Descrição do Produto:
As Vitaminas Pré-Natais Pink Stork Total são formuladas especialmente para mulheres que buscam uma nutrição completa durante a pré-concepção e a gravidez. Com uma combinação poderosa de DHA, Folato, Ferro, Colina e Vitamina B12, essas vitaminas são essenciais para apoiar a saúde da mãe e o desenvolvimento do bebê. O DHA é fundamental para o desenvolvimento cerebral do feto, enquanto o Folato ajuda a prevenir defeitos do tubo neural. O Ferro é crucial para a produção de glóbulos vermelhos, ajudando a combater a anemia, e a Colina é importante para o desenvolvimento do sistema nervoso. Com um toque refrescante de essência de menta, essas vitaminas são fáceis de ingerir e se tornam um aliado indispensável na rotina de cuidados pré-natais. Cada frasco contém 60 cápsulas, garantindo um suprimento de dois meses para uma nutrição contínua e eficaz.
1. Desenvolvimento Cognitivo: O DHA contribui significativamente para o desenvolvimento cerebral do bebê, promovendo uma melhor função cognitiva.
2. Saúde Materna: O Ferro e o Folato ajudam a manter a saúde da mãe, prevenindo anemia e garantindo níveis adequados de nutrientes essenciais.
3. Suporte ao Sistema Nervoso: A Colina é vital para o desenvolvimento do sistema nervoso do feto, ajudando a garantir um crescimento saudável.
4. Fácil Ingestão: A essência de menta proporciona um sabor agradável, tornando a experiência de tomar vitaminas mais agradável e menos desagradável.
5. Fórmula Completa: A combinação de nutrientes essenciais em uma única cápsula simplifica a rotina de suplementação, atendendo às necessidades nutricionais de mulheres em fase de pré-concepção e gravidez.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É importante manter uma rotina consistente para garantir que você e seu bebê recebam todos os benefícios das vitaminas. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tiver condições de saúde preexistentes. Armazenar em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
Dawn –
I am a doula. I’ve been helping women for 4 decades to get what is best for you and your baby. The very first thing I look for is vitamin B12-if it’s Methylcobalamin, that’s a big plus.
The second thing I look at is calcium and magnesium. These should be equal. If you have more calcium (this one does), you need to take additional magnesium so you don’t get kidney stones or have calcium rings on your placenta. There are many issues with not having as much magnesium as you sold have.
The vitamin E is d-Alpha tocopherol…again,
I am a firm believer in maintaining good health throughout my life instead of waiting until I have an illness to change my habits.
I know that these ingredients are great quality, and I am very happy with this product!
Just so you know, this review is from an impartial opinion. Amazon sent this product to me to review, so you know this is an unbiased review.
I believe if you get this, you will not be disappointed, it is pretty straightforward and exactly as it is posted.
👉Disclaimer-My review is part of the Vine program on Amazon. They chose us to give our honest opinions/reviews in exchange for products at a reduced price. I have to pay taxes on the items, so they are not completely free.
Here is my personal rating system:
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Five Stars – If I absolutely love the product and it exceeds my expectation, I will actively suggest the product to the people I influence and would purchase it again myself as needed.
🌟🌟🌟🌟 Four Stars – I really like the product and it does what the seller claims it would do. I would more than likely recommend it to someone if I knew they were looking for that product.
🌟🌟🌟 Three Stars – The product is standard, and for the most part does exactly what they say it does, but I would specify any differences. There may be things about a three star rating that I don’t like about the product. If I knew someone were looking for that specific item and I recommend it to them, I would also share with them the reservations that I have.
⭐️⭐️ Two Stars – I take low ratings seriously. I also take seriously issues with products after you have spent good money on them. In this case, I would probably never recommend anything that I would rate two stars on, in fact, I would probably tell people so they would shy away from it.
⭐️ One Star – it would take some serious issues to get a one star review for me. A bad product and bad customer service would do it though.
I take pride in giving honest reviews & hope this review is helpful to you! 🤗
Just Honest –
Pink Stork prenatal vitamins are made with top quality ingredients. You know what you’re taking when you take these. Love that this is a woman owned and ran business! Highly recommend!
Britt G –
The minty taste was kind of strange to me but they didn’t taste bad. I didn’t have any issues with them so I’m assuming they work well.
Crystal –
This has alot of what you need in a prenatal, however some of the levels are a bit low. For example choline is only at 9%. The mint flavoring in unique and does make swallowing these more palatable. Pink stork is a trusted brand and known name especially when it comes to pregnancy supplements. This is a US based woman owned company.
Carrie –
Taste great! Easy on stomach!
LaShawn Scott –
Upon opening the bottle there was that slight fish smell, but I overlooked it hoping it wouldn’t make me nauseaous like the last one I tried that also had the same smell. I was nausea free prior to taking this brand, 2 days in and it came back, making feel sick and tired. Stopped taking this, and those symptoms went away. This prenatal may work for some, but it didn’t work for me.
Also the peppermint flavor was actually very challenging to endure.
I do not recommend.
Alyssa Shelton –
This product uses the iron in the form of “ferrous bisglycinate” or “chelated iron”. This iron can be easier on the stomach than others. I was taking Naturemade’s prenatal that had iron in the form of “ferrous sulfate” for two months and it was really hurting my stomach. I’ve been taking Pinkstork for about a week. While the iron still causes some stomach discomfort for me it’s still a big improvement compared to my previous prenatal. I’m hoping my body can adjust with time. I’ll update my review once I’ve been taking this supplement for 60-90 days. I take Pinkstorks probiotic with this prenatal which also helps with my digestion. I take this prenatal on an empty stomach and it does not cause me any nausea. However, I am not currently pregnant. I got the mint flavor and it’s honestly disgusting. I read bad reviews about the strawberry so I opted for the mint. I think the supplement would be better without any flavoring. The mint flavor just goes on top of the supplement flavor rather than disguising it. It’s still bearable for me and likely won’t keep me from continuing to take the vitamin. I just hold my nose and take it as quickly as possible.
NoneYas1 –
This prenatal vitamin supplement is easy to swallow and to take as directed. So far, I haven’t had any side effects or any other unpleasant results from taking it.