Descrição do Produto:
O New Chapter, suplemento vitamínico pós-natal para lactação, é uma fórmula completa que atende às necessidades nutricionais de mães que amamentam. Com uma combinação poderosa de vitaminas e minerais, este multivitamínico é enriquecido com vitamina D3 fermentada e vitaminas do complexo B, essenciais para o bem-estar da mãe e do bebê. Feito com vegetais orgânicos, o New Chapter garante uma absorção superior e é livre de aditivos artificiais, proporcionando uma opção saudável e natural. Este suplemento foi desenvolvido para apoiar a saúde mental e física da mãe, promovendo energia, imunidade e lactação saudável. Ideal para mulheres que buscam um suporte nutricional eficaz durante o período pós-parto, o New Chapter é uma escolha consciente para quem deseja nutrir-se de forma equilibrada e natural.
1. Suporte Nutricional Completo: Oferece uma ampla gama de vitaminas e minerais essenciais para a saúde da mãe e do bebê.
2. Fórmula Fermentada: A vitamina D3 fermentada melhora a absorção e a biodisponibilidade, garantindo que o corpo utilize os nutrientes de forma eficaz.
3. Ingredientes Orgânicos: Feito com vegetais orgânicos, livre de pesticidas e aditivos químicos, promovendo uma escolha saudável.
4. Apoio à Lactação: Contribui para a produção de leite materno, ajudando a garantir que o bebê receba os nutrientes necessários.
5. Aumento de Energia: As vitaminas do complexo B ajudam a combater a fadiga e promovem níveis de energia sustentáveis durante o dia.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É importante manter uma hidratação adequada e uma dieta equilibrada durante o uso do suplemento. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente durante a amamentação, para garantir que o produto atenda às suas necessidades individuais.
Elisabeth –
I have been searching for a while for a good company that makes high quality vitamins that will not just cover gaps in my nutrition, but will genuinely improve my energy and health. After much research, I started taking these vitamins a couple months ago along with a Calcium Magnesium supplement. These seem to fit the bill and provide just what I needed.
I struggled with the baby blues during the first few months after my son was born but after a few weeks on these, my symptoms disappeared. No more depression, anxiety, or irrational new mom worries.
Also, me and my exclusively breastfed baby have had incredible immunity since we began taking these! Despite my husband and many other friends and family members getting sick, we have been completely healthy. My husband was kissing me and our son right before he developed severe flu symptoms and we somehow emerged without catching his nasty bug! I am not sure if it’s the high vitamin D levels or what seems to have done it, but I’m sure we would have gotten sick without these vitamins. I feel a noticeable difference day to day when I forget to take them.
These have also helped with my energy level. I struggled with severe post-partum fatigue and was desperate to wake up with the energy I needed to be a good mom. Actually what spurred my search for a good multivitamin was that extreme fatigue. Somehow, these fixed it!
I don’t expect everyone to have such a glowing review about their experience with this product. I had unique needs and circumstances and this fantastic multi seemed to be exactly what I needed. It provided nutritional support when my new busy schedule got in the way of having 3 healthy meals a day, and helped with preexisting conditions like anxiety, depression, fatigue and more.
One caveat with this multivitamin is it will turn your urine a brighter green or yellow color—this is normal, and just means your body is expelling excess B vitamins.
The serving size is three tablets, but compared to my prenatal, they are smaller and easy to get down. I take all three with my gumbo Cal/Mag in one handful in the evening before bed!
Update: After using this product for a while, I have developed some intestinal sensitivities to the vitamins. They seem to cause diarrhea a few hours after taking them when taken at night before bed, regardless of whether I’ve eaten previously. However, if they are taken in the morning, this issue seems to go away. I presume that this is because at night I am not eating at regular intervals as I would be during the day. I will keep using them but switch to having them with breakfast.
Jamie –
This vitamin is absolutely amazing. It’s packed with goodies including oats (helped my milk supply!!!!) and probiotics. I lost 2.5L of blood during delivery and this kept my iron up enough that I didn’t need supplemented! It doesn’t make your stomach hurt. My hair and nails are so thick. I just ordered my second bottle and I’ll be sure to have it on hand for baby #2 and recommend it to all other moms!
Johanna –
I discovered these after my 3rd pregnancy. Wish I had know about these with the other two pregnancies.I purchased these while still pregnant and took them to the hospital with me. I started taking them right away in hopes that they would help with post partum issues I had faced with my other two babies. I have crazy fluctuating hormones that affect my moods, my babies’ skin, and my milk supply. I WISH I HAD FOUND THESE SOONER. They are amazing!
They helped feel more stable in my moods, right away. I do not suffer from PPD but i do get very hormonal after childbirth and for a few weeks post partum. Combine this with sleep deprivation and I felt like a mess. This time i felt more in control of myself. I was more stable and had less ups and downs than with my previous two kids. No more crying outburst without reason. My babies all suffer from horrible baby acne from my fluctuating post partum hormones. Their entire bodies break out in awful acne that last for about 2 months. This baby had a few little pimples on her face and that’s it. No crazy breakouts from hormones in my milk. AND the vitamins help with my milk supply. I can notice a big difference on days when I forget to take them. I make about 2-4oz more from the pills alone. They are amazing and I would absolutely recommend them!
Elton Jones II –
When I left the hospital with my new baby I was desperate for more milk. I would pump to measure the amount of milk I was producing. I would feed baby for what seemed like every hour. I even did the triple feeding schedule (Breastfeed, pump, then give baby a supplement bottle). From the multiple purchases I made to help increase and support milk production there were two I felt made the difference: Birth Song Botanicals Let There Be Milk turmeric and these multivitamins. After trying the Let there Be Milk turmeric I felt like my milk increased almost immediately. I used this turmeric until about month 6 and then didn’t need it anymore. The only thing that I still take at month 11 is this multivitamin. At this point I’m not sure if it helps with milk production, but I do know that I have been a very healthy mom, and I’ve had no complications during my breastfeeding journey while being supported by these vitamins. I take two in the morning (with no food) and one before bed. I love that you don’t have to take them with food. I feel that I will continue to use these as long as I am breastfeeding.
I see some of the reviews for this product and I must say that at the beginning of breastfeeding journeys it feels like not enough milk is being produced. But as your baby matures into about month 3-6 everything gets easier. Just don’t give up moms, it will become routine in no time!