing I can’t find is DHA. I would like to have some of that in there and maybe there is, but it’s masked as some other name? I bought some separately to take with it and will speak with my doctor at my first appointment. If it is indeed not included, please consider adding it! Otherwise, great job!