Descrição do Produto:
As vitaminas NATURELO para Cabelo, Pele e Unhas são formuladas para promover a saúde e a beleza de dentro para fora. Com uma potente dose de 5000 mcg de Biotina, Colágeno e Vitamina E natural, este suplemento é ideal para homens e mulheres que buscam fortalecer seus cabelos, melhorar a elasticidade da pele e promover o crescimento saudável das unhas. Cada cápsula é feita com ingredientes de alta qualidade, livres de aditivos artificiais e conservantes, garantindo que você esteja consumindo apenas o melhor para o seu corpo. A Biotina, conhecida por suas propriedades de suporte ao cabelo e à pele, trabalha em sinergia com o Colágeno, que é essencial para a firmeza e a hidratação da pele. A Vitamina E, um poderoso antioxidante, ajuda a proteger as células contra os danos dos radicais livres, promovendo uma aparência mais jovem e saudável. Com 60 cápsulas por frasco, este suplemento é uma adição prática à sua rotina diária de cuidados pessoais.
1. Fortalecimento do Cabelo: A Biotina ajuda a reduzir a quebra e a queda dos fios, promovendo um cabelo mais forte e saudável.
2. Pele Radiante: O Colágeno e a Vitamina E trabalham juntos para melhorar a elasticidade da pele, reduzindo a aparência de rugas e linhas finas.
3. Unhas Saudáveis: O suplemento contribui para unhas mais fortes e menos propensas a quebras, ideal para quem tem unhas frágeis.
4. Fórmula Natural: Com ingredientes naturais e sem aditivos artificiais, é uma escolha segura e eficaz para quem busca qualidade.
5. Praticidade: Com apenas uma cápsula por dia, é fácil de incorporar à rotina, proporcionando resultados visíveis sem complicações.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula ao dia, preferencialmente junto a uma refeição. Isso ajuda na absorção dos nutrientes e maximiza os benefícios do suplemento. É importante manter uma hidratação adequada e uma dieta equilibrada para potencializar os efeitos das vitaminas NATURELO. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tiver condições de saúde preexistentes.
Carlos Henrique –
It’s works good
Carol Armstrong –
Excellent 👍👍👍
Amazon Customer –
I recently buzzed all my hair afro-mixed textured curly long hair-girl) and I can say this is definitely accelerating growth like crazy all over and clear skin like wow BUT I have been concerned about one thing…the addition of high dosage coconut oil, I’ve read that too much ingested coconut oil can clog your arteries and heart and blood and I’ve been having a weird pain in my chest ever since maybe about five days in of taking them? I also panic like crazy and think I’m about to die and idk if I have an anxiety or panic disorder but these experiences seem to be happening more frequently while I’m taking this vitamin. I have your multivitamin too but I don’t take it with these bc I don’t want to OD a in anything. I’m just wondering what is the purpose of adding coconut oil?? I’m kinda scared that if I keep using this I’ll die and have a heart attack. I have always had good health and no pre existing conditions so that’s why I’m like huh weird. Is there something added in this that can cause people to panic and have a low grade consistent chest discomfort? I asked a lot of questions but I’d love to know. I want to at least finish this bottle to see what my results will be but I’m scared of having these frequent panics as soon as I take it and then my persistent chest discomfort (moreso than a pain?) which never existed till about a week of taking this everyday
M Bacon –
I’m my second bottle of this product and I’m in love with, I already feel a huge difference on my hair, more shine, less hair loss, growing and looks so healthy, my nails are stronger and they don’t break easily anymore, the skin also looks much healthier than before, my family and I really love NATURELO products. Great quality products, great price, great choice.
Han Solo –
It does as advertised in helping to strengthen nails and improving skin and hair.
M Bacon –
I like Naturelo because it is a food-based line. It is a comfort to know that I am not consuming some manufactured, unnatural compound. In my research of hair, skin, and nail supplements, I notice ingredients in this one that are not available in most of the others, and those are Vitamin A, collagen, coconut oil, and fish oil. Even though all of these elements are helpful in the support of skin, they are not commonly found in a single place, so I like that. I can’t say that I saw any difference in my skin while taking this, as I have always taken care of it and it looks good; I’m sure it’s helping, nonetheless. I didn’t see any difference with nail growth either, which is a challenge for me anyway; I think I need to try it longer and the representative from Naturelo confirmed this. They have excellent communication, by the way. What impresses me the most about this product is that after taking it for only a short while, I noticed an amazing amount of “new” hair growth in the part and around my hairline. I can’t say if it made my hair grow any faster, but can attest that it gave me MORE hair – for that reason, I wholeheartedly recommend it. The hair on my head was not unhealthy and I have plenty of it, but I will always welcome more!
Jordyn –
I like that I can take this without repercussions in my belly.. and with patience my nails are back to their strong and resilient selves… I had gel and whatever with beautiful colors and such BUt my nail base was ruined… my nails were weak and peeling .. it has been a year but they are again strong and flexible.. biotin in the correct delivery….
celmira –
I haven’t taken them long enough to notice a difference but they smell so bad I have a hard time taking them. Probably won’t buy again just because the smell, unless the work absolutely amazing.
Margie –
My hair and eyebrows are growing back.
judith –
I stopped using these for a while and bought some different biotin and my hair and nails were not doing well at all. I started using these again and my nails are already stronger and growing nicely! I’m not sure about my hair yet because that usually takes longer to see a difference. I don’t love the smell of these but they really do work well!